The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 310: Begging

Chapter 310: Begging

I know exactly what to do! 

I walk resolutely to a bakery. 

Visiting a man I haven't seen in a while. 

The only one of them that didn't try and screw me.

Actually, he did but not in a bad way. 

[Hey there!]

There is the lonely baker that just wants someone to love. 

"You came back! Are you here for"?

[No, not at all. I need your help. Nothing big.] 

He seems a bit disappointed, but he still closes his shop and guides me to the back store. 

"What can I do for you?" 

[I need to look like a beggar.]

"Come again?" 

[I need to go undercover for a mission. I need to look like a hobo!] 

I could just stalk, but it will be faster if I make myself a vulnerable target. 

"*Sigh* Fine I'll help. I have plenty of things I can use to completely transform your appearance."

He takes some ashes from his oven, also all kinds of ingredients meant for cooking. 

Then he starts to splatter all of it on me. 

"Are you sure you don't want to"

[Yes, I'm sure you'll find someone. If anything you are a cool guy.] 

"I understand. Alright, all done!" 

He hands me a bit of water. 

I can see my reflection. 

My handsome face is completely hidden. 

[Perfect! I owe you one, man. I'd pay you for that but I just got robbed of everything I owned.] 

"Wait, that means you don't have a change of clothes either?! Cause these ones are a goner!"

[Don't worry about it haha. If anything I will probably be fighting a sect soon enough anyway.] 

"Be careful, don't die. Or I'll haunt you!" 

[Isn't it the other way around usually?] 

"Shut up! Now get out there and accomplish whatever you need to do!"

I give him one last smile thankful smile. 

Then I head in a nearby alley. 

I plop down on the ground and I start begging. 

[Help a young man in]

No, this sucks. 

[*Hoarse* People say men with big dicks are more generous, is it true?!]

*Clink Clink * 

[Bless you, young man! Bless you!] 

[People say ladies that are attractive are more generous, is it true?!] 

"Clink Clink* 

[Thank you, young malady!] 

Ah, this is boring. 

I need a sign reading "which sect is the coolest".

Then give a few options.

"Motherfucker! It's you again!" 

Oh? It's the beggar I first saw upon coming here. 

The one that I managed to beat while asleep, what a fucker haha. 

[It's me! What are you gonna do about it?!] 

"Screw you!" 

[Please if you have another job to suggest go ahead haha.]

Now, that is perfect timing for him to mention working for a poison master. 

Of course, he would hide the true nature of the job from me. 

"You think I'd be begging if I had any other alternative?! Fuck you!"

Or he doesn't know anything. 

Most of the time you expect beggars to actually know a lot about the city. 

But sometimes there is a reason they are in the street. 

Like this guy right here. 

[You think you alone will manage to intimidate me? It's not like you have many beggars helping you!] 

"Just you wait!" 

Now he's voluntarily helping me find the others. 

If I had relied on a professional, they would have probably been scared. 

But now it will be a beggar asking them to deal with another beggar.

Now I just need to wait for...

"Fuck you" 

[Weren't you going to get reinforcements?] 

"Yeah, but they didn't want to come."

[Brotherthis is sad. Let's make a deal I'll give you all the coins I have if you manage to get them here.] 

"What?! You want to get beaten?!"

[*Sigh* No, I just have questions to ask them. Know if any beggar disappeared recently?] 

"What?! Are you with the city?!" 

[No, I'm looking for a friend is all.] 

Well, the first poison master I encounter will become my friend haha. 

"Thatalright! I'll be right back!"

Now I just need to wait. 

I do act the part as a beggar while at it. 

Before long I'm sitting on a small pile of copper coins. 

I seriously have a talent for that!

"I'm back!"


"They really didn't want to come."

[Did you offer them money?] 

"I didn't think of that! Be right back!" 

What the fuck!


Ah, whatever. 

I just need to be patient. 

At least if there is any smart one, he'll understand that I'm simply looking for information. 

I wonder

"Young master!" 

I hear someone calling towait, me? 

Then a man approaches with a hoodie. 

Wolfies starts growling at him. 

[Do we know each other?] 

The man reveals his face. 

An old man with white hair, a long beard, and emerald eyes. 

It's the warden! 

[Calm down Wolfie, he's a friend.]

Also, he's a poison master! 

[Hey! What are you doing here?! Ah, are you looking for a test subject?!] 

"No, it's been years since I have tested any new concoction. 

But what are you doing here, young master? 

Also, what's with your outfit?"

[Oh that? Don't worry about it. All a disguise to meet a poison master...and it worked!] 

"I just recognized your face"

[...And it worked!] 

"Anyway, why were you looking for one such as I?"

[Need to destroy a sect branch, need a peculiar item for it.] 

"How about we first get you cleaned up and eat a hearty meal before?"

I can see the concern in his eyes. 

[I'm not really homeless!] 

"Of course not."

[Believe me!] 

"Of course I believe you, young master."

Ah, whatever. 

We head to a nearby Inn. 

Then he rents a room and brings in a bathtub and a new set of clothes. 

How long has it been since I've had a proper bath? 

I don't remember. 

In any case, a soon as I enter the water it turns black instantly. 


About 5 bathtub refills later with clean water I am finally done. 

I don a black robe embroidered with gold. 

It looks pretty neat.

Then my friend comes back with food. 

I devour it quickly while he is looking over with pity. 

Then I tell him about my plan. 

I'm expecting him to pat his chest and to brag about how easy he can do it. 


He tells me that he'll teach me alchemy instead. 

His argument is that the sect won't go anywhere. 

Also that I will likely be confronted with similar problems in the future. 

Apparently, he himself just had to deal with a small group of evildoers. 

That is why he is away from the Moon Keep. 

I ask him about how Luna is doing and if she has forgotten me. 

Apparently, she still remembers I exist. 

I tell him to give her a message. To come and find me if she wants. 

He agrees, but for now, we need to secure a laboratory. 

He says something about trying to get the funds, but I interrupt him. 

I know an easy way to make money after all. 

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