The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 405 - Are You Mad?

Graven arrived at the feast, and the men's happiness was finally completed.

Grandpa Terros arrived a moment later, together with Calder.

Terros sat beside Graven on the table. "It's nice to be here, son! Everyone is happy for your come back! Of, course, I'm happy too!" he commented.

"Alright, let's enjoy the food and the wine, Grandpa!" Graven said cheerfully.

Calder put the plate and dishes in front of Grandpa Terros, then he lowered himself beside Horace.

The men began eating their meals.

Everyone enjoyed eating the delicious dishes that they have jointly prepared for the special occasion. Afterwards, they drink wine moderately.

Graven stood up and addressed the crowd. "Guys... I would like to announce to all of you that you will receive a financial gift tomorrow as part of my homecoming celebration. I'm very lucky to be given a chance to stand here in front of you, very much alive!

Cheers to all! Wishing everyone more fruitful years to come! Together we will make South Pond Town a wonderful place to live, not only for humans but also for beings like us who want to live in a peaceful environment together with our families! Cheers!"

"Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!"

"Cheers!" the crowd replied cheerfully and sipped their wines.

"Thank you for the gift, my lord! You're the best!" the crowd said gratefully.

Graven smiled merrily at his men. Watching them... happily eating and drinking wine filled his heart with gladness.

The feast lasted for five hours and finally come to a glorious end, everyone returned to their post in high spirit.

Graven looked at Horace. "Prepare 500 gold coins for everyone and distribute it to our men one by one to tomorrow..." he ordered.

"Aye, my lord! Um... I just want to ask... Calder and I are also beneficiary of the gift, my lord?" Horace asked.

"Of course! You have to save enough money so that you can finally marry Veronica!" Graven joked.

Horace blushed and scratched his head, he released a deep sigh. "She's out of my league, my lord!" he said sadly.

Graven patted his shoulder. "How will you know if you won't try? Anyways, I'm going back to my manor to visit my wife. If something comes up, you know where to find me," he stated.

"Copy, my lord!" Horace said.

Graven vanished from the place a few seconds later.

When he landed in the living room of his mansion, no one was there. He climbed the stairs, walked in the hallway, and knocked on the door of the master's bedroom.

The door was opened by Laura. "Husband, you're back!" she said gleefully.

"Yes, 'coz I missed my beloved wife so much!" Graven replied and kissed her lips.

He entered the room and they went to bed.

"How did the feast go?" Laura asked.

Graven smiled broadly. "Everyone was having a good time," he replied.

"Nice!" Laura said.

"Wife, what is a good reward for Menedelia?" Graven asked.

"Why? Do you want to give her a reward?" Laura asked.

Graven nodded his head. "Yeah, for saving my life," he responded. "I wasn't able to thank her enough the last time we saw each other in the Windless Mountain," he spoke.

"I was also thinking of the same thing. I was about to give her monetary reward but she doesn't want to accept it. She told me that helping Rebecca's friends is something that she loves doing - expecting nothing in return. But I'm still thinking of a reward that she can't refuse, I just don't have any idea right now," Laura said.

"So, let's just ask Rebecca then? When she will return here?" Graven asked.

Sabrina shook her head. "I don't know. Before she left, she told me that she will visit us here one of these days. I'm waiting for her visit so that I can ask her what to give as rewards for Menedelia," she explained.

"Ah, okay. I'll leave that matter to you. If you already come up with something brilliant, let me know, okay?" Graven said.

"OK," Laura replied.

"Do you want me to accompany you to the garden for your afternoon exercise?" Graven offered.

"Sure! Let's go!" Laura beamed.

Graven picked up a shawl and draped it around his wife's shoulder. He planted a loving kiss on her head.

The couple left the bedroom and went downstairs, going to the garden at the back of the house.

When they reached the garden, they strolled around the area, enjoying the afternoon breeze.

After they got tired of strolling, they settled on the rocking chair while enjoying the fresh air and the wonderful view of the blooming flowers in the garden.


~Corbin's Manor~

That night, early evening.

Rebecca was sitting in front of the mirror on the dresser table, fixing her hair.

"Wife, do you want to ride the carriage or do you want us to teleport to the manor so that we can arrive there faster? Which is which?" Corbin asked.

"Let's just teleport. The ride in the carriage takes too long and when the road get's bumpy, I don't like it!" Rebecca replied caressing her baby bump.

"Okay, just tell me if you're ready to go," he said.

Rebecca nods her head. "In a minute," she replied and tied her hair in a ponytail. She looked at her husband. "Your mother hasn't return yet?" she asked casually, fishing for information.

Corbin shook his head. "Not yet..." he replied sadly.

Rebecca doesn't know how to comfort her husband. Part of her doesn't want Sylvia back, but every time she saw the sorrow in Corbin's eyes, she feels guilty. She released a deep sigh.

