This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome

Chapter 98 - Id be waiting for him Here!

Chapter 98: I’d be waiting for him Here!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

They only targeted normal women first, but then began to shift their targets to female cultivators, and that angered all the other clans and sects, resulting in their purge.

Almost every single member of the sect was killed, and extinction was imminent when Ming Dynasty Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang ordered Liu Bowen to sever the dragon’s vein, which caused all the clans and sects to be sealed. The Soul-snatcher Sect evaded utter annihilation only because of that.

The sect then settled down in the southwest since then, bidding their time. The sect grew in secret when Spiritual Qi began to be restored to the world.

Unlike the Chen Clan and the Seven Invincible Sect that were exclusively warrior organizations, the Soul-snatcher Sect had a proper lineage. While most of it had been lost when they were running away, what remained of their lineage was nonetheless far stronger than the likes of the Chen Clan, whose cultivation methods were half-baked, to begin with.

The sect practically became the supreme sect among the cultivators in the southwest when Lu Xuan got to know them in his past life.

At present, however, the Soul-snatcher Sect was probably just beginning to revive, and their prowess was, no doubt, far behind than what it had been in his past life.

Despite having a well-laid and profound lineage, it would amount to nothing without an environment with restored Spiritual Qi. All that lineage was hardly even considered useful when compared to the likes of the Chen Clan and the Seven Invincible Sect, which specialized only in martial arts.

It was just like how firearms, when devoid of bullets and propellants, were hardly different from torches, and an unloaded gun would have probably even been less useful than torches.

It was just like how the monster that was the Luo Clan, which had the stunning lineage in the form of the Taichu Path, had to yield to reality all the same and train slowly, just like everyone else.

Even someone as powerful as Lu Xuan paled in terms of rate of progress in the early stages of cultivation in his current life, despite being apart to start anew and carve his way to greatness. He relied on his shocking cultivation level in his past life, which enabled him to bend fate and even formulate ways to gather Spiritual Qi.

Lu Xuan resented those people even more, due to having known about the Soul-snatcher Sect. Everyone from the sect reeked of the stench of decay and death to him.

Making women into host vessels meant that those people did not see the women as people, to begin with.

Lu Xuan had even seen many harrowing things about the sect when he went on to annihilate the entire sect personally in his past life. Many women were kept in cages like livestock, who served as sex toys to the disciples of the sect. The women would then be made into vessels for breeding bugs for curses when they were no longer useful.

The expression of the two became glum when they heard what Lu Xuan said.

“Who the hell do you think you are!?” That man with sharp features got angry immediately and burst at Lu Xuan like an arrow at the very next second. He held a dagger in his hand, which he thrust straight at Lu Xuan.

The smirk on his face was a ferocious one. It was as if he had already seen Lu Xuan being gutted by the dagger.

However, that man grunted at the very next moment. He was sent flying and spitting blood. The dagger dropped at his side before he knew what was happening.

“Who’s doing this?” That nimble crone scanned around with her eyes.

“You dare to act against the young master! I’ll end you right here!”

The crone then only saw that the one who acted was someone who looked like a middle-aged man. He looked lithe and plain-looking.

“A Mental Awakened!”

The crone immediately knew what was happening. She had seen enough battles to know that there was an Awakened one in the southwest capable of making a move undetected.

Many had fallen to such mental attacks before they were aware of what was happening.

However, despite their prowess, such Mental Awakened were not able to take down those from the sect so easily. Despite not having trained explicitly in such mental powers, the mental strength of cultivators was far above that of common folk to begin with, which meant that such attacks would not have so easily hit them.

That was unless the Awakened in question was far above them in terms of fighting prowess. The Mental Awakened in question would have had to be at Level Six—the level of Martial Arts Legends.

If that were the case, things would take a turn for the worse for those two, as it seemed that they had gotten on the bad side of someone truly formidable. Having such a Martial Arts Legend serving that young man meant that he was more than what they expected them to be.

That crone’s expression quickly changed from a vicious one to one looking amicable. She smiled sheepishly as she said, “Please, this is all but a misunderstanding.”

“Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding are you talking about?” Lu Xuan smirked coldly. He knew that those of the Soul-snatcher Sect were all bloodthirsty killers who got trigger-happy at the very onset of conflict. What they did right perfectly matched the impression Lu Xuan had of them.

“Gosh, all these years and you scum of the Soul-snatcher Sect still are a sh*tty bunch,” Lu Xuan smirked and added.

That crone then added with a calm expression instead, “Good sir, I think there must have been a misunderstanding between us. May I know which sect or clan you are from? There might be relations between your sect or clan with the Soul-snatcher Sect. Please, we can work things out peacefully.”

“Work things out peacefully, you say? You pieces of sh*t are actually trying to suck up to me, eh?” Lu Xuan laughed, and it was extremely cold.

“Shi Danze, cripple these two,” Lu Xuan commanded, and Shi Danze attacked like a tiger.

That crone retreated right away, intending to evade Shi Danze’s attack.

However, her level was but a common Level Five Baodan Grandmaster, which meant that she stood no chance against a Level Six Martial Arts Legend. She was quickly severely injured and sent flying by the mental impact that hit her.

Shi Danze then went up and crippled the two of them without breaking a sweat.

The difference between Baodan Grandmasters and Martial Arts Legends was still very great, after all.

“You... you... don’t think you can throw your weight around just because you have a Martial Arts Legend serving you. Our master will come for you soon enough. You’ll regret getting on the bad side of the Soul-snatcher Sect!”

That crone seemed to have aged over 30 years in mere moments after her cultivation was destroyed altogether. She no longer looked as intimidating as she had been moments ago.

Ling Huang’s expression changed slightly after hearing what that crone said. The sect had been brazen and reckless in their way of doing things, which meant that they definitely had ample forces backing them up. He was concerned if a lone man like Lu Xuan could take on an entire sect.

Ling Huang had not known what Lu Xuan truly was like when he met Lu Xuan before because of how amicable, easygoing, and fair Lu Xuan had been.

It was only then that he realized that Lu Xuan was not what he seemed to be, after all.

Even leaving the likes of Lu Xuan out of the equation, those two now crippled ones, who were far below the likes of Lu Xuan, had been able to break into Ling Huang’s home without much trouble.

They did not even need to pack any firepower to do so, as their own strength sufficed.

In the eyes of some cultivators, common folks were little more than bugs.

In their perspective, it was utterly ridiculous for such bugs to want to be equal to dragons, which is how they saw themselves.

Lu Xuan then sat on a couch and said coldly to the crone, “The Soul-snatcher Sect? You guys are but a bunch of rats living on your last breaths.”

Lu Xuan behaved condescendingly. Be it in his past life or his current life, he saw them as little more than scum.

They had the wrong idea of thinking that they were able to do as they pleased before him.

“I’ll wait for him right here,” Lu Xuan said nonchalantly as he propped his feet on the large coffee table before the couch.

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