This Overlord Doesn't Care About Anything

Book 2: Chapter 24: How About You Hit Me Once?

Book 2: Chapter 24: How About You Hit Me Once?

Hug each other for warmth?? ****, to even think of hugging me, thats a bit too excessive! Even if Ive worn womens clothing once, it doesnt mean I swing that way.

I backed away, looking at Bai Feng with alarm.

Bai Feng very dumbfoundedly said:

Neither do I. Its an analogy.

I shook my head:

Forget it, you and I arent people of the same kind.

Bai Feng remarked with a smile:

I actually dont dislike you.

Without waiting for him to finish his words, I wrinkled my eyebrows as I interrupted:

But I very much detest you.

Bai Feng stood in place stupefied.

I sneered and unabashedly said:

Regardless of how you think, Im unable to treat you as a friend. You shouldve long known how talented Moon, who was forced to prostitute himself in the brothel, was, right? Thats why you sought him out over and over, inquiring him about all sorts of matters. Including the matter about Yun Hais internal power struggle, Yun Hais future, your personal business, my personal business, hes explained it all to you, one by one. Even to the point where, at the time, he persuaded you to kill me. And you?

I looked into Bai Fengs finely shaped eyes, wearily supplementing:

I know that with your identity, its very difficult for you to redeem his freedom because the thing you consider the most important is reputation and you cant ruin that. But apart from this, werent there still many more means of freeing him? For example, finding someone to substitute you to redeem him or straightforwardly meeting with the Overlord of Tian Cheng and make a transaction for him; these are means of freeing him, yet you didnt bother doing anything. Ultimately, you just feel that Moon is very easy to use, you merely feel that him staying at the theater and him staying behind you as a subordinate has no difference! In any case, he would always freely talk without hiding anything when you asked him anything, so you thought it was as if he had already become your advisor, right?

I could feel my voice gradually rising.

Since the words had come out, then I might as well spit out the rest of my anger.

I loudly questioned Bai Feng:

Afterwards? When I wanted to bring him away, you used every means you had to thwart me. Because YOU didnt want to see Moon depart with me, because YOU didnt want to see us return to West-Resisting City like this. But I can understand this. After all, it all becomes reasonable if youre treating me as a competitor. But Bai Feng, have you considered Moons pain? Do you know the shame of being a boy dressed in womens clothes and being forced to dance on stage? Do you know the sense of inferiority and helplessness he feels when faced with those sneering eyes and mocking jeers? All this time, hes been treating you as his friend, but how have you been treating him as? A tool? You might speak of compassion, duty, propriety and integrity, you might speak of having a matchless reputation, but in the end, you are nothing more than a selfish wretch!

Bai Feng fixedly looked at me.

After a very long time passed, he broke out in a smile:

These words, you shouldve said them in Moons presence.

I laughed grimly.

No need! Ive never thought of depending on these things to buy a persons heart. These are just some words that I fear that I wont have a chance to say in the future if I dont say them now. For a nobleman to take revenge, ten years is not too long, but if I can take revenge on the spot, then I wont procrastinate. Moon might not say these words in such a manner to you, but I will. Because that fellow is now my person and Im not one to sit around if he so much as receives the slightest bit of grievance.

The smile on Bai Fengs face disappeared.

He grimly said:

Then what do you want to do? Will hitting me with your fist once help?

I sent my fist over to greet his face.

Bai Feng fell into a state of complete dumbfoundedness, probably never expecting me to beat him in his own territory.

Even though I had held back and didnt make him go flying as I did when dealing with Li Yi, Bai Feng still fell down to the ground with blood dripping out of his nose and onto his snow-white clothes. At the same time, a longspear burst out through the door from the outside. I leaned my head to the side a little, causing the longspear to brush past my cheek, leaving behind a bloody scar.

Tsss, that really hurts.

Bai Feng sternly shouted towards the door:

Nels! Dont.

He lifted his hand and used his sleeve to wipe the blood coming out of his nose as he remarked:

You are really strong. Nels spear isnt so easy to dodge.

I recalled at the dinner party, there was a man holding a spear following behind Bai Feng. At that time, I roughly estimated him to be about a Level 9 Spearman, and one just a step from the peak of humanity while I was at it.

Level 9 Spearman, truly very powerful.

I reached out and wiped the blood on my face and sensed my wound become somewhat numb. If I had dodged a bit slower just now, this spear wouldve already passed through my skull and this situation wouldve become a bit bloody.

Bai Feng asked me:

How do you feel now? A little better?

I answered:

Sort of.

Bai Feng laughed. He sat up straight and placed both of his hands on his knees, inquiring:

Then lets start our chat again. The previous matter was my fault, but now Im very earnest and sincere about wanting to cooperate with you. After all, when you were standing on that stage, I could see it. In the future when Eternal Heaven State is in a state of complete chaos, you and I are bound to be one of the rulers.

I grinned.

Youre really confident in yourself. Unfortunately, Im not interested. However, playtimes over, so I dont mind chatting with you

I paused momentarily, then continued:

With the identity of Yunyangs Li De.

No longer at the City Lord of West-Resisting City, but rather with the identity of the future Overlord of Yunyang.

The meaning within these words needed no explanation.

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