The World Conquest: Giving Birth To Become A God

Chapter 268 Business Progress

Chapter 268 Business Progress

?A few months later, Maximus finally saw his children, who had been away for months.

"Where have you been?"

"Dad! All things are finished!" Lyla muttered happily as she clung to him.

"What's finished?"

"We finished shopping- ahem, I mean working," Lyla said embarrassingly.

"So you left me just to go shopping?" Maximus asks as he acts sadly.

"Hmph! Sister, don't listen to Dad! sophistry." Asha said, clinging to him and with a pout.

"Dad, you play with Mother every time and don't care about what we are doing!"

"Of course, I know what you are doing; I was just asking to confirm," Maximus said helplessly.

Although he didn't dare to put micro-surveillance bots in every city to gather information.

There is still the Shadow Hunter Pavilion for him to get information.

In the mission task board on every Shadow Hunter Pavilion.

Every piece of information an individual provides will be rewarded with shadow coins, regardless of how trivial it is.

It could be gossip between neighbours, rising prices, a fight between two beings, or even what an individual had eaten that day.

When it comes to information, Maximus utilized the money to its maximum capacity.

The Shadow Hunter Pavilion even became a major intelligence organization because of this.

"Hmph! You don't love us anymore," Asha still pouted.

"That's right, Dad, you're so partial!" Lyla quickly agreed.

"This," Maximus just shook his head at his two clingy daughters.

"What about me, grandfather? Did you forget me?" Lila asked, taking no for an answer.

"Of course not. How could I forget my lovely granddaughter?"

"Hmph! Coquish brat!" Asha muttered, flicking Lila's head.

"Anyway, how is your progress? Do you have any problems?" Maximus turned to Liam and Lux.

These two were fully engaged in work, asking for his permission everywhere.

"We already finalized it, and we have no problems so far," Liam said.

These past few months, they scour and analyze every city to proceed with their plan.

Of course, most of them just went on tours, indulging in eating, drinking, and shopping to their hearts' content.

"Oh? Did you already finalize it?" Maximus asked with interest.

"Yes, there are already over a thousand Shadow Hunter Hubs in construction in the boundary and Middle Layer," Liam iterated.

Shadow Hunter Hub is different from an outpost.

It's a mini-integrated hub in the Abyss Realm for others to rest.

It allows beings all over the Abyss Realm to go farther than their designated outpost.

In the past, they were limited to only a few million kilometers around their outpost, like a caged bird.

This is because of the danger in the abyss realm and, more importantly, the abyss aura.

It can devour everything from their body to the very body.

Without a place to resist this problem, they can't go far.

However, after the Shadow Hunter Outpost is finished, people can go beyond the limit.

After travelling a few million kilometers, they can just go to a hub closest to them if they need to rest or replenish their supplies.

This revolutionary idea was, of course, not done the first time.

Many tried to do this, but limited by their financial ability and manpower, it was not so successful.

Even if they built it, it was only for their private use to mine important resources far from their outpost.

The resources and manpower needed to build a hub were simply massive for it to be worth anything.

Building a hub was equivalent to burning money.

After all, for the hub to work, it needed to resist the abyss aura and defend itself from monsters.

Otherwise, it would be a joke even if it had the most advanced facilities.

For Maximus, this was not a problem.

With multiple dimensions that had access to the abyss realm as his source.

The materials needed to build a hub are not very expensive.

All in all, a hub is a mini-outpost.

Of course, as a mini outpost, it doesn't have its most important component, a teleportation array.

A teleportation array is the most essential component of any outpost or city in the Abyss realm.

Even if you only had a teleportation array in your place, it would already be a functional outpost.

However, the materials needed to build an abyss teleportation array are scarce.

This is also the limitation to the expansion of the number of outposts.

Even now, after countless epochs, there are not even a billion outposts in the Abyss Realm, much less a city; there were only thousands of them.

This is why even if Maximus can buy materials for the abyss teleportation array, he doesn't dare.

He can only resort to a mini outpost, a hub for now.

