The Villain's Story

Chapter 309 [309] Terra Damnum.

Chapter 309  [309] Terra Damnum.

The Demon Plagued land.

Once a land known for its breathtaking landscapes and vibrant biodiversity, Australia now stands as a haunting testament to the destructive power of chaos and demonic energy. In this twisted reality, the land that was once filled with life now teems with the unholy presence of demons, their malevolence permeating every inch of the desecrated territory.

The new Australia rechristened Terra Damnum, is an eerie and foreboding manifestation of both physical and metaphysical perdition. The once golden sandy beaches now lie obscured beneath a thick, sickly black mist, infused with swirling demonic energy. The waves that once lapped calmly upon the shores have been possessed, crashing ceaselessly with an otherworldly fury that echoes the demons' wrath.

The skies, once a canvas of vivid blues and wispy clouds, have surrendered to the taint of chaos. An ominous crimson hue blankets the heavens, casting an unsettling glow upon the desolate landscape below. Ashen remnants of what were once magnificent cities now lay in ruin, their crumbling structures a stark testament to the insidious power of the demons that infest the land.

Terra Damnum's flora, once diverse and abundant, has been twisted into grotesque and hostile forms. Trees bear gnarled, twisted limbs covered in poisonous thorns. Once colorful flowers and delicate orchids have transformed into venomous, carnivorous predators that ensnare unsuspecting creatures. Even the once arid deserts now teem with sentient sand dunes, shifting ominously and engulfing anything that dares to cross their path.

Life, as it once flourished, is now scarce and tainted. The Demonic energy changed even th peaceful life here. The native wildlife has been warped by the demonic influence, mutating into grotesque aberrations that roam the forbidding landscape. Kangaroos stand as hulking monstrosities with razor-sharp claws, their blood-red eyes fixated on their prey. Emus now tower over the land, donning sharp beaks and elongated serrated feathers. Even the humble platypus has transformed into a venomous creature, its spurs now dripping with demonic envenomation. Every animal that once lived here peacefully was now an abhorrent abomination.

The air itself carries a palpable malevolence. Whispers of forgotten incantations strung together by the cacophony of demented laughter and anguished screams reverberate through the barren land. Dark portals, formed by the convergence of demonic energies, sporadically appear, allowing friends from the netherworld to stride forth, perpetuating the cycle of chaos and suffering.

The Demonic Continent, also known as Terra Damnum(Demon Plagued land)...was once such a beautiful continent.

But now...None of that beauty remained. All of it was replaced by twisted evil.


"Do you see it?"

Oliver asked Alan as they flew over the skies of the Demonic Continent.


Muttered Alan in response. The Chaos energy here was thick, very thick.

"This is why we are fighting so hard. Keep this in mind, Alan.

Never trust a demon, no matter what."

The only thing done by doing such a thing was death, or a fate even worse than that.

Wasn't the beast alliance the perfect example?

Adam White was once such a pious man, But he had been manipulated by a demon. And what happened to him next was something Alan knew well.

Aranus as well...had suffered. Aranus.

"Yes, Headmaster."

He declared firmly, keeping his experiences with people who had fallen to a demon's charm dear.

He would not forget them.


[The artifacts that have been given to you will prevent such a thing...But nothing is certain Young dragon.]

Argenti's words caught Alan's attention.

[It will all be up to you. You are the one that must control your own self.]

Alan paid close attention to Argenti's words.

He used his Dragon eyes to check the item description once again.

[Name: Bracelet of Purity.]

[Rank: S]

[Description: A bracelet made with the hopes and tears of the pure heart. Made from their hopes and prayers, to protect themselves from corruption and to keep them pure. It was made by the countless efforts of those who had fallen so that they could protect their young, and maybe save themselves. It is a set item to the Necklace of the Pure. The Bracelet's effects are doubled when worn together with the necklace of Pure.

The bracelet provides immense protection from the power of Chaos, darkness, and corruption. It protects the user from mental attacks and manipulation from Demons and other such chaotic beings.]

[Name: Necklace of the Pure.]

[Rank: S]

[Description: A necklace made with the hopes and tears of the Pure heart. Made from their hopes and prayers to protect themselves from corruption and to keep them pure. It was made by the countless efforts of those who had fallen so that they could protect their young and maybe even save themselves. It is a set item to the Bracelet of Purity, doubled when worn together with the bracelet of purity.

The Necklace provides immense protection from the power of Chaos, darkness, and corruption. It protects the user from mental attacks and manipulation from Demons, devils, and other chaotic beings and dark beings.]

Alan marveled at the item description. He had not checked the item Descriptions since he got them. His mind had just been too occupied...But then he noticed something.

His headaches and other things were gone. His mind felt...calm?

Yes, it had been calm lately. His fear of that darkness was gone and he was happy.

He didnt notice it at first but the Bracelet's effects were working.

"Look there, Alan."

Oliver pointed to a mountain where Alan could see a muscular figure with white hair and yellow eyes standing.


Alan could see the figure waving to them as they got closer. Alan could also see Alex and Olivia...and also a puppy?


What was that puppy doing there?

'...I guess I'll ask when we land.'


[Something is coming.]

Festul said to Alex. Alex was laying down on the ground and got up after hearing Festul.

His aura was different. It was completely different from the playful boy he was...Now it was wild.

It was like the boy was gone and a wild beast had replaced him.

"Yeah, Master said Alan is coming. He's my friend who is also a student of the Sword Saint."

[Your friend is not Human.]


[A dragon is coming, a young one but still a dragon nonetheless.]

"What are you talking about?"

[You will see when he comes.]

Alex gazed at the three figures that were approaching them...and his eyes widened.

The three figures landed on the mountain and Alex saw Headmaster Oliver, His spirit Owl.

And a fucking Lizardmen with wings?

[Draconian form.]


Festul informed Alex. Bow he was aware of what he was seeing.

"Thats Alan?"

He asked... Questioning himself.

But his question's were soon answered when The Draconian transformed into his friend, Alan Peccator.

'That's Alan.'

He thought, after staying in this continent. He just prepared himself for any weird thing he saw...He had seen many weird things here...

While Alex was accepting what he was seeing, Festul activated his powers and thought in his mind.

[Now...let's see what kind of dragon he is.]

He thought, his eyes glowing gold.

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