The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 245: Tainted Mind

Chapter 245: Tainted Mind

Wow, just wow. 

I'm really surprised at how it turns out. 

I spend a little time catching up with Luvon. 

I try my best to end the conversation quickly so the topic of me abandoning him doesn't come up. 

You know the whole he kinda fell asleep and I left him there thing.

I'm not sure if he has forgotten or is voluntarily avoiding it. 

Then they finally leave. 

Except they leave a livid young lady behind. 

Telling her to behave. 

Something about her needing to make amend for her mistakes. 

I'm not sure if her grandfather meant offending people in general or about choosing the target better. 

At first, I'm almost ready to send her back, but the old man signals me to keep her here.

Something about needing someone to man the counter. 

We can do it, but it's true that we can just focus on baking this way. 

I pat her shoulder. 

[Alright, be ready to work hard.] 

"You can have my body, but you won't have my soul!" 

[So, why are you so eager to give away your body?] 

She blushes. 

"T-that's not what I meant!" 

[Are you done? Get ready to receive customers already.] 

She grumbles but does it anyway. 

Wolfie is just overlooking everything playfully. 

*Sigh* Youngster these days are way too spoiled. 

Back in my day getting a job was hard. 

One had to pass an interview and everything. 

How lucky she is to simply be handed one over!

I leave her alone and work on my own tasks. 

I am quite familiar with everything in this place now. 

My productivity is at its peak. 

From time to time I deliver a bunch of pies to the sale counter. 

For some reason, it's really packed today. 

The small shop is filled to the brim. 

This is insane. 

Talk about discrimination. 

They want to buy pies from a cute girl but not from an old man?!

So high is the demand, that we quickly run out of merchandise. 

Of course, we do keep enough for the Gluto tribute. 

I hear her mention something about us not being fast enough in the kitchen. 

I slowly raise my palm. 

Then I start doing some slapping motions in the air. 

Her face turns beet red. 

Somehow, she seems fidgety. 

My meaning is obvious. 

Asking her if she needs more discipline. 

She quickly changes her wording. 

Praising our efficiency to the moon and recommending customers come tomorrow. 

Yep, her main issue is her venomous tongue. 

How does that even happen? 

Her brothers somehow grew up fine it seems.

Is it a late rebellious phase? 

Meh whatever, I simply ignore her. 

I go back to the kitchen. 

I get absorbed in the art.

I am thinking of all the flavors I could eventually try.

It is late when I finally stop. 

When I come out there is something weird. 

The unruly young lady nowhere to be seen. 

No, in her place is a well-behaved cute looking maid. 

With the outfit and all! 

Did she suddenly develop a conscience?!

Was working a bit all she needed to straighten up? 

This feels like a complete mystery. 

Weird, I feel like as far as I know working with customer service is supposed to be a pain. 

The number of rude customers or the ones that are just there to flirt high. 

All of it makes it annoying. 

I slowly observe her trying to get a clue. 

For all I know, the old man is some reclusive expert that knows brainwashing magic. 

No, this isn't very probable. 

The more I observe the more I remark something off about her. 

She seems to be avoiding Wolfie. 


I find the old man to ask him. 

He looks at me chuckling. 

"You know how they say like master like pet?"

[Eh, yes?] 

"Well, let's just say you aren't the only one that likes to discipline naughty troublemakers."



[What did it look like?!] 

"Let's just say after the slapping came the biting. Of course, she showed mercy in the end. Still, I'm pretty sure it was convincing enough." 

Wow. I'm not even mad.

That's amazing. 

I guess I should establish ground rules. 

I address this new maid of ours. 

I tell her that she will open the shop in the morning. 

Serve the customers until we run out. 

Then we will close for the night. 

She will be in charge of cleaning the area too. 

Finally, she is not allowed to eat on the job. 

After all, she is clearly a rich young lady. 

Should she break any of these rules she will be in trouble. 

I don't even utter any concrete threat. 

She just fills in the blank by herself. 

Whatever she is imagining it seems motivating enough. 

I wonder how many would be jealous of us. 

How many bakers have a noble lady working for them? 

Especially for free. 

Hell, she is way too obedient now. 

I guess she realized that her elder brother is a friend of mine. 

She wouldn't want to complicate the relationship between us. 

That's when Wolfie comes nearby and wolfs down a whole pie. 

Get it, wolf haha.

I just look at her puzzled. 

She turns her behind my way. 

Apparently awaiting punishment. 

Ah, I did say it was a shop rule from now on. 

I come close and start petting her. 

[Silly, this only applies to the newcomer. You can eat as much as you want.] 

Not sure why she misunderstood that haha. 

Still, this comforts me. 

This means that my pies are simply that delicious. 

After all, she was ready to get spanked just to savor one. 

Meanwhile, the maid is looking at us baffled. 

"What is that wolf doing?!" 

[See, this is what we call being honest and upright! She is ready to face the consequences of her actions!] 

"No matter how you look at it she just wants to get spanked!" 

[*Sigh* Young lady you really need to keep your delusions to yourself. You can't tarnish someone's reputation like that!]

"T-that I'm not trying to I swear she..."

[*Sigh* And why would anyone even want that young lady?] 

She silently blushes. 

It seems by disciplining her I awakened something dormant. 

*Sigh* Is it a crime to be handsome? 

Ah, guess I'll have to slowly rehabilitate her

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