The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 231: Hidden Talent

Chapter 231: Hidden Talent

Now don't get me wrong that guy seemed kinda cool back there. 

I just don't want to become some baker's husband. 

Well, there are definite advantages for sure.

The good food is one.

A baker is also used to kneading the dough. 

God, the massages must feel amazing. 

Getting big strong hands slowly removing all the tension. 

Then there is the promise of always having a roof over one's head. 

Now that I carefully think about itthat offer was legit. 

It's just that I can't go back to men. 

Not after experiencing the bliss of using titties as a pillow. 


It may sound vulgar, but have you tried it?!

I probably should keep that on the down-low. 

Yuri is great but it does make it more troublesome for men. 

I do have a theory. 

People can be misogynists and stuff. 

But fundamentally everyone loves breasts. 

It is the source of life. 

You know with the milk and all. 

I may be wrong. 

Then again breasts aren't everything either.

Should I go back and .

Naw, I'll figure something out. 

Let me see. 

Too late to apply for another job. 

Too broke to find an inn. 

I could always commit a petty crime. 

Then bam into prison. 

Instant roof!

Well, that's how I picture it. 

Would be kinda dumb if they tried to cut a hand or something. 

Still, that would be creating more problems than it would solve. 

I can try going to the slums to ask for help. 

I would have to find the guys from earlier. 

That may take a while too. 

I am used to sleeping outdoor. 

I simply turn a corner and head into an alley.

This will be the perfect spot for my plan. 

I lie down and I close my eyes. 

I doubt this will cause any issue. 

After all, there are not that many guards here apparently. 

Guess they are all busy with the exterior of the city. 

Wolfie snuggles up with me. 

There we go, instant body heater. 

Perfect for the cold lonely nights. 

I could go into the body pillow market. 

Create cute wolf plushies. 

Then add some kind of magic to it to enhance sleep. 

I'm not even sure it would have to actually even work. 

Might be able to create a Pavlov effect. 

You know, the dog that was trained to salivate upon hearing a bell? 

Well, what if we used a plushie to sleep on demand. 

As long as the instructions are clear it should work somewhat.

The effect would be limited for sure, but that doesn't matter.

As long as some people notice that it helps the others will follow suit. 

You don't want to be that idiot that isn't able to follow instructions. 

All the friends are saying it works? 

Better agree to not be an outsider. 

That is how you start a business. 

The early customers are the hardest to get. 

I could find whoever is popular in the city. 

Then have them endorse the product. 

Before long everyone would want one. 

There are a few problems with this plan, however. 

First, I'm broke. 

Second, I don't know the dynamics of this place. 

Third, I'm ignorant of the legalities. 

Fourth I really should be sleeping right now. 

Oh well. 

Who cares about plushies? 

I have the real thing to hug. 

I contentedly feel myself drifting into sleep. 


"Wake up you slimy bastard!" 


"I said wake up you slimy bastard! This place is my territory!" 

Who's that rude guy?

[Is it morning already?]

"Of course it's fucking morning! Get up, you lazy bum, and leave this place!" 

I slowly open my eyes. 

There is some guy in rags. 

I'd say he's been on the street for a while. 

Judging by the odor. 

[What's up? You ain't a guard man. That much is obvious. What do you want?] 

"This is my area of business. Get the hell away."

I look around confusedly. 

[What do you mean?] 

"This area is mine to beg at!"

This dumbass. 

[Do I look like a damn beggar to you?! Go do your stuff you asshole!] 

Also who the fuck calls begging business?!

"I can't!"

[Why?! Stop bothering me! Shoo!] 

"People are not giving me anything! They all go AWWW what a cute wolf! Then they throw you money!" 

Wait, what

I look on the ground there are various coins all over. 


I mean, cuteness is justice for sure. 

Still, this is easier than I thought.

I was just sleeping. 

I'm surprised the guy didn't try to get the

Ah, his leg is bleeding. 

Claw marks. 

He did try to steal from me. 

Failed lamentably too. 

I need to praise Wolfie for that later. 

Fuck that guy, really. 

He deserves it for waking me up. 

[Oh I see. How about I just stay here then?]

"Y-you, you can't!" 

[Oh? Is this street yours? How about you get some city officials to back your claim?] 


[Even if you point at me angrily it won't do much you know.] 

"This is outrageous!"

[No, what is outrageous is you waking me up. You should be ashamed!] 

"You'll fight a poor beggar over something so silly?!" 

He acts surprised. 



I holler at a passerby. 

[Hey there young lady! Want to do a good action? Make sure you don't give shit to the asshole right next to me. That will count as your daily good action!] 

She giggles and throws a coin over. 


This works? 

[Hey there young man, want to support a good cause? I want to buy lots of drugs for me and my wolf. Ah, but I am a principled owner! I will always prioritize her!]

He guffaws. 

Then throws some coins over. 


Have I found a new possible career path? 

"You just wait! I'll be back for revenge!" 

He leaves angrily. 

Am I supposed to be scared of a smelly beggar?

I mean come on. 

He isn't even good at begging. 

How does one lose to a sleeping guy and a wolf? 


Oh well, this was fun, but my goals are grander than that. 

Time to go back to job hunting! 

I have a plan this time around! 

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