Three Meals of a Reincarnator

Chapter 198

Chapter 198


As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a bright light bulb.

He fell asleep with his lights on.

After getting out of his bed, Min Sung opened the curtains.

He realized that he took a nap in the afternoon but woke up in the middle of the night.

Min Sung clicked his tongue at the thought of that man and headed to the kitchen in order to quench his thirst with some carbonated water.

At that moment, the elevator doors opened to Ho Sung Lee running into the living room with an urgent look on his face.

Min Sung put down his water glass and entered the living room.

Ho Sung Lee spotted Min Sung and gulped.


“What’s the matter?” Min Sung asked.

“... The gate has opened,” Ho Sung Lee said with an anxious look on his face.


“The tree growing at your house. The tree that everybody is calling the world tree. It turned out to be a type of dungeon gate. A system message popped up,” Ho Sung Lee said in annoyance.

On the other hand, Min Sung sat down on the sofa without much surprise and laughed bitterly.

He realized what that man in his dream was talking about.

Ho Sung Lee looked at Min Sung strangely.


Min Sung ignored Ho Sung Lee and checked his items including his ‘+0 Durandal’.

“Do you have the Levelling Up Order Sheet?”

In response, Ho Sung Lee checked his own item window.

“We only have 3 left.”

“Call Ssol. I need to level up all my items.”

“Ssol probably doesn’t have many order sheets either. It’ll take some time for me to go and buy order sheets.”

“Be as quick as possible.”

“Yes, Sir. Also, did you turn off your phone?”

“No. Why?”

“I called you before I left, but you didn’t answer.”

“Oh, I was sleeping.”

“Oh, I see. Then I’ll call you as soon as I secure order sheets. Please turn on your phone if it’s still off.”

Min Sung gestured for Ho Sung Lee to go, and Ho Sung Lee bowed to him before rushing to the elevator.


Goblins were greedy.

They were also very impulsive and true to their instincts.

In that sense, the golden goblin Ssol was a little different from the average goblin.

He was often swayed by extravagant and expensive items, but his emotions were more developed, and that made him completely different.

For that reason, Ssol was inside a fancy room with many female goblins wanting him, but he wasn’t in a very good mood.

At first, what he wanted the most was to meet a female goblin, but after being acknowledged by the males, Ssol’s opinion about the female goblins changed.

The female goblins started to look more and more disappointing, and they looked desperate.

They drooled and acted solely on their instincts, and it was impossible to speak to them or communicate in any way.

At this point, he was actually annoyed when a female goblin touched him.

Ssol felt empty inside as a result, but when Ho Sung Lee knocked and appeared through the doors, he sprung up with excitement.

Compared to goblins, humans were impressive organisms.

“Ssol, your master wants to see you.”


Ssol’s eyes jolted wide open in response to that one word.

These days, Ssol felt his heart feel very empty.

One of the reasons for that was because he was too far away from the person he signed a contract with, and when he realized that, his heart pounded like crazy.

He wanted to see his master right away.

Ssol pushed the female goblins away and left the fancy room.

The female goblins began crying and screaming while watching Ssol leave.


“Sir, I’m back,” Ho Sung Lee said as he got off the elevator with Ssol.

Min Sung, who was looking at the scenery beyond his window, looked back at Ho Sung Lee and Ssol, and Bowl, who was mopping the floors, quickly ran over and clung onto Ssol.

Bowl danced around Ssol with a big smile on his face as if he missed him very much.


In response to Min Sung’s order, Bowl immediately stopped spinning around Ssol.

“Ssol, take out your best item, and Ho Sung, give me the order sheets.”

Ho Sung Lee took out a whole stack of order sheets from his item window and put it down in front of Min Sung.

There were hundreds, no thousands of them.

“It was hard finding them, haha.”

Ho Sung Lee laughed while scratching his head.

“Good work. Let’s begin.”

Ssol was already taking out items from his golden pouch, and Bowl watched in fascination.

Items continued to come out of the golden pouch with no end.

Since the golden pouch had a capacity of nearly infinity, the items continued to come out.

If left alone, the entire house was going to be filled with items, so Min Sung proceeded to use the order sheets on the items immediately.

“Is the first one the Devil’s Durandal?”

