The World Conquest: Giving Birth To Become A God

Chapter 301 Exit The Reserve Time Barrier

Chapter 301 Exit The Reserve Time Barrier




After striking the God of Shadow, the attack blasted through the Reverse Time Barrier causing it to crack.

Under the force that could wipe out even a fully-fledged tier 9 being, even an innate tier 9 treasure gave up.


"Finally out..." Maximus sighed, looking at the bright sky.

Around him were the thousands of remaining New Gods, looking at him with fear as if awaiting their judgment.

"It seems the two managed to escape..." Maximus frowned, observing two energy streams escaping from him.

Earlier, although he saw what was Nyx doing, he couldn't do anything.

He was already occupied controlling the Amalgamation of Will not to aim at him.

Any other manipulation was out of him.

Nyx should have burned his God's Authority, enabling him to control a bit of the Origin of Law, allowing him to move briefly.

As for saving his friends, even he was a little shocked.

However he understood it wasn't entirely because Nyx was good with his friends, but because he had no other choice.

Burning God's Authority was equivalent to, or even worse, than death.

Once it was burned, it was gone forever.

The previous power one possessed would also vanish, leaving one a mortal devoid of any chance of advancement.

The God's Authority would also be split into fragments, or even vanish into existence.

"Hmph! I'll take care of it later," Maximus thought, kicking the two gods out of his mind as he considered the state of his family and the Empire.

Finally, he turned his attention to the thousands of nervous gods, pondering what to do with them.

"Ahem, Your Excellency, you promised not to kill us, right?" One of them nervously asked.

"Indeed, I promised not to kill you," Maximus replied slowly.

"Then can we go?" They asked with a slightly begging tone.

"No," the word seemed to come from hell, freezing and burning their bodies simultaneously.

"W-what would you want us to do, Your Excellency?"

"Let me think..." Maximus teased a little.

The air suddenly froze silent as they held their breath.

"Hmmm, Alright, you can go back," Maximus finally relented, giving up on using them to provide more Amalgamation of Will.

It was still too early to provoke one of the ancient apex sovereigns, the God of Gods.

Once he snatched the faith of these gods, maybe the next day, the Readius, the Supreme God, would beat him to pieces.

This battle made him also aware of his weakness.

Although he could fight Apex Sovereigns without worry, that was it.

He could neither hurt them nor kill them.

Even with Transcendence mastery his body was too limited in the amount of Amalgamation of Will he could spend.

No wonder the Holy Emperor in the past could only fight with some fledgling Apex Sovereigns and could barely tie them.

It's not that the Amalgamation of Will wasn't strong, but their tier 8 bodies couldn't fully control its power.

Meanwhile, upon hearing Maximus let them go, they heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for your pardon, Your Excellency!" The Gods said and quickly bolted out.

They didn't want to stay here any longer.

Who knew if the 'Devil' suddenly changed his mind?

"Go," Maximus waved his hand, looking around to estimate how much time had passed.

"21 minutes, in other words, 3 and a half years..." Maximus's smile turned gloomy as he looked in the direction of the Curse Continent.

"There better be nothing bad happened to my family; Otherwise..."


Three and a half years ago:

In Moonshadow City, at the Shadowcrest Imperial Castle;

Denice was with his sisters preparing for her wedding.

Returning to the Etherium realm, Maximus had promised to marry her.

Unfortunately, due to various delays, it was only happening now.

"Sister Hazel! What do you think of these clothes?" Denice asked as she twirled around.

"Uh, it's good, but it's not suitable for a wedding," Hazel replied, looking at the sexy lingerie Denice had put on.

"Hmmm..." Denice nodded with a blush, thinking of the wildness Maximus had ripping similar clothes.

"What about the food, Sister Erica?"

"I've already prepared all the ingredients!" Erica said with a smile.


As the months passed, they prepared all the things needed for the wedding.

The whole Empire was also in a festive atmosphere.

Besides the wedding, they would also celebrate their Emperor's return, which is a double happiness.

"Maximus should be about to return..." Denice muttered, looking into the distance.

The others were also excited and ready to start the party.

However, what greeted them was Doran coming to them in a hurry with a frown.

"What happened?" Isabella asked.

After Isabella graduated from the Origin Arcana Institute.

Maximus appointed her as the Field Marshal of the Moonlight Empire's Army.

Although Johnson and Smith were experienced generals, their systematic knowledge was severely lacking.

Isabella's profession as a Battle Mage was made for war.

Thus having Isabella as a general was quite apt, and no one questioned it.

"We are under attack," Doran replied.

"What?!" Denice exclaimed, turning her smile into gloom.

Maximus and she were about to be married, yet there was such a presumptuous existence trying to attack them?

