The World Conquest: Giving Birth To Become A God

Chapter 236 Abyss Outpost

Chapter 236 Abyss Outpost

In front of the Tower of Origin:

Maximus halted, gazing one final time at the City of Arcana.

"Are you reluctant?" Skye asked softly.

"Yeah..." Maximus sighed.

He had been living in this world for almost a century.

How could he not be reluctant to part with it?

Although he thought of a way to come back.

What if it didn't work?

What if he stayed in the Abyss realm for thousands of years?

For him, who was less than a century old, a thousand years is a pretty long time.

It's okay if his time was the only one passing by.

However, his family, friends, subordinates... all of them will experience this passing of time.

If he could not come back, many events, celebrations, and partings would pass by without him to witness it.

All these things made his mind a chaotic mess.

"My Soul Will really need more training..." Maximus thought of a reason.

"Just bear with it, and you'll get used to it after some time," Skye advised.

How many partings has she experienced?

Living an immortal life, it can be said that she became used to it.

The people of the past are the people of the past.

Living a new life, Skye always suppresses her previous life memory, only keeping what she learned and essential events.

"No, I'm not gonna get used to it..."

"If I don't like it, I'm gonna change it," Maximus said resolutely.

All the odds are already with him; if he still can't do what he wants, what's the point?

Meanwhile, Skye was a little shocked by what she heard.

'If I don't like it, I'm gonna change it!'

What a powerful words.

If she had had that much determination in the past, perhaps the previous tragedy could have been avoided.

However, looking at Maximus, who resolutely entered the Tower of Origin, she smiled.

"I only need to be careful in this life so I can be with you forever..."

Meeting Maximus, Skye didn't think about the past any longer.


The Tower of Origin, Cross-Border Teleportation Array.

Inside, tens of thousands of students were patiently waiting.

Fealan lazily sat at the entrance, welcoming these brave students and offering advice.

It seemed that Fealan was the freest Apex Sovereign there is, personally meeting every student when they needed him.

However, it was merely a clone.

Fealan has millions of clones just in this Tower of Origin.

All the Apex Sovereigns, especially the ancient ones, dare not to stop training.

Reaching the apex in this Tier 9 world, which is in danger of invasion from another dimension, is dangerous.

The word's origin would instinctively assimilate its scattered law, hoping to fight back on its own.

And to reach the world's apex, you need to contest it with the control of law.

Thus, once these apex sovereigns stop training, the world origin will instinctively assimilate them.

The higher your control of the power of law, the stronger the assimilation.

This is also why these Ancient Apex Sovereigns were in a hurry to advance the world.

Once that happens and they reach the 10th tier, they can become independent of the world and in control of their life.

"You two are here; it seems you are ready to contribute to the world," Fealan smiled joyfully.

"We are ready, Dean!" Maximus and Skye saluted.

"That's right, quite energetic!"

"Wait here for a while," Fealan instructed them to sit.

The Origin Arcana Institute is quite a big place.

Every day, hundreds of thousands of individuals are promoted to the 7th tier.

Thus, hundreds of thousands were also sent into the abyss realm every day.


A few hours later, most of those promoted to tier 7 in the past few years arrived.

As for others, they were either still preparing or delaying time.

"Alright, First choose one of these Abyss outposts," Fealan said, giving them a list.

Since they didn't delay much, they still had the freedom to choose which Abyss outpost to be sent to.

Looking at the list, Maximus read them carefully, thinking of what place to choose.

This time, his goal in the Abyss is not only to complete these missions and reach tier 8.

But also to collect Abyss Source to be absorbed by his system.

Now, the Abyss Source, he had produced more than a billion system points per day.

This is still just the Abyss Source he found in just a few months.

Staying in the Abyss Realm, he wants to collect so much Abyss Source that he can use system points however he wants.

However, after reading the information about the various outposts, he frowned.

There is not much description that he can use to base on and tell if there is a lot of Abyss Source in the place.

Not finding a solution, he thought of asking Skye.

Skye is a reincarnator, so she should have a pretty good idea about Abyss Realm.

"What place do you think should have a lot of Abyss Source?" Maximus sent using mind transmission.

"Abyss Source? What do you need that for?" Skye frowned.

Although Abyss Source is an expensive, rare resource, with Maximus's current wealth, it should not matter much.

Abyss Source is the source of the Abyss monsters.

Looking for it is equivalent to seeking your death wish.

"Just tell me, I need it," Maximus requested.

"Oh, if you need Abyss source, then End Town is just the right place," Skye said after thinking.

"Then let's go to End Town," Maximus decided.

"Are you sure?" Skye asked with a frown.

"Although End Town is not the core of the Abyss, the danger in it is also enormous."

"I'm sure."

"if others can survive in it, why can't I?" Maximus smiled confidently.

"Right! How can we be less than others?!" Skye's fighting intent also fired up.

As for what she thought earlier about being careful to be with Maximus forever?

Skye already forgot that.

Fighting is already ingrained within her very spirit.

Anyway, if she died, she could be reincarnated again.

At worst, she will tell Maximus her uniqueness.

As for Maximus dying in such a place, she had no such thought.

Skye already built blind confidence in the man's invincible strength.

"Then let's go!"

Soon, they walked to the array designated for the End Town Outpost.

"Who are those two? So brave?"

"Tsk! Two stupid idiots who had enough of their life!"

"Hehe, maybe they want to die faster."

The students jeered at Skye and Maximus, seeing that they chose a five-star difficulty outpost.

Although there is not much detail about the outpost, they were going to.

The outposts are still ranked according to their difficulty.

A five-star outpost is basically hell, only for daredevils who want to die immediately.

Four stars are for those who are confident in their strength and want to gamble with their lives.

Three stars are for those confident in their strength but still want a stable life.

Two stars are for those with mediocre strength who still want to fight for their chances.

Finally, one star is for those in auxiliary professions or those who are cowardly and have no future.

Meanwhile, hearing the jeering on the side.

Maximus and Skye's faces didn't change as they still had time to flirt, using mind transmission.

Finally, after all of them chose an outpost.

The teleportation array lit up as the World's Origin descended into them, sending them into the Abyss realm.


Abyss Realm, End Town:

Before Maximus carefully looked around, he felt a dense abyssal energy around him.

It was thicker than the mana in the Arcane Continent.

If ordinary people were here, they would be immediately assimilated by this energy, transforming into Abyss monsters.

"A newcomer is here!" The guard at the cross-border teleportation array yelled as if seeing some miracle.

"What newcomer? Is there still someone stupid enough to come here?"

"Hahaha, maybe they are also like us?!"

"Tsk, tsk, that's what you get for escaping such a mandatory mission."

A bunch of haggard men who exuded thick murderous aura laughed at the two.

It was like seeing some escaped convicts who were caught again and sent to the harshest prison to reform.

"Alright, that's enough; they would also be our comrades from now on!" A somewhat respectable man said.

Although he didn't exude any murderous aura, the group who laughed at them shut up like frightened chickens.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kade, the manager of End Town." The man introduced.

"I'm Maximus, and this is Skye," Maximus also introduced.

"Can you tell us about this place?"

"Sure, first, this is End Town."

"Over ten thousand people are here, desperately fighting for the slight chance of survival."

"The reason why this outpost is named as such is because we are one of the last barriers before the core area of the Abyss."

"Outside, an endless sea of abyss monsters roams around."

"Thankfully, Sovereign Axel is present, giving us this little town as a safe haven."

"Sovereign Axel?" Maximus asked.

"Sovereign Axel is one of the Apex Sovereigns with us on the edge of the core of the Abyss..."

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