This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Sitting in the car, Yu Fanxing quieted down, her mood a little depressed. She leaned on her husband's shoulder to rest.

Seeing this, the driver silently raised the partition to divide the back seat from the front.

After a long silence, Yu Fanxing said in a low voice, "Doesn't she look a lot like Shen Youfei?"

Shen Youfei from the past.

"I miss her," she said.

Shen Chaowen didn't speak, just gently patted her back.

By the time they got out of the car, Yu Fanxing's mood had stabilized. She acted coquettishly, demanding that Shen Chaowen carry her upstairs.

"We already have a grandson, and you're still so clingy," said Shen Chaowen as he crouched down at the car door.

Yu Fanxing happily climbed onto his back, "Even if we have a great-grandson, you'll still have to carry me."

The family was asleep, the entire villa quiet without a sound. Shen Chaowen carried Yu Fanxing from the underground garage upstairs, the only light coming from the soft glow of the wall lamps.

"Well, well, look who's acting out a rural love story here. Or should I say, the senior edition," came a sarcastic voice that could only belong to Yu Fanxing's accursed youngest son.

The second floor was brightly lit, as bright as daylight. Shen Youlin leaned against the railing in his furry Cheshire Cat pajamas, a large porcelain teapot with the words "Hope of the Whole Village" in his hands. Beside him was a tail-wagging Samoyed.

Yu Fanxing straightened her back, unwilling to be outdone, and shot back, "Oh yeah? Look who's playing Hello Kitty here. More like the kindergarten version."

Shen Youlin squeezed the bell around the Cheshire Cat's neck. His tone was calm, "Well, I can't help being young. I just like these childish things. Not like some people, nearly sixty years old but still acting like a teenage girl all day. Can't even count the wrinkles on her face, more than the folds in a xiaolongbao..."

"Go back to your room and sleep!" Shen Chaowen scolded.

Shen Youlin pinched his non-existent skirt and curtsied, "Yes, Chairman."

After saying that, he called to his Samoyed Duo'e and returned to his room in high spirits, leaving the fuming Yu Fanxing to clutch at the skin by her eyes, "Can't get angry, can't get angry, getting angry makes you age faster..."

Because of Shen Youlin's teasing, Yu Fanxing was worked up all night. Not only did she meticulously go through a full three hours of skincare, but she also asked at least every two minutes:

"Do I look old?"

"Am I not pretty anymore?"

"Is my skin not tight anymore?"

"Will you fall for a younger vixen?"

"Do you not love me anymore? You didn't use to be like this!"


"No, not old," "Still very pretty," "Very tight skin," "I won't," "I love you, even more than before..."

Shen Chaowen answered every one of her questions patiently, soothing the damage to her heart.

He didn't used to understand women's anxiety about aging, until Yu Fanxing became obsessed with a young fresh meat celebrity, making him doubt his own charm.

Poor sleep quality was the real beauty killer.

When Yu Fanxing got up the next morning and looked in the mirror, she instantly burst into tears. After painstakingly putting on makeup for a long time, she finally went downstairs slowly.

The rest of the family had already eaten breakfast. The only one left at the table was Shen Youlin, using his chopsticks to dangle ham in front of his Samoyed Duo'e, whose tongue was already hanging out in a straight line.

Seeing her come down, Shen Youlin stopped playing with the dog. Showing great mercy, he rewarded the ham to Duo'e and went into the kitchen to bring breakfast to Yu Fanxing, placing a xiaolongbao in front of her.

"Eat up, Mommy~"

Yu Fanxing's expression was blank as she snapped her chopsticks in half.

Yu Shu thought Yu Fanxing was talking about going shopping together in a few days. She didn't expect to get a call from her early in the morning.

Their first stop was the beauty salon, for a spa treatment and nap.

Yu Shu hadn't put on makeup and had just washed her face and applied some moisturizer before going out. She lay drowsily on the beauty bed, on the verge of falling asleep.

