The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 274: Casually...

Chapter 274: Casually...

Oh yeah, this is the shit. 

I can't help but glance all over the place. 

At the rocks. 

At the gems contained inside. 

At the cute attendants. 


I mean I do look, but all I see are skeletons. 

An archaeologist's wet dream. 

Seriously it would let one be extremely successful. 

No more casually removing layer after layer trying to find remains. 

Nope, one would know exactly when and where to stop digging. 

I can't help but straighten my back and swagger across the courtyard. 

I approach one of the girls here with momentum. 

[Hello there.]

"Hello Sir, are you here to browse or to buy?"

[Hehe, what do you think?] 

"Ah, true. Have fun sightseeing sir!"

Then she leaves hurriedly. 


Am I too handsome compared to most clients?

Yeah, she is probably too used to selling to old men. 

She leaves. 

Then comes what is obviously the young master of some family. 


Yep, she's instantly running to his side.

Then she starts showing him around. 

Flashing a pearly white smile. 

For some reason, she seems to have developed a back problem in the meantime. 

By that I mean her back is arched backward. 

Ah, she's also stretching from time to time. 

I'd say she's trying to show her bust but at this point, I'm worried for her health. 

The kid comes nearby. 

[Hey, what's with her reaction? I'm obviously here to buy!]

"Brother, how long has it been since you changed your clothes? Of course, she'll misunderstand."

[Bold of you to assume I have other sets haha.] 

"You say that and yet you now own priceless furniture in your bakery."

[Well yeah, gotta make it nice after all.] 

"How are you ever going to get yourself a girl that way?"

[Well, I may already have one. If she didn't change her mind about me that is. *Sigh*]

"Don't worry everything will turn out fine I bet. You'll probably see her soon."

[I think I have a conflict with her sect. It's complicated.]

"So? Just become stronger and get her back!" 

[I could, but what if she hates me in the first place for leaving her alone?]

"What did you do exactly?"

[I left her sect's prison and escaped.] 

"Brother, if you had to escape prison you are definitely their enemy"

[Alright, so get stronger, is it?]

"Exactly, do that instead of baking pie!" 

[Alright, starting today I will train hard until I can storm the Moon Keep!] 

"What?! Keep your voice down! The Moon

[Oh yeah, she's the daughter of the sectmaster there] 

"Yeah, just give up."

[But you just told me to] 

"They have countless troops. Just give up."


Wolfie comes closer and rubs her head on my leg apparently trying to console me. 

"Just remain alive. Then if she really likes you, she'll find you. Should be easier for her."

[What do you mean?] 

"If you invade, they will have all their protections in place. If she runs away, she won't have to face all that." 

[I see.] 

That does make sense. 

I guess I just need a way to send her a message. 

For now, I guess I can keep going with my pie world domination plan. 

If I manage to get the sect as my client somehow, I could

Of course, I'll proceed one step at a time. 

[So we would just have to run away together?]


That does sound nice. 

I just need to survive then. 

At all costs. 

It's kinda weird. 

I'm not sure if I feel attracted to her because she was the first to show me kindness in this world. 

Perhaps because she didn't judge me even when I got captured. 

Ah, better think of something else or I'll turn nostalgic. 

Where was I? 

Planning to make lots of money. 


Because I can. 

Some people will tell you they hate money. 

That is never true. 

One can hate the obsession people have toward it.

One can hate how hard it is to earn. 

One can hate the whole system in place around it. 

But no one will ever say no to free cash. 

Even the most generous of saints. 

They'll use it for a good cause instead. 

We slowly head to a male attendant. 

Why a guy? 

Do I expect to be more popular with that gender? 

Nope, it's because he and I share something in common.

I can see how he is looking at that young master. 

He clearly doesn't have a good opinion of the rich. 

I should be able to receive good customer service for once. 

[Hey there, we are here to buy some rocks.] 

"Hello Sir, how can I help you today?" 

[We don't have coins, so you'll have to take care of that for us.]

He gives an apologetic smile. 

"Sir, this is a business I can't"

My friend hands over his family emblem. 

"That should suffice, no?" 

His entire attitude changes drastically. 

"H-how?! Ah, never mind! I'll get everything done. Be right back!" 

He runs toward the back of the courtyard.

There stands a building.

A majestic-looking one.

Guarded that two stern-looking warriors. 

Rule of thumb you always want two guardians for a gate. 

If you have only one it messes with the symmetry. 

That is why even if you have a godlike warrior you want to hire another one. 

Even if all he ever does is stand there and look pretty. 

Ah, actually at that point you may as well just hire a professional model haha. 

It will do the trick and look great. 

After a few minutes of intense deliberation with the guards, he comes back. 

Meanwhile, I can see one of them head inside. 

"I have arranged it. The master himself will come to receive you!" 

Wow, talk about good service.

To be honest, I just wanted to be able to pick whatever I wanted. 

After all, whatever I am buying will be a profit.

There are zero risks involved. 

So we just wait? 

Shortly after a tall man with a curly mustache comes out. 

He looks frantically everywhere before finally noticing

Not us. 

He merely gives us a disparaging glance. 

Nope, he's heading to the young master guy instead. 

Oh wow. I'm speechless. 

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