The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 229: Job Hunting

Chapter 229: Job Hunting

I leave behind amazed bystanders and a crying owner. 

In terms of alcohol, there is no alcohol left. 

I mean it isn't that bad. 

They can still sell meals.

If anything it will be good for the general populace. 

A little bit of time where they will be healthier. 

Now that I think about it, I am totally helping the community. 


This is my good action of the day.

If I do that a few times, I will become renowned. 

I can already picture the headlines. 

Man single-handedly solves the drinking problem in the city. 

He is given a medal of honor for his dedication and sacrifice.

Truly a model for the younger generations. 

Well, that is if they even have newspapers here. 

I'm not expecting the real thing, but they must have means of communication. 

There could be an issue if they rely on rumors only.

It would be hard for people without a picture of me. 

How are they to know how handsome I am then? 

Yep, there needs to be a picture of me for sure. 

Who knows I may even get my own fan club? 

If a donkey can get one, why can't I?! 

I'm not jealous! 

Okay, perhaps a bit. 

Now don't get me wrong. 

I don't mind one bit my pet becoming popular. 

But only if said pet is a good wingman. 

The unicorn wasn't. 

She either played dumb or said weird stuff. 

I do hope she is doing fine. 

She remains a good friend, nonetheless. 

I do have Wolfie but she isn't good with strangers. 

If a cute girl approaches, chances are she'll just growl. 

Well, that has never happened. 

Mostly because of how expressive Wolfie is. 

When she looks at you with disgust you don't want to come near. 

It feels really bad when an animal is looking down on you. 

Still, now is not the right time to think about a wingman. 

I'm broke as hell right now. 

Sure drinking a lot is cool. 

But I can also seem like a raging alcoholic to people that don't know better.

I did just spend all my savings drinking. 

It was by mistake but still. 

Well, it ended well. 

It was worth it in a way. 

Just seeing the face of people. 

Am I human? Who knows haha.

Let them think whatever they want. 

Now my immediate goal should be to get a job.

The polite young man offers me to work with them.

I refuse. 

I am not a petty thief. 

I am a man of many talents.

I am perfectly capable of being self-sufficient. 

In such a way they bid me farewell. 

They have some stuff to do and so do I. 

They don't seem too worried about me. 

I just showed them something amazing after all. 

If they were NPCs their trust meter would be through the roof. 

This is kinda epic. 

I just need to keep this up. 

At this rate, the whole city will fall under my charm!

What? Convincing a few young men doesn't count? 

Please, every hero had to start somewhere.

I actually feel awesome right now. 

I am not even fooling kids, but true grown men. 

This is amazing.

I am that close to a fan club. 

And by that I mean I am just missing the fans and the club. 

Very close. 

I will go one step at a time. 

Now, this first step of mine is to confidently enter a shop.

A place where I will showcase my awesomeness. 

"Welcome, what can I get you?" 

[The question is not what you can do for me, but instead what I can do for you!] 

"Young man, this is a bakery. I don't have time for your charades. I'm also not interested in buying anything."

[Ah, you misunderstand. You see I am a baker myself!] 

"Good for you, I guess. Now either buy or get the hell out!" 

[Eh, aren't you hiring?]

"Nope. Why would I be? Are you looking down on me?!" 

[Ah, no. I saw the sign in the window.]

"The one that says specifically not to ask about getting hired? Are you taunting me, boy?!" 

[Ah, no. Sorry I looked at it too quickly it seems.]

"Now get the fuck out!" 


This place may not be my first step after all. 

Let's dub this one a test run. 

Kinda like how one would stretch before doing some exercise. 

Yep, that's what it was. 

It seems I was too hasty a bit. 

I'm so used to seeing notices looking for staff that I didn't expect the opposite. 

It even had a little drawing of a person on it. 

Anyone would have mistaken it easily.

At least I assume. 

I could totally test it. 

Get a bunch of illiterate people. 

Line them all up. 

Then ask them individually what they think of that sign. 

Then check how likely that misunderstanding is. 

Then I could push the study even further. 

Break it down by demographics.

By the main language. 

By place of residence. 

By the age. 

By the gender. 

I could then clarify it all. 

Of course, I won't do it. 

I mean, why would I?

Would be nice to have an AI chip right now. 

You know, the kind that does all the calculations for you instantly? 

You know the kind that appears out of nowhere. 


I don't know. 

It usually goes like that. 

It would help me a ton for my studies. 

It would make my scouting ability OP too. 

The main issue I have right now is that I am human. 

Divine energy is really strong, but I am limited by my mortality. 

A concrete example, me looking from above using my powers. 

I can see a small area. 

I could possibly look at the entire world given enough proficiency. 

The thing is the sheer quantity of information would fry my brain. 

That I am sure of. 

Would be more than I can comprehend. 

That would all change with an AI. 

I could let it do the heavy calculations while I chill. 

It could even give me fight predictions and whatnot. 


No point thinking about all this stuff. 

Time to go back to the task at hand. 

Find another bakery to try my luck.

Ah, there is one right there. 

Alright, here goes nothing

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