Corbin heard his wife sigh. He looked at his wife. "Why are you sighing? Is there any problem?" he asked.

Rebecca shook her head and picked up the shawl. "Nothing... let's go!" she finally said.

Corbin put the shawl around his wife's shoulder. He planted a kiss on her head and hold her hand. "You have no regrets living here with me?"

Rebecca smiled. "No regrets so far! I'm happy to be back in your arms!" she said sincerely.

"Thank you, wife! My greatest fear is that you are not happy and you will suddenly disappear and go to your friend's house and leave me alone again," Corbin said anxiously.

Rebecca touched his face adoringly. "No need to worry. This time, I will stick with you through thick and thin. Let's make our relationship work, for us and for our twins ..." she said in a determined voice.

Corbin hugged Rebecca for a few seconds. "Alright, let's go and visit our family home!" he said.

A few minutes later, they vanished from the room.

They reappeared in the vampire couple's manor, right in the living room.

Zalvo was already waiting there for the couple. His face lighted up after seeing his daughter-in-law. He had promised his son Corbin not to interrogate Rebecca regarding what happened in the past and why she left. This is to prevent her from leaving Corbin's side again. He has no problem with that, as long she will no longer leave, he's ready to forget what happened in the past.

"Hello, Father! It's nice to see you again!" Rebecca greeted him with a pleasant smile.

"Welcome back, daughter! It's nice to see you again! I'm very excited to see my grandchildren soon!" Zalvo said, beaming happily.

"That will be, soon!" Rebecca smiled broadly.

Zalvo stood up. "Alright then, let's proceed to the dining room, eat dinner and afterwards we will go to my wife's room so that you can pay your respect," he said.

"Yes, Father!" Rebecca replied obediently.

They proceed to the dining room and eat dinner in comfortable silence.

Zalvo looked at Rebecca. "Daughter, I know that you like staying in Corbin's manor because you were surrounded with your friends there, but why don't you stay here at the manor at least two days a week? What do you think of my suggestion?" he said.

The couple looked at each other, they didn't discuss this issue earlier in the house.

Rebecca saw that Corbin was in dilemma. She looked at her father-in-law. "Sure, no problem! I will start next week, Father," she said eagerly.

Corbin looked at his wife, he was suspecting that she will refuse, but she didn't. It surprised him greatly. He was expecting that his wife will get mad at him when they returned to the house later.

He was already bracing for her wrath.

After they finish eating, they proceed to the underground facility and visited the room where Sylvia and Nathan's bodies were preserved inside the special coffin next to each other.

Zalvo looked at his wife with deep longing flashing in his eyes. "Darling, our daughter-in law is already here! She and Corbin finally reconciled and she will stay for good this time. I wish you will also come back to us soon, so that you will see our grandchildren when they finally arrived into this world," he said sorrowfully.

Corbin patted his father's back, consoling him.

Rebecca feels like the gloomy atmosphere in the room is suffocating her. But leaving the room signifies disrespect for Corbin's family members that were lying in the coffin, she has to stop the urge to leave quickly.

Corbin and Zalvo gave enough time for Rebecca to pay her respect to her mother-in-law.

Rebecca looked at Sylvia's beautiful face. The vampire woman looks like she was just sleeping. "Come back soon, Mother! We're eagerly waiting for your comeback!" she said a little bit louder so that the father and son can hear her wishes.

They stayed in the room for more than twenty minutes.

Finally, Zalvo decided to leave the room. They left the underground facility, going back to the living room of the manor.

The father and son chatted for a few minutes.

Half an hour later, it's finally time to go home.

Rebecca looked at her father-in-law and said, "Bye, Father... see you again, soon!"

"Bye daughter, it's nice having you again in our family!" Zalvo replied cheerfully.

"We will go now, Father. I'll return here tomorrow," Corbin said.

"Bye, son!" Zalvo replied.

The couple hold each other's hands and vanished from the living room in the blink of an eye.

A few minutes later.

The couple landed in their bedroom.

Corbin looked at his wife. "I'm sorry about my father's suggestion earlier in the manor. I didn't expect it. We didn't discuss about it," he said, trying to make her understand that he won't suggest something like that to avoid angering her.

Rebecca sighed. "I know, it's not your fault. It's okay, it's just two days a week, not a big deal to me. Let's not argue about it," she said.

"Are you sure? You're not mad at me?" Corbin asked worriedly.

Rebecca shook her head. "Of course not. I'm not mad at you," she said and planted a kiss on his lips to reassure him.

Corbin smiled. "Thank you for understanding my difficult situation, wife!" he said happily.

Rebecca smiled and went to the closet to get her sleeping attire.

A few minutes later.

The couple cuddled on the bed.

They drifted into a deep slumber half an hour later.

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