Ho Sung Lee asked while looking at the ‘+0 Durandal’ in Min Sung’s hands with disbelief.

“It’s not like order will affect the success rate.”

In response to Min Sung’s calm worlds, Ho Sung Lee shook his head.

“That’s true, but people tend to push off the best weapons out of nervousness.”

“This isn’t even that great.”

“... Pardon?” Ho Sung Lee asked with his eyes looking like that of a rabbit.

Min Sung didn’t answer and used a weapon order sheet on the ‘+0 Durandal’.

Since he had tried it before, Min Sung used the order sheet on the weapon without any hesitation.

The ‘+0 Durandal’ ended up evaporating at just +4.

Min Sung brushed off his hands while glancing over at Ho Sung Lee.

“Why aren’t you joining in?” Min Sung asked Ho Sung Lee.


“You need to level up our items. Do you expect me to do this alone?”

“Me too?”

“Don’t you want to do it?”

“It’s not that, Sir, but these are amazing weapons. Is it okay for me to put my hands on them...?”

“Stop blabbering and get a move on.”

“Yes, Sir. I’m just so honored. I’ll begin.”

Ho Sung Lee picked up an item with a dazed look on his face.

“Bowl, come here and level them up, too,” Min Sung ordered.

“Oh, really? Thank you, Master!”

In response to Min Sung’s command, Bowl ran over with excitement and began picking up the items, and the conversation ended there.

It was normal for competitive tasks to kill a conversation.

The process of leveling up Min Sung’s weapons in the middle of the World Tower penthouse’s living room almost looked like the sight of a factory.

Just like that, the valuable items were being leveled up with magic order sheets in a factory-like process.


“Phew... This is no joke,” Ho Sung Lee said while sighing at the items.

The number of items that came out of Ssol’s golden pouch was astronomical.

To the right of the living room heading toward the entrance were the items that were successfully leveled up.

And the left side was filled with items still to be leveled up, but there were so many that the washroom was blocked off.

“We lost so many, but we still have tons. I can’t believe this.”

Ho Sung Lee drooled at the items.

“On top fo that, wow. This is crazy. Pfft! It’s not like this is a dragon lair or something. This is hilarious.”

Ho Sung Lee laughed in shock.

The leveled-up swords to the right were +7 and up, and the shields and accessories were at least +4.

On top of that, the items were new items that had never been revealed to the world before.

These items were so valuable that it was unacceptable that they were rolling around on the ground.

But as a slave of Min Sung, he had no choice but to succumb to his environment.

“Normally, leveling up weapons is a process that makes you nervous and excited, but since we have too many, it just feels like we’re working.”

“Shut up. Be quiet like Bowl and keep going.”

“Yes, Sir, but I think we need to buy more order sheets. I’ll go for a smoke and make a call for some more.”

“Then take a 10-minute break.”

“Phew, this is impressive. I brought more than 1000 order sheets.”

Ho Sung Lee dropped his jaw and continued, “Oh, I’ll also check up with Central Insitute to see how the tree in your yard is doing.”

Min Sung nodded and headed to the kitchen for a beverage while Bowl rolled on the ground because he was just too tired.


“How many hours has it been since my last smoke?”

Ho Sung Lee enjoyed his cigarette while calling the supplier where he got his order sheets.

“Oh, hello. Yes, President Park. It’s Ho Sung Lee. I need more order sheets. Do you have more in stock?”

You already bought more than 1000. You need more?

“Haha, I know, right?”

Why do you need so many anyway? Are you running a business?

“You know I’m Min Sung’s aide.”

Wow, the scale is no joke.

“Seriously. Anyway, do you have more?”

How many do you need?

“Let’s see.”

Ho Sung Lee smoked his cigarette while checking the items through the glass window.

“Maybe 300? Please send me that much. I’ll send you the money right now.”

Jeez. We have just enough. You’re wiping our storage clean.

“At least you earned a lot of money.”

President Park snickered.

Yeah, that’s true. I’ll buy you a drink sometime. I’ll call you.

Ho Sung Lee clicked his tongue.

“I don’t know if I’ll have the time to drink. Actually, I’m not sure if I’ll even return alive.”

Hm? What do you mean by that?

Ho Sung Lee realized he made a mistake.

The fact that there was a gate on the tree growing in Min Sung’s home was top secret.

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