The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 262: Commotion

Chapter 262: Commotion

[Oh, I know. In any case, welcome to the traitor life *wink*.] 

Now he is on the ground. 

Looking soulless. 

I mean he did help me get here so I can cut his boss's tongue.

He's kinda screwed now. 

Still, that was surprisingly easy. 

I expected there to be better security. 

Then there is the boss himself. 

Usually, he'd be someone strong. 

Not at all. 

I'd say he's rank 2 at best. 

Talk about useless. 

Now, time for the goal. 

The vault is right there. 

Looking all metallic with glowing runes I'm assuming. 

Now how am I supposed to open that? 

I guess by pressing on the glyphs that are visible? 

What is the correct order?

I can try to guess it.

I can also torture the chairman for it. 

But honestly, this is a waste of time. 

No, these above options are for stealing the content. 

I just want to destroy it. 

Time for divine energy to

Ah, Wolfie is approaching it.

I guess it's fine if she plays with it. 

What's the worst that can happen anyway? 

Ah, actually maybe a magical trap!

[Wolfie let's.] 

I was going to say be careful. 

But then the vault opens soundlessly. 

She somehow managed to guess it.


I can't believe it. 


Judging by the sound, that guy can't either. 

I mean that vault was definitely a waste of resources. 

If one small, tiny wolf can best it. 

In it resides my goal. 

A red glowing cube. 

[Well, this has been fun. Time to end it all. Time for freedom has come!] 

As I'm about to crush it the cripple panics. 

He starts screaming wildly. 

It takes me a while, but I finally get his meaning. 

Seriously talking without a tongue is so hard. 

I think I understand.

[You say every slave will die if I crush this?] 

He nods furiously. 

[Any way to disable it then?] 

He's denying it. 

[If they remain in your care, they'll probably die either way.] 

I tighten my grip. 


*Garbled NOOOOO!!* 

The mark on my arm starts to dim until it fades away. 

No trace of it ever being there.

Yep, that piece of shit was lying again. 

I almost became a mass murderer, right? 

I mean there was a small chance.

Really, I have no obligation to save anyone. 

As much as I want to, I don't have any official position here. 

Even if I free the slaves and care for them, I can't protect them. 

They'll just come after us and get them back. 

Except if I kill every single guy here. 

Still, I don't believe they are all as weak as their leader. 

Reinforcements could be already on their way.

Gangsters I wouldn't hesitate too much. 

I would just start killing.

Run if shit hits the fan. 

After all, no one cares about trash dying. 

With slavers, people in power might get angry.

You know since it affects their interests. 

Yep, not worth it. 

I have thoroughly made an enemy of that chairman. 

As a proper defender of justice, I will let him live so he can repent.


[In your next life try to be less of a dick.] 


Blood is overflowing. 

Like a kill Billy movie, but with less blood. 

I grab the head by the hair. 

Then I carefully tuck it in the opened vault. 

It won't take a genius to realize that it's that dead guy's fault.

Everything that happened here. 

I was seen coming in with him too. 

Same cloak and all. 

The guard is still on the floor. 

[Alright, weeping beauty. What will it be?] 

He looks upward. 

[Dying here like a dumbass or running away with me?] 

"T-that I never meant for this to happen, I"

[He was dead the moment he tried to enslave me. If anything you saved countless of your colleagues.] 


[Yep, but I don't think they'll be grateful. Well, I'm leaving. You do you.] 

We exit the room. 

Him trailing behind me. 

[Ah, I forgot something.] 

He looks puzzled. 

I backtrack. 

There it is. 

A piece of art. 

Just gotta pull and


[There we go. Perfect!] 

"W-why are you grabbing the door?!" 

[It looks nice, don't you think?] 


Of course, it does. 

This guy may have been a dumbass, but he did have a good taste in doors. 

Perhaps it came with the office? 

I guess we'll never know. 

[Alright, be careful. Don't get killed. No matter what we run.]

"W-what if we encounter guards?"

[We run.] 

"W-what if we encounter slaves?"

[We run.] 

"W-what if" 

[What part of no matter what do you not understand?] 

He nervously nods. 


Here goes nothing! 

I start running. 

Wolfie confidently following. 

The other guy is about to shit himself. 

I could totally just walk there guided by him? 

Nope, I do not trust that plan.

He is a mess. 

A complete mess.

A week-old corpse that died of an overdose would look fresher than him. 

I wish I was exaggerating. 

Oh well, whatever. 

The more we progress the more people at our tail. 

Then inevitably come some from our front. 

I grab Wolfie and I .


Yep, I just jump above them. 

That other guard looks lost for a second. 

Well, they don't care about him. 

He looks like he's been chasing me after all. 

Still, I wonder why the hell the city system isn't active here. 

Is it some kind of private property rule? 

Seems weird to me. 

Ah, maybe they did something to hide from it. 

This way they could torture people in peace. 

Could you picture an ad recruiting for professional torturers? 

On it written, must have amazing body tempering abilities. 

For every hit given you feel retribution from it. 

That would become a praiseworthy job actually. 

It would require great mental fortitude.

Or simply masochistic tendencies. 

As I get ready to leave there is some guy blocking the main doors. 

"You won't ever leave here alive!!" 

Honestly, he feels like a filler character to me. 

Strong enough to bar my way, but not strong enough to pose a threat. 

High rank 2 maybe? 

[Indeed you are right brother.] 

I drop Wolfie on the ground. 

Then I run at the wall nearby. 

Pushing with my left hand, I go right through it. 

Wolfie casually follows behind. 

I hurry up and disappear into an alley.

None the wiser. 

At least, I think. 

Of course, I am still holding the door in my right hand haha. 

Time to go back with my victory spoils! 

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