Looking at her sleeping face, Yu Fanxing's eyes were full of envy, jealousy and hatred. Her words were sour, "Youth is bliss..."

Yu Shu didn't know how to comfort people. What's more, this was the truth. Anything she said would be weak and powerless. After a long pause, she squeezed out two words: "My condolences."

"My youthful bird has died..."

To show her apology, Yu Shu paid when they left the beauty salon.

Yu Fanxing gave a disdainful cold snort, showing contempt.

Yu Shu's car was still at the hot pot restaurant. The two reached an agreement to first fetch the car before going shopping. But when Yu Fanxing saw her car, she took three steps back and refused to get in.

"I haven't sat in a car under one million for twenty years."

"Up to you if you want to sit in it or not," said Yu Shu coolly, propping the car door open and tilting up her chin.

"So fierce for what," Yu Fanxing pouted aggrievedly. "I'll sit in it, okay?"

There was still a difference between cars, luxury cars and ordinary cars were worlds apart. As soon as Yu Fanxing got in, she started chattering nonstop, weakening Yu Shu's rebuttals.

"Is it really...that bad?"

Yu Fanxing nodded sincerely.

Yu Shu had never driven other cars before, so she couldn't tell good from bad. She had always felt that houses could be expensive, after all it was her living environment, but cars that cost hundreds of millions seemed unnecessary. No matter how expensive, they were still just transportation.

After hearing her theory, Yu Fanxing didn't refute her. She changed plans, not going to the mall anymore. Instead, she took her to test drive cars at various 4S stores, opening the door to a new world for Yu Shu.

From exterior to interior space, from comfort to power, the difference in experience was like night and day.

Yu Shu couldn't help herself and booked a Porsche 911 and an Aston Martin. In just a few hours, an entire luxury apartment was gone.

The cars couldn't be collected immediately, needing some time. After test driving luxury cars, when Yu Shu drove her little broken car again, everywhere felt uncomfortable.

Yu Fanxing grinned and pinched her cheeks, "Feels awesome, right?"

Yu Shu rubbed her cheeks vigorously with both hands, "I actually spent over six million to buy cars."

"Don't rub your face, it'll make your skin sag," said Yu Fanxing, holding her wrists to stop her from damaging her face.

"I'm young, it won't."

Yu Fanxing let her go and lowered her head, looking up to make herself seem fiercer, "I'm a little unhappy now."

"Don't lower your head, double chins will show."

That was the last straw!

Yu Fanxing pounced on her like a hungry tiger, holding Yu Shu down and giving her a good beating.

Yu Shu was extremely ticklish. She cried for mercy while laughing breathlessly before Yu Fanxing finally stopped.

"If that smart mouth keeps going, I'm going to tickle you to death!" Yu Fanxing ground her teeth, two tiny fangs that were usually well hidden flashed eerily.

Yu Shu waved her hands repeatedly, "I won't dare anymore!"

Yu Fanxing thought of Shen Youlin again and couldn't help muttering angrily, "That bastard!"

"I was wrong..."

"I wasn't talking about you, I was cursing that bastard son of mine!" Just the thought of him made Yu Fanxing annoyed. She wanted to tear out her hair but was afraid of messing up her hairstyle. "Can't even curse his damn mother, he's gonna be the death of me!!!"

Yu Shu consolingly placated her for a bit before taking Yu Fanxing out to have fun.

It wasn't the kind of adult fun from the nightclub last night, but a long-famous old street of delicious food.

"It's still not demolished!" Yu Fanxing was shocked. "I used to live around here."

"It's close. I heard the demolition plan has already been approved."

"My family wasn't rich when I was little. My dad only struck it rich when I grew up. I lived here for seven or eight years, went to No. 8 Middle School just over there..."

The two strolled down the old street, stepping on the fallen ginkgo leaves on the ground. When they got tired, they sat at the fly restaurants on the street side, eating a bowl of cold noodles and a plate of cold chicken, chatting about the city's past and present.

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