Tome of Troubled Times

Chapter 337: Xia Chichi Writing a Report

Chapter 337: Xia Chichi Writing a Report

What Huangfu Qing did not know was that this room was not originally arranged for her.

Before she came back, Xia Chichi had dragged Zhao Changhe into this very room for a passionate bath together. They engaged in all kinds of intimate acts... except the final step, of course.

Even Zhao Changhe was surprised by Xia Chichi’s enthusiasm today. He thought to himself that Chichi used to be quite reserved. No matter how far things went, she never used her mouth. He could not help but wonder why she was willing to do so today.

He could only conclude that it was due to the fact that she planned to leave tomorrow, and this was a parting act of passion.

But he soon realized he was wrong.

Just when he was about to climax, the little witch stopped.

She stopped... and after that, no matter what he said, she refused to continue

“Hey!” Zhao Changhe was extremely frustrated. “You can’t play with me like this!”

Xia Chichi, with a self-righteous and mischievous smile, said, “This is your punishment for hiding in the mountains with another woman right in front of me. Do you really think I wouldn’t get mad?”

Zhao Changhe resorted to pleading, “Chichi...”

Xia Chichi was not swayed at all. “What, do you feel uncomfortable? Too bad you can’t beat me. If you have the guts, try to force me~ Nyah nyah nyah~”

“Even if I could beat you, I wouldn’t force you.”

“Is that so? Even if you’re about to burst, you wouldn’t force me?”

“I wouldn’t.”

Xia Chichi tilted his chin up and gave him a seductive smile, “Such sweet words. In that case, maybe we can negotiate...”

Zhao Changhe wanted to say he’d agree to anything, but he swallowed his words. What if Chichi asked him to break off any relations with the Fire Serpent of Yi? That was a promise he could not make.

Xia Chichi knew what he was thinking and smiled slightly, “Earlier, when we were kissing, I felt a strong presence of the Azure Dragon’s principles from you. Is it because of the Rejuvenation Art?”

“Yes. I used it on you before.”

“But it wasn’t like just now, when we were using dual cultivation techniques together. I’ve gained some insights and I want to go back and meditate for a while,” Xia Chichi told him seriously. “Did you not realize that gaining an understanding of my Azure Dragon Divine Art could also benefit your rudimentary Rejuvenation Art?”

This was indeed true. Zhao Changhe had felt that the dual cultivation was extremely beneficial and even had a vague sense of enlightenment.

“So you see, it’s not that I’m deliberately stopping you just when you’re about to burst. Earlier, your mind was completely blank. Don’t think I couldn’t tell.”


Xia Chichi leisurely draped her robe over her shoulders. “Doesn’t it remind you of those days when we lay on the bed, each lost in our own thoughts? Yet, those feelings between man and woman were suppressed by our pursuit of improvement in martial arts. I was cultivating, and you were practicing the saber.”

It really did feel similar.

Xia Chichi turned to leave. “Let’s each continue our cultivation. Don’t forget about all the effort you put in in the past.”

Her words were so reasonable that Zhao Changhe had no ground to argue with her. He shook his head, feeling something was off. Wasn’t it her who was being so aggressive and taking the initiative this time?

Never mind.

He, too, got out of the tub, put on his clothes, and sat cross-legged on the bed behind the screen, beginning to meditate on the divine art of the Azure Dragon.

Soon, he unknowingly entered a state of deep meditation.

Xia Chichi intentionally transferred the Azure Dragon Divine Art to him to help him reach this meditative state. Because once he was meditating, he would enter a fetal breathing state, becoming completely silent without needing to hide it.

At the level that the Fire Serpent of Yi was reportedly at, having just broken through to the Profound Mysteries, similar to her own, she should not have reached the level where she could hear or sense someone’s heartbeat from afar. The so-called ability to detect hidden people relied on the opponent making some kind of noise, and at the first layer of the Profound Mysteries, this would turn into being able to roughly judge someone’s presence through their breathing. However, if someone was in a state of fetal breathing, it would be very difficult to detect them.

As long as Huangfu Qing doesn’t check thoroughly before she starts bathing... if he wakes up during that time and peeks out...

Given their mutual feelings, facing each other naked, with one of them already half-aroused and on the verge of exploding... Your senior brother can only help you this far. If you can’t even make any progress after all that, you’re utterly hopeless.

In high spirits, Xia Chichi called over a servant from the fabrics store. “Replace the water inside with a new hot bath and add flower petals.”

Originally, she had even thought of adding some aphrodisiac, but she decided that would be going too far and gave up on the idea. Sighing, she left, feeling like a worn-out old mother hen.