Could these be sent by her enemy trying to disrupt her mood?

"Calm down... With the tier 8 puppets around, there should be no worries," Isabella said patting Denice.

"Oh..." Denice smiled wryly.

If not for the others trying to calm her, down, she would have called her Father to flatten those who tried to attack them.

"Indeed, it is. However, the ones attacking us are also tier 8 puppets..." Doran said with worry, not minding the gloominess of the soon-to-be bride.

Although, Doran knew that His Majesty's family was more important than the empire.

In trivial matters that don't concern life and death, Doran still puts the empire as a priority.

He had just received a warning from the Empire Array that they were under attack by millions of tier 8 puppets.

Although there is still no apparent problem now, Doran still hurriedly conveyed the news he received.

"How is that possible?"

"How could the Westle Empire afford that many puppets?" Isabella asks in puzzlement.

Although, the Westle Empire is known as the richest empire before the Imperial War.

Millions of puppets are still a lot.

"Do you have any samples of the puppets attacking us?" Luke asked curiously.

As a mechanic, if he had samples of the puppets, he might track their origin.

"Yes, this was brought by one of the soldiers," Doran said, taking out a puppet from his storage ring.

Luke quickly took apart the puppet like a jigsaw puzzle and analyzed all of its materials.

"I see," Luke nodded after a few minutes.

"What did you find?"

"The material is about 90 percent made from common resources," Luke muttered in amazement.

"Tsk, what an ingenious product."

"With common materials as a building foundation; No wonder the Westle Empire could afford millions of puppets to fight us."

"Unfortunately, there seemed to be a weird binding element that I didn't know of..." Luke sighed in frustration.

If he could know about this weird binding element, then he could also mass-produce his puppet army.

After all, even though they were rich, Luke didn't want to waste money on his fantasies.

However, imagining millions of puppets under his command, he couldn't help but drool.

"Let me see if I can help," Sam patted Luke's shoulder and took a look at the weird energy.

"Huh? Isn't this Faith?" Sam muttered.

"Found out so quickly?!" Luke said in amazement.

Although Sam also dabbled with mechanics, he was mostly out playing with women.

Seeing Sam easily identify the weird energy, Luke couldn't help but doubt if this was really his brother.

"Hahaha, don't underestimate me. I dated some Pseudo-Gods in the abyss," Sam bragged.

Playing with women had not been in vain.

With the status of his Father and his talent, he had dated some pretty awesome women.

One of them was a Pseudo-God who had a fragment of a God's Authority.

Coincidentally, his Father had something from other dimensions to complete such a fragment of God's Authority.

But who was his Father?

A money grabber who would suck you of your wealth.

That Goddess was also a poor little cat who didn't have enough money.

Hearing that Sam was an all-out womanizer, the Goddess tried her luck.

Seducing Sam, the Goddess asked Sam if she could talk to his Father to give her a discount.

Sam, being a saint, gladly agreed to her request and played for a little bit.

Sam could only say that a Goddess is indeed a bit different.

Until now, the Goddess still has some lingering taste in his mouth.

As for faith, it was just a passing encounter that he encountered through all their delightful encounters.

"Alright, wipe off the drool from your face first," Luke said, rolling his eyes as he snapped Sam out of his daze.

"Ahem!" Sam coughs a little, noticing the weird gazes of the girls in the room.

Still, Sam's embarrassment lightened the atmosphere in the room a little bit.

"So, faith, is it? Do you know more about faith?" Luke hurriedly shifted the topic.


"Faith originates from the beliefs of people, like the Amalgamation of Will."

"However, instead of chaotic effects, faith can be manipulated as precisely as possible."

"So in short, these are made by the Gods themselves, not a byproduct of the so-called faith?" Luke asked.

"That's right. Only Gods can control such precise faith that could mass produce puppets."

"The Gods... The Divine Continent..."

"So this is our enemy..." Isabella concluded.

"But isn't it an unspoken rule that the outside continent is prohibited from interfering with the Curse Continent?"

"Especially now that it is the Era of Imperial Domination."

The others in the room ask in puzzlement.

"Hmmm, although I don't know why it's prohibited or who's the one implementing it."

"I guess only top powerhouses are prohibited from coming into the Curse Continent."

"As for resources like puppets, training materials, etc., it depends on the connection and luck of the ruler," Isabella concluded.

This also made others nod in understanding.

If this is still prohibited, then their father is a cheater through and through.

The others only had connections with others inside the Etherium realm, yet their father could blatantly buy from other dimensions.

It can be said that this unspoken rule was fully exploited by their Father.

"Alright, don't worry too much; your Father is about to be back."

"A mere puppet is nothing to be afraid of..."

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