The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 316: Human Trial

Chapter 316: Human Trial

Time to start human trial! 

At first, my assistant is very much opposed to it, but then I assure him that I plan to be careful. 

Now the main goal is to increase the potency. 

We keep working on that. 

From time to time the warden swings by to give advice. 

I ask him to check every product we create to make sure it's not deadly. 

Then I head to the magical land of the red district for the first time. 

Soon enough I see an enchanting view. 

Barely dressed men and women. 

The former flexing their muscles while praising their endurance. 

The latter clearly showing a deep valley and calling out to customers. 

As enticing as the girls are, I am here for a different purpose. 

I quickly head to what seems like the biggest brothel and I wait near the door. 

As a man is about to enter I stop him. 

[Hey there brother! Want to know true pleasure!] 

"*Disgusted* Piss off I don't swing that way."

[Wait no! That's not.] 

He's already gone inside. 

Guess I gotta work on my sales pitch. 

New target! 

[Hey brother! Want to get the endurance of a dragon? Try this elixir!] 

He looks at me suspiciously before dodging and heading inside. 

[*Sigh* What's up with people?]

Comes crystal-sounding laughter. 

"Haha, brother. Of course, people will be doubtful if you just offer them free stuff randomly."

Comes a scantily dressed young lady. 

[Oh, I see. I'm just trying to know how effective my product is. Ah, it is definitely safe for consumption.] 

"Why don't you just test it on yourself then?"

[Won't I lose a lot of time then? Time I could be using to collect more data or simply work more.] 

"Oh? Alright, let me try it."

[Alright, here it is. But only drink a little sip! Any more and it could cause heart issues.] 

"Then why did you put it in such a big bottle?! That's bound to cause mishandling!"

[Oh? Fair point. That's the only size I had.] 

"If it causes me trouble, I'll haunt you!" 

[Don't worry.] 

She instantly becomes flushed and heads inside. 

I wonder if she is working here. 

I keep trying to give some to people, but I only get weird glances. 

How suspicious they are! 

Before long a crowd suddenly exits the brothel. 

Women and men alike making a ruckus. 

I wonder what these guys are even

"You! Are you the one selling Aphrodisiac?!" 

I'm about to answer that I'm just giving it out, but then the guy shoves a lot of gold in front of my face. 

[What's with the sudden enthusiasm?] 

"The girl inside just managed to take on so many customers at the same time thanks to it that she earned in an hour what she usually earns in a week."


"Now, workers want to try that too. Customers don't want to be defeated either."

Before long I have sold everything I had. 

Somehow my pockets are now full of gold. 

This is amazing haha. 

As they say, good things happen to good people! 

This is what I get for working hard! 

I quickly tell them that I'm out and give them my address where they can find me for more. 

I should probably ask that one city hall guy how it works to have a shop permit. 

Oh well, I'll do that later. 

For now, I just go buy more ingredients. 

Except that my usual guy ran out. 

He tells me he can manage to get some more but that it will be more expensive. 

At first, I think he's trying to scam me, but it appears he truly isn't used to selling herbs in the first place. 

I quickly organize one more shipment. 

Then I head back to the Mystery Gems House. 

I don't have time to lose anymore. 

I simply select all rocks with gems inside then ask to have all of them sold for me. 

I don't even bother waiting for the unveiling. 

I simply can't wait. 

This time the Talion guy says it truly is a robbery while laughing. 

I get back to the workshop and get to work. 

This is the first time we have so much trouble. 

At first, it was easy. 

We simply needed to somehow follow the recipe and bring it to fruition. 

Now we are in uncharted territory. 

We need to somehow improve it. 

We slowly try adding new ingredients. 

Also slowly changing some preparation processes. 

Then we test it all on animals. 

Most of our tests don't work. 

Some cause weird results. 

Yes, even weirder than the pissing, throwing up, and exploding.

The good thing is that customers do manage to find my place. 

I start selling. 

A lot. 

It becomes kind of a VIP shop. 

Where only people in the know have access. 

At first, I only get low-paying customers, but then I get some that are obviously nobles. 

It is easy to know. 

The normal customers want to use it in the red district to brag about their exploits afterward. 

These new guys are insistent on secrecy. They are also ready to pay more for it. 

This fits my purpose because I'm pretty sure my business is illegal. 

Still, it doesn't bother me much. 

After all, I don't plan on doing this for too long. 

Simply until we perfect this product. 

Then I may even have to run away from the city. 

After all, what I am planning is definitely bad from any law-enforcing perspective. 

Oh, I do make sure to remind them all that they need to use it in moderation. 

After all, they all buy many doses, but it could be fatal should they drink it in excess. 

In such a manner we keep working hard and time passes. 

Many weeks. 

Before long we are very close to obtaining results. 

I can feel it. 

We are in the last stretch for sure. 

That is when comes the problem of funding again. 

We completely run out of ingredients again. 

Even with all the sales. 

After all, many of our creations are now tested on animals again.

Research is definitely a huge gold sink. 

For some reason, the Mystery Gems House hasn't been sending me my gold. 

I'll just have to figure it out. 

I quickly head there, not expecting what is about to happen at all. 

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