Despite Chichi’s massive misjudgment of Huangfu Qing’s abilities, it ironically worked out exactly as she planned it because Huangfu Qing was not paying close attention.

Being in her own territory, she felt no need to have her guard up. The little bitch, annoying as she was, was still her disciple, and trust was there. She never even considered that Xia Chichi might set her up. As long as her instincts as a martial artist did not sense any danger, she would not pay extra attention to the details.

And indeed, there was no danger, so why would her instincts raise an alarm?

In fact, nothing happened during the entire time Huangfu Qing bathed. Zhao Changhe, who was in deep meditation, was completely oblivious to what was going on outside. His mind was completely absorbed in the comprehension of the Azure Dragon Divine Art, and then he realized that the energy of the Azure Dragon that Xia Chichi had transferred carried a hint of ulterior motives.

The vitality of nature inherently carried certain implications... The dragon raising its head was full of symbolic meaning.

The more he comprehended it, the more aroused he became.

Huangfu Qing enjoyed a comfortable bath, lazily running her fingers through her hair as she left the tub and moved around the screen, intending to rest on the bed.

On the bed, Zhao Changhe opened his eyes.

The air seemed to freeze for a moment.

Although they had kissed and embraced in the secret realm, she had never been completely naked before him. Now, Huangfu Qing, still running her fingers through her hair, appeared more alluring than ever, her graceful figure fully on display. The visual impact was undeniable.

Zhao Changhe, having just come out of the bath himself, was loosely draped in a robe, his chiseled chest and abdominal muscles equally enticing.

A man and a woman alone, bathed and fragrant, facing each other naked in a warm and cozy room.

Their hearts subconsciously began beating rapidly. Even in the secret realm, their embraces and kisses had not made them feel this way.

Both of their minds were a bit muddled for a moment, and Zhao Changhe finally pieced things together, recalling what Chichi said before—“How about I help you get her?”

Was this her way of helping me?

Similarly, Huangfu Qing connected the dots, recalling Xia Chichi’s attitude and how she had insisted on her staying. She realized what was going on, and that this was not Zhao Changhe’s doing, but her pupil’s.

They stared at each other for a while. The surprise in Huangfu Qing’s eyes slowly faded, replaced by a cold smile. “I see. How did you persuade the saintess to help you set me up?”

Zhao Changhe’s thoughts raced. He knew that if he explained the truth, Huangfu Qing might become upset with Chichi, so he decided to take the blame himself. “Big sis, you’re leaving tomorrow. I just wanted to spend one more night with you....”

“Is that so?” Huangfu Qing said with a smirk. “And the saintess isn’t jealous? She’s so accommodating to you?”

Zhao Changhe paused for a moment and then whispered, “Because she can’t give me what I need.”

Huangfu Qing was taken aback and fell silent.

In fact, when Zhao Changhe said this, he really felt that way. He genuinely believed that Chichi might have been driven by guilt over not being able to give him what he wanted, so she decided to facilitate his relationship with her subordinate.

Thinking about it this way, all of her actions made logical sense and were quite touching.

However, in this situation, the one who was more deserving of sympathy was Huangfu Qing.

Zhao Changhe stood up, gently embraced her, and whispered, “Chichi misunderstood. I’m not just after that...”

Huangfu Qing glanced down at his raised dragon head. “Do you really believe in what you’re saying?”

However, she did not push him away or avoid him.

As their bodies pressed together, smooth skin against smooth skin, both of them felt a surge of emotion.

Zhao Changhe whispered, “I’ve said it before. You shouldn’t be a pawn of the cult or anyone, whether it’s Vermillion Bird or Chichi.”

Huangfu Qing raised her head and looked at him, her eyes flickering slightly.

Zhao Changhe continued, “I wanted to spend the night with you, but I didn’t expect to get to see something like this. But big sis, we shouldn’t only have memories of blood and mud from the secret realm.”

Huangfu Qing chuckled softly. “You really know how to talk. Look at how touching your words are! You take the blame for her and make it impossible for me to stay angry. With such skills, why do you always stay silent like a fool when I’m arguing with her?”

Zhao Changhe shut his mouth.

He felt that if he trained for a few more years, he might reach the level of the Ranking of Heaven in this regard.

Huangfu Qing’s beautiful eyes roamed his face, and she said seductively, “Your words sound lovely. I also think that we shouldn’t only have such embarrassing memories between us. But I honestly doubt your words a bit. Can you really just hold me and sleep without doing anything?”

Zhao Changhe answered resolutely, “Yes, I can.”

Huangfu Qing smiled slightly. “Then give it a try.”

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