The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 292: Convincing an Artist!

Chapter 292: Convincing an Artist!

[Hello? You okay man?] 

"T-this is just hard to believe. Meeting a unicorn for real."

[Then don't believe. What about the artist thingy?] 

"Right, for your shop? What do you need exactly?"

[A big-ass billboard that people will see easily. One that will cover all of my exterior wall!]

He ponders for a few seconds. 

"How about I bring you to that guy and then if he doesn't want to help, I'll do it."

[Oh? Aren't you confident enough? Your painting seemed pretty good to me.] 

"You see I'm just curious. Most people would avoid him like the plague you see."


"Because of what he draws."

[What do you mean?] 

He comes closer.

"*Whisper* He draws some stuff where there are no clothes." 

[And? Isn't that great?] 

"*Sigh* Not really. There is a stigma in the art society about that."

[Wait, is there a red district here in this city?] 


[A place where prostitutes work.]

"Ah, yeah there are some."

[So there is a red district, which is fine. At the same time there are people getting antsy about it?]


[That's dumb!] 


But seriously how did I never hear about it? 

Ah, right. 

I hang out with kids, old men, an eating addict, and a wolf. 

Probably explains why. 

Also, there is so much stuff I still ignore about this city. 

But hey, baby steps. 

[Let's go already!]

He guides me tothat's the fake slums, right? 

We head to a building that is half-standing. 

Then he guides me to a trapdoor. 

Oh! Hidden basement! 

"Hey, I brought a visitor!" 

"Go away! I'm busy! Don't you have dumbasses to entertain?" 

What's with the cold shoulder? 

"Don't worry about him. He's just mad that I receive commissions from those guys." 

We slowly go inside and there he is. 

Amongst a mountain of paper. 

He seems to be furiously scribbling.

One quill in each hand. 

Dual-wielding like a boss! 

Sending ink flying away all over the place. 

Weirdly enough there are no ink splashes on the sheet themselves. 

Everything is neat and well defined. 

He seems to be working on a portrait of the cultivator dude.

Yep, that looks like a striptease. 

Are these stars in his eyes? 

The well-defined muscles on that slender frame. 

Did he ever remove his shirt during the fight? 

How can we be sure this is accurate? 

Then again, I bet no one really cares about that haha. 

[Hey there, it's been a while.]

"Oh. It's you. What do you want? I have some more of these if you want."

[No thanks, that guy is a prick.] 

"How would you know?"

[I just do.] 

"Jealous much?" 

[Not in the least.] 

"Then how about this one?" 

He shows me a drawing of that iron something guy that tried to buy my sword. 

[Still no, but this guy is cool.]

"You act as if you've personally met both of them haha."

On the side, the unicorn painter opens his mouth in surprise.

"Don't tell me you."



[If you have one, I don't mind.] 

"This is crazy!" 

[Naw, just coincidences really.] 

"Hey, what are the two of you talking about?!" 

[That's not important. I need an artist for my bakery.] 

"Why would that even help?" 

[Branding. Between a boring one and one with a kick-ass drawing on the wall which one do you think people will remember?] 

"Whichever makes the best and cheapest bread duh."

[I only sell pies!] 

"Then you need to diversify your product beforehand! Do you expect people to eat the same thing every day?!" 


"Are you crazy?!" 

[My pies are crazy good] ;) 

"Are you serious right now?"

[Let me ask you this. If you had to choose between creating the single greatest masterpiece ever or creating many good pieces of art. What would you choose?] 

"You think you can bake the greatest pie ever?"

[Not right now, but perhaps one day.] 

"I like your drive! Alright, I was planning to keep working, but you know what. Bring me to your place and I'll create a masterpiece!" 

Hell yeah! 

He grabs some supplies. 

We just leave. 

[Wait, don't you need to lock or something?] 

The unicorn artist giggles. 

"Last time a guy stole some of his material he tracked him down and"

[He beat him up?] 

"No! Way worse!" 

[He somehow killed him?] 

"Worse. *Shiver* He drew him!" 

[What's bad about that?] 

"He drew him fucking various animals, corpses, trees, etc. Then he spread that all across town."

[Damn that's savage!] 

"It gets even worse."


"There was a caption at the bottom. That said he would do it again, and again, and again."

[Then what happened?!] 

"The guy was forced to pay five times the value of the things he had stolen. Losing all dignity in the process too."

[Wow! That's so badass!] 

"I know right?!"

"Why are you guys getting excited? It was just a way for me to resolve the situation peacefully."

Damn! If that is his peaceful approach, I don't want to see him serious!

Actually, I do. I just don't want to be the target. 

What would he do? 

We finally reach the bakery. 

Surprisingly, there are many customers.

Glad to see she's doing a good job. 

[Here it is! In all its glory!] 

"It looks, nice?"

"It totally looks plain!!

[Yes, but can you fix it?] 

"Fine. But you have to let me work. No complaint allowed." 

[Fine by me.] 

"How about you head inside and wait until I am done?" 

[A surprise? Sure!] 

The unicorn painter stays outside to help. 

In the bakery, there are a few men and women seated. 

Enjoying their pie. 

Ah, they seem to be calling the waitress a lot. 

Are they causing her trouble? 

I look for a little bit before I finally realize what is happening. 

They seem to know her. 

Acquaintances trolling their friend. 

After all, it's her job to agree to their demands. 

As long as these ones are not over the top of course. 

"Ah, owner! You're back!" 

[Indeed. How was it while I was gone?] 

"Everything ran smoothly. By the way, this man here is the relative I was talking about."


He's the one I need to convince? 

Time to put my silver-tongue to good use! 

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