This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome

Chapter 120 - A Market Worth Over a Trillion

Chapter 120: A Market Worth Over a Trillion

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

If anyone were to take a close look at Lu Xuan, they would discover that the falling snow evaporated immediately about three inches away from his body. Without even landing on him, it would vanish without a trace.

The falling snow was unable to even touch Lu Xuan.

He was also feeling completely at peace right now, though for different reasons than ordinary people. The others needed the formation he had set up to reach this peaceful state, but he did not. His heart was always in a state of tranquility.

Like a living god, he was only held back by the limitations of the flesh. If his body was strong enough, he could break through the air right now, ascending into the heavens and becoming a deity.

This was the reason why Shi Danze and Zhang Hongyang felt like he could leave the secular world any moment and fly away.

It was not a mere assumption, but reality. Lu Xuan indeed had the ability to do such a thing.

With Lu Xuan’s strength, he could definitely be called the strongest at the present time. He did not have to fear anything. At the same time, the family he had lost in his past life was by his side this time, and the weaknesses of his spirit had all been repaired. He was truly enjoying a great sense of peace like he had never experienced before.

In these kinds of environments, a human’s potential could be maximized, and their cultivation would also be much more efficient.

This was the fundamental reason why many people looked for famous mountains, rivers, or caves to cultivate themselves.

It was not because they wanted to live in the mountain wilds like a savage, but they needed that kind of environment to bring peace to their own spirit.

When one cultivated to Lu Xuan’s level, one would often feel that the cultivation of one’s mindset was much more important than further increasing one’s strength.

It was October, and snow was falling across the entire country. More precisely, snow was falling throughout the entire northern hemisphere, even in some desert areas with very little precipitation. It was a snowfall that went against common scientific understanding.

There was fog everywhere, and the heavy snowfall was becoming a disaster.

All signs pointed to the abnormality of the situation.

In Xia City, in a luxurious clubhouse, a group of middle-aged wealthy men in expensive clothes were having a party, drinking, and making merry.

Standing next to them, they were accompanied by a group of extremely beautiful girls who looked like junior high school students, who poured drinks and brought them food from time to time.

In the outside world, they could be goddesses sought after by many, with countless fans giving them likes if they posted a video to TikTok. Here, however, their role was just to serve.

Even so, they did not feel ashamed in the slightest. These rich people were all dressed up gorgeously, and each one had an air about them.

There were even a few of them who occasionally appeared on nation-wide news broadcasts and were among the richest people in the country.

And among these rich and wealthy, there was a man who led the group. He looked to be middle-aged, with a goatee, in a bespoke suit made by the top foreign tailors. Even among this group of rich people, he was at the top.

This man was none other than Yang Chengsi.

And the rest of these rich people were all his business partners.

Each and every one of them was a businessman who was respected in provinces across the country, and none of them had a net worth below five billion. With a people of this caliber, and the amount of them present at the party, if one tried to get in through regular channels, even the number one person in a province would need to make an appointment in person.

“Ladies and gentlemen, once everyone is done eating and drinking, I think we can get to business!” Yang Chengsi scanned the crowd as he made the announcement.

“During this time, the Vajra Amulets that I’ve sent to everyone should have already been sold out. Before, you all doubted if there was a market for these Vajra Amulets, but according to my investigations, you should have managed to sell all the Vajra Amulets on hand!” Yang Chengsi said. “The next thing I want to discuss is the delegation of sales agents of the Vajra Amulets. Each province should only have one provincial-level sales agent, and after that, you can recruit city-level sales agents.”

When the crowd heard this, their breathing rate instantly sped up. It could be said that they had not seen the merits of the Vajra Amulets before, but over the last month or so of testing and sales, they had all quickly run out of the hundred Vajra Amulets they were each given!

To be precise, the Vajra Amulets were practically snatched from them. A Vajra Amulet could block a bullet fired at oneself, and not just once. To these rich people, it may not be useful to them in an ordinary situation, but if it were ever used, it would save a life.

One Vajra Amulet only cost a hundred thousand. For those rich people, whether it was a hundred thousand, or a hundred or thousand times more expensive, they would be willing to pay the price if it would buy them their lives.

“However, anyone who wishes to become a sales agent must first pay a one billion deposit!” Yang Chengsi declared.

“Chairman Yang, that’s too expensive!” someone furrowed their brow and voiced a complaint.

A billion was not a small sum to them, and this was just for the deposit.

A price like that was enough to dissuade many of them.

“If you think it’s too expensive, you’re free to choose not to participate!”

Yang Chengsi laughed lightly. This was a seller’s market, and he had the goods, so the others had to obey him.

The other rich people began to think hard about it. It could be said that they were trading goods every Cultivator needed. In truth, many rich people needed this protection, and after the developments in the country of Huaxia, they had no shortage of the rich. According to market research, there were more than a million people with a net worth surpassing ten million.

Even if each of them only bought one piece, it would be a market of over 100 billion, not to mention that each person would definitely buy more than one piece. For example, they themselves had bought tens or hundreds of the Vajra Amulets, holding it for a critical moment when it could save a life.

Thinking about it, it was a market of billions of dollars.

Moreover, a hundred thousand was just the price at which Yang Chengsi sold to them. They could resell it for double the price, and from their initial estimates, the market would be worth over a trillion.

“Chairman Yang, I wonder which faction you’ve found to back you, that has even entrusted the sale of Vajra Amulets to you?” someone raised their head to ask quietly.

At this question, the eyes of the other rich people all lit up. Some even thought of investigating so they could go directly to the source to discuss terms and cut out the middle man, Yang Chengsi.

Yang Chengsi was certainly aware of the group’s intentions, but he was not concerned. If his relationship with Lu Xuan were just a normal business relationship, he would definitely be worried about these people bypassing him to contact Lu Xuan.

However, Yang Chengsi had now surrendered himself to serve Lu Xuan, and any profits he earned were equivalent to profits Lu Xuan earned. There was no reason for Lu Xuan to forsake Yang Chengsi in favor of these other people.

However, just as Yang Chengsi was about to reply, he suddenly heard a remark from one of the rich people: “I heard that there was someone called Mister Lu who once sold these Vajra Amulets?”

The eyes of the crowd lit up, and they hurriedly committed the name to memory. Only a few of them had the vague feeling that the name sounded familiar.

If it were the world of Cultivators, this name would come with a well-known reputation. Even though many people had never laid eyes on Lu Xuan, they had still heard tales of the legendary character who uprooted the Soul-snatcher Sect.

Furthermore, the Agency of Special Affairs was constantly publicizing Lu Xuan.

In the circles of these rich people, they were not so savvy about his reputation. Only a few of them felt like they had heard this name, Mister Lu, somewhere before.

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