"What about the function of the hub? Have you thought of it?" Maximus asked.

"Don't worry, father, I thought of this comprehensively. In the future, these hubs will be our money-making machines," Lux said confidently.

"So confident?"

"Haha, the hub I planned has everything: the unique products created by our mothers, the rare resources you provided, plus many added services."

"For example, an arena, training facilities, entertainment facilities, plantation, etc."

"The most important thing is the Shadow Coin!" Lux said excitedly.

All of the other things are miscellaneous compared to shadow coins.

This is a currency!

Their very own currency!

Just hearing the name, every cell in his body began to tingle.

This is not simply money.

It's a divine tool to absorb all kinds of resources.

Thinking his father uses it to acquire some useless abyss source and issues missions from here and there.

Lux can only shake his head at his father's lack of business sense.

With this shadow coin and his father's support, he can finally realize his ambition of controlling the world through money.

Of course, he's still far away from it; he is merely daydreaming now.

Seeing Lux's euphoria, Maximus was sure this brat was thinking about money again.

"Anyway, I will leave everything to you brats," Maximus said reassuringly.

"Just leave me here with your mother to enjoy life."


Soon, years began to pass by.

Maximus' family fully settled in the Abyss Realm like their own home.

With various information that Maximus got from micro-

surveillance bots.

His wives and children in a team harvested abyss source equivalent to over ten billion system points monthly.

This is still because they were in the middle layer, lacking a high-quality abyss source.

Of course, Maximus didn't dare to send them to fight in the purgatory layer either.

It was simply too dangerous.

Now, in the Middle layer, most of the abyss sources he found were a million kilometersto trillions of kilometers away.

If this distance were in the purgatory layer, they would probably die after travelling for a few billion kilometers.

If not for the unique property of their cultivation method,they could not even resist the corrosive aura of the abyss, much less travel that far.

It could be said that their team is unique.

Undamaged from the abyss aura, undefeated to abyss monsters.

Fortunately, no one knew such things.

Otherwise, many people would be in doubt and interrogate them a few times.

After all, only a tier 9 apex sovereign can be unaffected by the abyss aura.

It would be revolutionary if others could also resist the abyss aura on their own without using any energy.

They can even treat the abyss realm as their home and multiply until they can occupy the abyss.

The 'Origin' was truly unique in their regard.

Just being immune to all kinds of energy is already like a bug.

Aside from them, his wives and children with production professions began to produce their results.

Erica already had over a dozen delicious foods being produced in the factory.

With all kinds of unique, delicious food being sold all over the abyss, Erica can earn trillions daily.

Angeline also produced her masterpiece, a bracelet that can resist abyss aura with limited mana, using crystal merits as energy.

Although it was not a mass-produced product like she envisioned.

In every auction, it was a highly sought-after item prized in trillions.

In return, many became jealous and hoped to reverse engineer the item.

Unfortunately for them, after they succeeded, what greeted them was a bunch of expensive and a few unknown abyss resources.

As for Irene, she also mass-produced poison that can kill tier 1 to tier 3 abyss monsters.

This was a major milestone for the beings of the Etherium realm.

It means that these cannon-fodder abyss monsters were no longer a problem.

It was like the ants and rats in the house were gone.

After all, although these abyss monsters were nothing to them, they were bothersome.

When travelling, just moving from place to place was a hell-

level task.

An endless number of these flies poured like water, hindering them from moving.

Unfortunately, as the abyss aura can independently produce them, they could not be exterminated.

Now that there is such an effective poison, how can they not be happy?

Many also tried to reverse-engineer the poison.

Unfortunately, like the bracelet that can resist abyss aura, they were destined to be disappointed.

Many rare and unknown herbs were found in the poison, rendering them powerless.

They could only shake their heads in distress and marvel at how Maximus could find such resources.

His wives earned about a hundred trillion every month with all these products.

Although it was still far from their goal of earning at least 10 quadrillion every month, they were already satisfied.

After all, they also had their children and grandchildren to rely on.

Otherwise, what's the use of these brats they painstakingly raised for?

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