To Bewitch a Devil

Chapter 167 - 167 Meet my parents

167 Meet my parents

His name on her lips was sugared, suggesting a closer relationship Neera had predicted, and one that Zavian hadn’t denied.

“Those are actually intended for…”

“….both of us”, Neera said quickly, cutting off the King. “And thank you again.”

“So, any more news since the latest development?” Jasmine asked Zavian. What latest development? A confused Neera waited, and Zavian shook his head.

“I’m afraid not,” he said.

“My parents would be arriving soon for the party,” Jasmine said. “You and I could discuss the matter with them, see if there has been anything strange they might have caught wind of. Who knows if this….whatever it is, migrates? We surely hope not,” Jasmine grabbed Neera’s hand and pulled her to herself. “And in the meantime, we would leave you to attend to pressing matters. You know where to find me if you need me.”

She pulled Neera out, and Neera, clouded in the ignorant darkness of a conversation, looked over to Zavian, her curiosity pregnant with a hundred questions, but the most pressing question was how Jasmine knew of everything going on?

Zavian was handling something, and it looked very serious, and she didn’t know what it was.

Back in her room, Jasmine launched into another story of the people in Selesee, handpicking the story of a pretty maiden who shocked the entire town by marrying a rich man from Taos, although miniature in body. The superficial trait Selesee people prided themselves on was their height, and it looked like a kind of bond broken when the young maiden married outside of their speculation.


As she laughed and narrated, popping one sweet in her mouth after the other, Neera wanted to ask what it was that bothered Zavian, but she didn’t want to seem like she was interested in the matters of the kingdom so instead, she sat and listened, giving appropriate reactions in whichever part of the storyline called for it.


The royal cavalcade of Selesee ambled through the gates, and Jasmine stood behind her, the magnificent loom of the castle. The coachman greeted her with a bow after removing his hat and landed with swift feet on the concreted floors to open the door, revealing the Duke and the Duchess of Selesee.

Hugs were exchanged, and the fussing began. How is your new life? Why isn’t the King here by your side? Are you happy? I asked the cook to bake your favorite blueberry muffins. I hope it’s still your favorite?

Even as Queen, she was still their beloved daughter.

Zavian had to deal with meetings. So from behind her, Freya stepped forward, like a ghost uncalled. The King’s sister had always been on her own, like an island, and only showed up for official duties when her brother was absent. Lately, Jasmine had been seeing more of her, and less of Zavian.

Freya stepped forward. “Let me do the honors of showing you to your room.”

“Thank you, Freya”, Jasmine said. The Queen’s sister, for the very first time, blessed her with a smile.

The Duchess complained of a headache she needed to sleep away, and Jasmine instructed medicine to be served together with their meals. She hoped Zavian would make it that day for their arrival. One of the downsides of having doting parents was the worry of her not being taken care of. She did not want them to worry.

Jasmine caught sight of a wave of silver passing through the garden. Neera. What was she up to?

Jasmine tore herself from her mother’s side and walked to where she had just seen Neera. Neera walked on to the depths of the forest, unaware of the silent footsteps trailing after her as she broke out into a song. Jasmine threw a glance behind her. It was just the two of them.

She followed Neera out into a clearing, hidden from the view of the castle and garden, the perfect spot to be alone or for lovers’ rendezvous. Does she and Zavian meet there often?

Neera knelt by an old tree, her tone amplifying, lyrics titillating in sync with the birdsongs. Beyond the tree, Jasmine could make out a small body of lake she didn’t notice was there before. Its surface glimmered with the presence of the sun and hid in the shades of the trees when the sun blanketed itself with clouds.

“I didn’t know you could sing”, Jasmine said. Startled, Neera fell forward, a hand on her chest, her shoulders sagging when she calmed down in recognition.

“Not all the time.”

“Well, I find it beautiful,” Jasmine said with a smile.

“Thank you.”

“I want you to meet my parents,” Jasmine said. She didn’t miss the shock painting Neera’s face. “I will introduce you as a friend, and a friend of mine is a darling to my parents.”

Neera didn’t know what to say to that. “Thank you.” It was beautiful to be regarded in such high esteem.

“Let’s get acquainted at dinner time when Daddy’s less of a grouch,” she laughed. “Mummy’s got a headache, and I hope Zavian makes it, for both our sakes, am I right?”

Neera nods, unsure. “Right.”

“Is this where you two meet up?” Jasmine asked, looking around the place.

“Sometimes.” Neera replied. She didn’t want to have this discussion. She did not like the look on Jasmine’s face when they spoke about Zavian. He was her husband and she... a mere concubine. Although Jasmine knew quite well about their relationship before her marriage, it did not still feel right.

“How often?”

A sensation of discomfort crawled under Neera’s skin. While she loved the company of the Queen, her jokes and talks, the questions about her and Zavian made her, to say the least, want to find excuses to exit from her presence. Jasmine asked for the details, as if living through Neera’s eyes. She wanted to know of memories that involved the two of them, and divulging it was like sharing the most beloved of her treasures.

“Not too often, ” Neera answered. “This place is mostly deserted.”

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