The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 242: Merchants

Chapter 242: Merchants


I got lucky. 

Good thing I came to this dwarven sword auction. 

Something unbelievable happened. 

Well, what matters is that I get this legendary sword to our main branch in the city as soon as possible. 

I quickly exit the shop and order my followers to keep track of the man that just left. 

A normal-looking young man that somehow got hold of such a thing. 

It doesn't make sense. 

I usually have a good flair for powerhouses. 

He is not one for sure. 

He doesn't have the confidence of one. 

Being in power for long leaves traces. 

Just the posture is a giveaway usually. 

One that overlooks the rest of the world. 

I enter the carriage I came in and we depart. 

On the way, I get a report. 

All the men I sent got taken down. 

Seems to be the doing of the iron guardians. 

Tch, how annoying. 

Hopefully, he doesn't have a deeper secret. 

Well even if he does he won't spill the beans easily. 

Coercing someone is hard in this city. With the system and all. 

I only spent 50 gold on this. 

This is the concerning part. 

Normally one should have asked for more. 

Either he got intimidated or there is a trick involved. 

Here is the thing, however, it is not worth making an enemy of us for such a low sum. 

He could be already working with another faction. 

But then they would have tried to bleed us more. 

Ah, whatever. 

We'll know soon. 

We soon reach the merchant house. 

I have a few newcomers on my staff. 

It shows. 

They are all in awe of the opulence of the building.

Everyone has this reaction the first time. 

This is why I became a merchant. 

While others struggle to make a living we prosper. 

It is a constant struggle where only the smartest remain standing. 

I thrive here. 

I have only taken a few steps in that a man comes welcoming me. 

"I heard you got your hands on a wonder!" 

News around here goes fast. 

People in the street say that for every 3 bystanders4 are informants for us. 

Seriously it helps that we are known to be generous. 

Ah, but we are also very vengeful. 

No one crosses us without losing some skin. 

"Don't get excited too soon. Still need to test it." 

"Come, come. We just started a meeting with the other executives!" 

I gesture an underling to hand me the sword. 

Then I follow him all the way to a lavish meeting room. 

In there are the main decision-makers. 

All of them are snakes. 

Well, one does not reach the position I am in without scheming. 

At least they bite the enemies harder than the allies. 

"Gentlemen, here is the thing you have been waiting for."

I place the sword on the golden table. Golden as in made of pure gold. 

It switches hands, everyone observing it carefully. 

"It's a fake, isn't it?" 


"The cost already gave it away." 

"Still we need to test it."

Yet no one moves. 

The weapons they have are all prized swords. 

Funny how most aren't even swordsmen. 

"*Sigh* Someone, bring a sword of rank 3 in here. That should suffice for testing." 

They all nod. 

It doesn't take long for it to happen. 

Then I swing as hard as I can and


The so-called amazing sword just shatters. 

So much for investing in a great weapon. 

I can see some of my colleagues smile slightly. 

One even starts to laugh. 

"Hahahaha you bought this crap?! With gold too! How embarrassing?!" 

This one was newly appointed. 

As a test run. 

Yep, that won't do. 

I turn toward the laughing man. 

"What do you think we should do now?" 

"Haha, we should fire you for being incompetent! Can you believe getting fooled this much?! Am I right guys?!" 

He looks around for support. 

None to be found. 

I overlook the room. 

"Motion to dismiss this fool from our ranks."

Then comes a series of agreements. 

"Well, as you know you will have to have your memory erased after leaving us. Try not to be such a dumbass in the future."

He protests and struggles, but let's face it he's a merchant. 

He gets swept in the numbers and restrained easily. 

Then he gets taken away. 

His screaming ignored completely. 

Then resumes our discussion about future planning. 

Spending 50 gold on this was worth it for sure. 

We may not have a sword remaining, but we won the information war. 

Now we have the initiative. 

We are the only ones to know for sure that the sword is fake. 

This leaves two possibilities. 

This was all a set-up to make us lose face. 

Still, it wouldn't be worth it financially wise. 

The other option is that the plain young man holds a secret. 

Could be a magical item boosting his power or perhaps a secret technique. 

Whatever it is he hasn't mastered it yet.

At least this is what my gut tells me. 

For now, we order some rumors to be spread. 

Rumors about us getting our hands on a godly weapon by luck. 

Rumors about how we will auction it soon. 

To make the information believable we will sell it to informants. 

People tend to find things they pay for more credible. 

Then we plan some hard interception plans. 

Ones that will only include the most loyal of subordinates. 

If he so much as take a step outside the city, he will be brought to us. 

Alive and chained. 

Now that leaves only one point.

We need to somehow get to him inside of the city.

We could simply directly go and ask him but that would alert him instead. 

We need to operate on the basis that he'll refuse to cooperate.

Should we try and trick him somehow? 

It's either that or make it a situation where he has no choice but to answer. 

We'll need more information on him. 

This is the main weapon of a merchant. 

In the meantime, I'll work on the contingency and the diversion plans. 

I wonder where he is even hiding at the moment

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