The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 40 - Messenger

The guy in the cape carried the unconscious Laura as they entered the massive door.

Inside the castle, the surrounding was damp, dark, and eerie.


It looks like an abandoned castle on the brink of collapsing. The walls were moldy, rainwater fell from the roof and formed a puddle on the dirty floor.

Not a single soul alive can be seen anywhere except for the guy in cape and Laura snoring softly.

They came into a closed door.

The guy in cape stared at the door for a few minutes. The door suddenly opened. He brought Laura into the room and deposited her body in the bed. Surprisingly, the bed and the whole room was clean.

The elegant and sweet aroma of cherry blossom filled the air.

The guy in cape lowered himself on the couch facing the bed. He stared at Laura for a long time without blinking his eyes.

A few minutes later.

The guy closed his eyes.

A moment later, Laura's eyes opened. She blinked her eyes five times. She stared at the ceiling, then her gaze sweeps the room and landed on the guy sleeping on the couch facing the bed. A deep frown appeared on her forehead. Where is she?

Then everything that happened in the past hours...the flood...the dead horse...her body floating in the water...the darkness...the guy descending from the sky pulling her out of the water as they rose in the air higher and higher.

Everything came rushing into her mind.

Her eyes widened, she was floating in the water, and the guy in the cape saved her, then she loses consciousness. And now she's here inside this room! Where is this place?

She inhaled the refreshing smell of cherry blossoms!

The room smells nice!

She stared at the guy on the couch. Was he sleeping?

She slowly got up from the bed and tiptoed towards the door, wanting to see what's outside?

She managed to open the door slowly, without making any sounds. She quickly left the room, not bothering to close it behind her.

She looked left and right...the place is dark...only a few flickering candles in the wall produce lights! But they are not enough to dispel the darkness of the place.

Where is she?

What kind of place is this? Why the room is clean and bright, but the outside is dark, dreary, and eerie? What a big contrast!

She advances.

She needs to find the door and run outside! She feels like she can't trust that guy inside the room.

Then she halted in her tracks...wait! Did that guy- told her that he will bring her to Luke? Yes! he told her that.

She needs to go back to the room and begged the guy to bring her to Luke's side. He was the only one who knows where Luke is!

She retraces her steps back to the room.

She saw a closed door. She turned the doorknob and opened the door...oh...why it's dark inside? She must have opened the wrong door!

She was about to close the door and leave to find another door, but suddenly a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her into the room...she screamed in horror..."NOOOOO! Don't touch me! Let me gooooooo! HELP...SOMEBODY HELP MEEEEEEEE!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Her terrifying scream vibrated around the castle...waking up the dark creatures of the night that were residing on its walls for a long time.

Multitudes of dark shadows came flocking to the room - each wanting to have a piece of the visitor.

The creatures of the night smell fresh blood, the most intoxicating kind of blood that they have smelled for a long time. Saliva's were dripping from their mouth out of hunger... expecting to taste the visitor's blood that could bring back the old glory in their former self.

Suddenly...the door opened... candles that were lining up in the walls come back to life. The creatures glanced at each other in amazement as if they have not awakened for a thousand years.

The guy in cape exited the room, carrying the unconscious Laura in his arms.

The creatures stared at the guy and the woman in his arms. They can't take their eyes away from the woman. Her blood was pulsating in her veins, so potent, like sweet wine.

"I came to see the King!" he announced to everyone. "This woman is his beloved. No one is allowed to touch her!" the guy said.

The creatures of the night took a step backward, not wanting to block the stranger's path.

An old man, wearing a black flowing cloak, suddenly materialized in their midst. He was holding a candle in his right hand. "Messenger, you are invited to the King's chamber. Follow me!" he said.

The guy carrying Laura followed the old man that was holding the candle.

Behind the guy, the dark creatures of the night clamoring to get a glimpse of the woman who awakened them from their long slumber.

They walked into the hallway as more black creatures lining up in the walls, wanting to have a glimpse of the beautiful woman in the messenger's arms.

The old man and the messenger came to a closed door.

The old man pushed the door wide open, the messenger entered the room, and the door automatically shut off behind them.

The old man motioned the messenger to put the unconscious woman in the bed that was situated in the corner.

The guy in cape obeyed and lowered Laura's sleeping form in the bed.

"You may get out now," the old man told the messenger.

The messenger hesitated, refusing to exit the room.

"What-? Are you not going to obey me?" the old man glared at him.

The messenger sighed. "Let me see the King first! I won't leave the woman her unless I see him first!" he said defiantly.

"Alright, calm down," the old man smiled. "Come with me to the secret door. The King has been hiding inside that secret door for a long time. It's about time he will come out from his hiding place and see his bride."

The old man sauntered towards the corner of the room. He pressed his palm on the wall, suddenly the wall moved, it turned out to be a hidden door.

The old man and the messenger entered the room. The room was huge, like that of a basketball court. Candles were lining up in the wall. In the center of the room, there was a pool. It was filled with liquid, that looks like a dark thick tar or goo. The thick dark liquid produces bubbles on the surface as if something is moving beneath it.

The old man stared at the dark liquid. "My Lord...your bride has finally arrived! She's currently sleeping in your bed chamber!" he announced.

"Fantastic! I've been waiting long enough. Bring my bride here and throw her in the dark pool!" A deep husky male voice spoke out of nowhere.

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