TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 106: Receiving the title of nobility

Chapter 106: Receiving the title of nobility

Inside the governor's mansion ...

A great banquet was taking place in the dining room. A large table with various types of dishes was placed for the group to eat.

The people sitting around the table were Liu Yang, his group, Rosella, Neal, Mr. Clark, Mr. Burton, the governor, and his family. The group was eating happily. The maids and butlers were around waiting to take out the empty plates.

"Miss Thorp, is there anything you need my help with?" The governor asked. He wanted to be able to show Rosella a good personality and try to get a favor from her.

She is the daughter of an influential and powerful man from the Temore Kingdom, while he was the governor of a medium-sized city. Their status was very distant.

To be the governor of a city, a person must have a high status in society, in addition to being an influential noble. But their status was much lower than those who control big cities.

So, if Rosella gets a good impression of him, he would already be gaining some kind of support from her.

The group discovered that he was called Braden Webb, his wife was called Clodia Preston and their son was called Arvis Webb.

The governor's wife was a young woman looking 33-35 years old, she was beautiful and had a mature and seductive body.

The couple's son was a young man with a medium appearance and looked to be around 16-17 years old. Occasionally, he would look at Alwine and Rosella during the meal, as they were the most beautiful women in Liu Yang's group.

"Yes, I have some doubts about a small matter."

"What kind of subject?"

"I would like to know how much it costs to enter the city? I know that there is a non-resident fee to enter the city"

"The price is about twenty silver coins. Did Miss Thorp have a problem with that?" The governor didn't understand much about Rosella's question.

"I was just curious. Because one of your guards at the entrance charged five gold coins to allow us to enter" Rosella spoke casually.

But her words made the governor feel cold in his spine, cold sweat started to fall on his back. He was scared to hear that. The same happened with his wife and son, they understood that it can happen if this is not solved correctly.

If that kind of situation had happened to anyone else, the governor would not have cared. But as it happened with Rosella and Neal, the situation became very complicated.

"Miss Thorp, do you know who these guards are? I will resolve this matter personally." The governor was angry. He planned to build a good relationship with Rosella, but it looks like this is going to have some problems.

"I don't know their names and I don't remember their faces" Rosella made it look like the guard who stole Liu Yang was someone short that she didn't even bother to remember him.

"I see Miss Thorp, I will resolve this matter immediately. Allon, calls the guards at the gate as watchmen for the past two hours. I want to talk to them "

"Yes, master" Allon is the mansion's butler. He left shortly after receiving the order.

"Mr. Webb, you don't have to do this. That has passed. " Rosella spoke casually.

"Miss Thorp, this cannot happen. The entrance fee to the city is twenty silver coins. How can anyone charge five gold coins? This is absurd "The governor spoke irritably. He wasn't angry about Liu Yang being stolen, he was angry that someone tried to hinder him from trying to build a good relationship with Rosella.

"Master, the guards have already been called, they should appear in a few minutes." Allon returned moments later.

"Thank you, Allon"

The butler returned to his position after reporting to the governor.

"Governor, I thank you for lunch, but we need to go back. My master is waiting for the return of the young master and the young miss" Mr. Clark spoke up. He had already finished eating.

"I'm glad you can find the people you were looking for" The governor had no reason to keep them in the city. He knows that the other side was busy.

"Governor, here's a small payment for hospitality" Mr. Burton took a leather bag out of his pocket and placed it on the table.

"Young master, young miss, we need to go back. The master is waiting for you two at the mansion "

"I understand. Hey, give me that paper you receive"Rosella told Liu Yang since she wouldn't be with him any longer.

"this here?" Liu Yang handed the scroll to Rosella.

"Young miss, that scroll!!!" The two middle-aged men were surprised to see this scroll. They know what that is.

The governor and his family were curious to know what that scroll was. As the scroll was rolled up, they could not see what it was.

"Yes. This is the scroll that the soldier chief received from my father. He gave this as a reward. I will sign this "

"Young miss, did Mr. Greshan really give this as a reward for this young man?" The two men did not believe that the chief of the guards gave the paper to someone else.

"Yes. The uncle thought it was worth giving it in exchange for him bringing me and my brother to the city" Rosella commented.

"I see ... Will the young miss sign the scroll?"

"Yes." Rosella took off her necklace. Inside was a small stamp. She cut her finger, a drop of blood fell on the stamp.

The stamp started to shine and a strange design appeared. Rosella pressed the stamp to the paper.

The paper shone and a strange mark covered the paper before it disappeared. The stamp broke in thousands of light beams.

"Take it. From now on, anywhere in the nine kingdoms of the Xinia Continent, you are a noble recognized by the Thorps family and by Gold-Minner City. Your title of nobility is valid across the continent" Rosella declared.

The signed scroll and Rosella's statement are irrefutable proof that Liu Yang has officially become a noble.

Rosella's words scared the governor, his family, the maids, and the butlers. None of them imagined that they witnessed someone receiving a title of nobility. They finally realized what the scroll Rosella stamped was.

She has always been with the method to validate the noble title scroll, but she can only do this once. Because the stamp only works once and Rosella only had one stamp. 

(This young man and his group should not be offended. He got a favor and got a good impression of that young girl. Besides, he became a nobleman, it gave him a lot of statuses.) The governor thought. He understood a lot of things from that scene.

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