The Youngest Son of Sunyang

Chapter 118 Light Jabs to Start 4

Chapter 118 Light Jabs to Start 4

"Miss, Vice Chairman is looking for you."

She got up upon hearing the voice from outside the bedroom. It had arrived.

After gathering her wits, she went downstairs to the living room, where her husband looked like he hadn't fully sobered up yet, shaking his head.

"What a lightweight you are. Tsk, tsk." Vice Chairman Jin Yeong-gi cleared his throat once and his expression turned cold again. "My goodness, you've been drinking too? Are you still not fully sober?"

"Oh, no. Father. I just felt a bit unwell..."

"Is that why you're skipping breakfast, which isn't good for your health?"

Although it was irritating that he kept probing when he clearly knew the situation, she couldn't say a word and just lowered her head.

"Listen, dear. Don't just listen to what I have to say without thinking. You must inform your family about it."


she was afraid of what he was going to say, but couldn't defy his order. His expression and tone were serious enough to make it clear that she had to do as he said.

"You have never bought any land, do you understand?"


"Whether it's one person or four who bought the land, you don't know anything about it. You never asked your maternal family for assistance. In other words, you have absolutely no involvement in this matter. Do you understand?"

"Oh, Father, that... that's..."

It was an impossible claim. Han Seo-young had personally received special treatment from real estate agents and had scoured Suseong-dong herself, hadn't she?

As the daughter of a media company, she knew that even rookie journalists wouldn't miss the fact that she personally confirmed and purchased the land by visiting several real estate offices.

"Haven't you understood my words yet? What if it becomes public knowledge that the eldest grand-daughter-in-law of the Sunyang family's first act was land speculation? What kind of disgrace will that bring to the family?" Father didn't care and continued. No, he ordered. "If anyone can find out that it was you, not only you but also your family will pay a severe price for it."


She could only answer humbly for now, even if she could considered the methods later.

"And Yeong-jun."

"Yes, Father."

"Raise your head. That's the only way I can slap you. It's not right to hit grown-up children on the back of their heads, is it? Your head is already messed up enough; it shouldn't get any worse."

Jin Yeong-jun clenched his teeth to hold back the curse words that were about to burst out. Slowly, he raised his head, but his father's hand remained still.

Summoning the courage, Jin Yeong-jun spoke up. "Father, I will handle this."

"You? How?" Father's face, with the corners of his mouth turning up, clearly mocked him. But for now, he needed to appease his father as much as possible.

"Most of the land I purchased is under corporate names, not mine. And for the land in my name, I'll transfer it to the company at the purchase price."

"And then?"

"We have to leave it alone until things calm down."

"Leave it alone? The land value is dropping day by day."

"Right now, there are no buyers. Even if I put it up for sale, nobody's interested."

"Unsalable land, how much more did you pay for it?"

He pretended not to hear his father's continuous ridicule.

"When the development in Sangam-dong begins, that land will also find its place. It's strategically located with a road in between. It will definitely go up in value. When that happens, we can sell it without any loss."

"I see. So you'll make money someday. It's a 10-year development period...around ten years from now. You rascal! You call that a plan!"

Vice Chairman Jin Yeong-gi's arm was about to rise as he held back, and Han Seo-young quickly spoke up.

"Oh, Grandfather. Not... not Grandfather, I mean... I'll meet with aunt-in-law to resolve this."

"You stay quiet!" Jin Yeong-jun shouted in frustration, but it was too late. "Oh, I completely forgot about our youngest daughter-in-law. Well, if you have a good idea, tell me."

"Uncle-in-law held an official press conference, but we can just put additional procedures on hold temporarily. I'll spread rumors among the Gangnam businessmen in the meantime. It's all part of the plan to cool down the overheated speculation. I'll execute it as planned. Then we can sell it off in a flash." Han Seo-young poured out her words like a machine gun, thinking of it as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Oh, I see. Now it seems our granddaughter-in-law's head is quite extraordinary. So, if I understand correctly, you came up with a cunning plan in an instant."

Han Seo-young, looking at her father-in-law's expression, realized why her husband had tried to stop her from speaking. She could see how angry he was by the trembling muscles in his face. And she didn't miss the look of disdain in his eyes.

In her haste, she had momentarily forgotten that people like him despised one thing above all else: repeating what they said.

"Saegaga (Young Lady), go upstairs right now and pack your things."


"Pack your things and go to your parents' house. Don't come back until you've completely erased your traces in this matter. Do you understand?"


Han Seo-young rushed upstairs as if she were escaping.

Vice Chairman Jin Yeong-gi wanted to beat his son but restrained himself. Shouldn't a father be responsible for what his foolish child has caused?


Aunt had started concocting something unexpected, even in the plan that had been carefully laid out. The result might be the same, but it felt uneasy that it might end in chaos without any income. It could be at the mercy of Aunt's hands. Whether there's a political backing, a powerful figure, or words from someone who holds power, they carry weight.

For now, they needed to keep an eye on Aunt's movements.


I must proceed with my plan as well. This time, it's going to be a bit more challenging.

Because this plan is not about using knowledge of the future or fighting the opponent. It's about implanting desires in someone who isn't greedy. Persuading is much easier when you touch desires rather than appealing to someone's good intentions. A person without great ambition is smiling at me right now.

"I get a bit nervous seeing our son's serious face. What is it? What's with that solemn expression?"

"Usually, in times like this, I should be smiling while talking, but it's not coming easily."

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