To achieve immortality, I cultivate using Qi Luck

Chapter 282: 172: Three Flowers and Five Gases

Chapter 282: 172: Three Flowers and Five Gases

Translator: 549690339

Thinking about this, Lu Yuan couldn’t help but sigh, then shook his head in resignation: “Forget it. If there’s no answer, then there’s no answer. Anyway, with my current situation, I’m still far from the day of ascension.”

I haven’t even started cultivating immortality yet, thinking about these things is just asking for trouble.”

If I really want to find the answer, I’ll have to wait until I master the Immortal Technique, condense two or three qi, and form a small Five Elements world within my body, before I can go and ask the six great Dao Veins.”

After obtaining the Taiping Dao Book, Lu Yuan naturally understood that Zhen Xuan, Anqiu, and other True Persons of today are not at the level of real True Persons at all.

These guys can only be considered to have just cultivated the Immortal Technique. Apart from Zhen Xuan, the other five True Persons in this gathering might have not even cultivated a single qi.

Now they can carry the title of True Person only due to The Age of Dharma

Decline. In a land without a tiger, a monkey becomes the king.”

If it were in ancient times when Immortal Techniques were prosperous, these small fishes who could only refine one qi at most would not dare to call themselves True Persons even if they had ten thousand guts.

So judging by this strength, Lu Yuan would need to condense only two or three qi at most before he can sweep across all cultivators in the world.

At that time, Zhen Xuan and his ilk would be nothing to worry about.

“No, by that time, it’s not certain whether this old daoist Zhen Xuan will still be alive or not. Maybe by then, he’ll also have an ‘ascension’ and leave a Taoist Classic for future generations.”

Lu Yuan jokingly complained and then pushed aside other Taoist Classics to continue reading his Taiping Dao Book.

The question of ascension was temporarily set aside.

At this moment, what he cared more about was how he should cultivate and how to enter the Immortal Dao Gate.

Opening the Taoist Classic, skipping over the preface that he had read before, Lu Yuan went straight to the main cultivation text.

Then in the main text, there was a small preface.

[The Taiping Dao Book is a legacy of ancient Tranquil Daoist School, passed to my Dan Ding Dao after my search of its ruins. Through generations of amendments, the contents have been perfected to become this book.

However, this book is missing too much and only goes up to the Five Qi Towards Primordial realm. Qi Refining is still possible, but the next step, Qi into Spirit, is already cut off.]

“Only able to cultivate to Five Qi Towards Primordial?”

Seeing this introduction, Lu Yuan was slightly startled, but quickly accepted it.

Previously when Anqiu had given him this Taoist book, it was said that it could directly point to perfect Five Qi, so he had been mentally prepared.

But on second thought, with the current world’s remaining Celestial spirit qi, it is a problem whether or not one can even cultivate to the small perfection of Three Qi, let alone perfect Five Qi.

“Moreover, with perfect Five Qi, one is only one step away from becoming immortal. This level of Taoist Book is actually quite good.”

Lu Yuan wasn’t very disappointed, he skipped over this preface in the main text and looked at the content below.

Within the entire cultivation text, Lu Yuan glanced over the specific methods of inhaling and exhaling spiritual energy without paying too much attention to them.

His focus was on the key aspect of attracting spiritual energy.

[The one who attains Taiping (peaceful), brings peace to the world.

In ancient times, the Three Emperors opened up Nine Provinces, established Ten Realms, erected the Heavenly Pillars, connected immortals and mortals, and became the Human Emperors of their respective eras.

Our sect has bestowed the grace of the Three Emperors, created the Taiping Daoist Method, gathered the world’s Qi Luck, and cultivated the path of longevity and immortality.

To cultivate this method, one must gather a multitude, as this Immortal Method requires a mass assembly.

Gather a million people to hold a small ceremony, open the gates of Heavenly Pillars, and invite immortal spirits into their bodies. The spiritual energy from this small ceremony can provide our Daoist cultivators with the first qi of Five Qi Towards Primordial.

After that, gather ten million people to hold a medium ceremony, which will provide the second qi for cultivation.

Then gather one hundred million people to hold a grand ceremony, which will provide the third qi for cultivation.

The three ceremonies above are called Human Ceremonies. The Heavenly Pillars opened up in those ceremonies were established by the ancient Emperor Hua Guang.

If one can unite the Nine Provinces, one can hold an Earth Ceremony, which will provide the spiritual energy needed for the cultivation of Five Qi Towards Primordial realm.

This is the Earth Ceremony, and the Heavenly Pillars opened were established

by the ancient Emperor Xia Xi.

If one can unify the Ten Realms, one can hold a Celestial Ceremony, which will provide the spiritual energy needed for the cultivation of Qi into Spirit realm and Three Flowers Gathering.

This is the Celestial Ceremony, and the Heavenly Pillars opened were established by the ancient Emperor Hao Tian.”

Like this, repeating the great achievements of the ancient Three Emperors and reopening the Three Heavenly Pillars, immortals and mortals of both realms shall submit.]

“So, to attract spiritual energy and cultivate immortality, I have to open the

Three Great Heavenly Pillars, following the footsteps of the ancient Three

Emperors, and unify the Nine Provinces and Ten Realms?”

After reading the content of attracting spiritual energy, Lu Yuan couldn’t help but complain.

This Taiping Dao Book passed down by the Taiping Dao really lives up to its name of the peaceful world.

Nowadays, the Nine Provinces and Ten Realms are full of countless countries and endless chaos.

If I practice the Dao Book and unify them all, wouldn’t that be a peaceful world?”

“When practicing the Taiping Dao Book, the more people and land you have under your control, the more spiritual energy you can attract, and the faster you’ll be able to cultivate.

Currently, I rule over two prefectures, Shaoyang and Luyang. According to the statistics before my departure, Shaoyang Prefecture has been cultivating for several years and has attracted many refugees from other places. Now there are 270,000 people.

Luyang Prefecture, on the other hand, has experienced war and hasn’t had a detailed census of the population. However, according to Sun Siwen’s rough estimate, it is not even at 70% of its population before the war, perhaps only 130,000 or 140,000 people.

So in total, there are only about 400,000 people.

This number is still less than half of the minimum requirement of a million people needed to open the Heavenly Pillars of Emperor Hua Guang’s Human Ceremony.

If I want to cultivate immortality, I need to conquer at least a few more prefectures to gather enough people.”

Thinking about this, Lu Yuan’s head began to throb slightly.

Although Lu Yuan has an agreement with the court that after achieving the Inborn realm and helping Da Yue stabilize the internal strife and repel foreign enemies, the court will grant him the territories within half of a province and five prefectures.

But Lu Yuan’s territory is in the newly developed Jiuzhen Province of Yue Country, the old land of Jinghai Country.

That place had been at war for several years before.

With hundreds of thousands of soldiers, Lu Yuan doubted whether the people in the half province and five prefectures of Jiuzhen Province could even gather one million people..

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