The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 226: Defender of Justice

Chapter 226: Defender of Justice

Beating people up. 

Does that count as living in the moment? 

Technically yes. 

Still, not on my watch!

There are 6 guys ganging up on another one. 

There is one thing that is peculiar. 

These guys were together at the beginning. 

Why did they turn on one another? 

I was expecting the polite young man to be the one on the ground. 

Nope, he's the one kicking the hardest. 

[Do you guys have no sense of justice? Ganging up on the weak like that!] 

"Piss off old man!" 

One guy starts but is stopped by the polite one. 

"Sorry for the public disturbance. There are reasons for our actions." 

[Do you think it warrants beating someone up in broad daylight?!] 

"Well yes actually. He slept with my sister promising her a life together only to throw her away like a used cum rag afterward." 

[Is this true?] 

The victim retorts. 

"The bitch is crazy! She isn't demure at all! She's goddamn insane! She can rot in hell for all I care! She doesn't even allow me to have mistresses!" 

As they say, don't stick your dick in crazy. 

I can agree with that. 

Demure and all, not very feminist but that's his preference so whatever. 

That last reason, however. 

The guy already has a woman and yet he's looking elsewhere?! 

As a model of benevolence, I need to teach these youths right from wrong. 

[You guys that's not a reason to beat him up. The couple should figure it out together you know.] 

They are looking at me weirdly. 

[Humans should be free to make their own decisions and choose their path in life. Who are we to try and control their life?] 


Of course, I may be a tiny bit jealous of that guy. 

The last intimate contact I had with someone was a hobo. 

I was very drunk. 

Not a good memory. 

*Sigh* If only I could have just stayed at the Moon Keep. 

Sometimes I imagine how my life would have been if the cultivator dude never showed up. 

I would probably still be training, eating, and day-drinking. 

The dream life. 

I would still have Luna. 

To be honest I kind of want to try and meet her again one day. 

There is just the issue of the sect itself. 

It won't happen before I have overwhelming power. 

Even then the future is uncertain. 

I come out of my reverie. 

[Seriously guys, you need to learn to love your fellow man. A guy with a beard once said love one another. Truly a wise dude if you ask me.] 

"Hum, Sir?"

[What's up young one?] 

"You do know you've been kicking him this whole time, right?" 



Guess I did that unconsciously. 

Not because I'm jealous. 

Not at all. 

Okay, maybe just a tiny bit. 

[*Sigh* Please, I was just moving my body exercising.]

I look down at the guy under my shoes. 

Wait, when did I get shoes? 


[Young man, you really shouldn't lie down on the road. Please do not be a hindrance to people!] 

I can hear the spectators trying their hardest not to laugh. 

The now beaten black and blue Casanova flees. 

What can I say? 

Accomplishing good deeds is part of my nature. 

Too shameless? 

Who cares? 

There is something that pisses me off about that kind of conduct. 

Ah, don't get me wrong I'm not talking about abandoning girls. 

It works both ways. 

Cheating is not okay. 

Except if it's on a really annoying exam.

Don't quote me on that, however. 

"Brother thank you for the help, but we would have been fine. Just be careful so he doesn't come back to give you trouble."

I do my best to give a confident smile. 

[Don't worry about me haha. If even you guys dare to beat him up, why wouldn't I dare to educate him a little?!] 

"*Sigh* No you don't understand. We are part of the slums. There is a very strong feeling of belonging there. Outsiders aren't dealt in the same way as insiders." 

I look around. 

[You are telling me that these cool ancient-looking buildings slightly in ruin.]

"Yep, the slums. Or what is considered the slums here anyway. There are real ones outside the city. Here it's mostly people that barely work but most once were someone relatively decent."

This is really dumb. 

You can't call something so nice the slums. 

It is like calling trash a novel that is in fact a masterpiece. 

Who does that?! 

I strongly boycott the idea! 

How will I do that? 

I mean, I won't really do it.

Could you picture that one guy?

In front of the slums with a sign. 

On it written: Make the slums, slums again! 

I feel like people could get behind that. 

There is always a low percentage of the population that will agree with the dumbest ideas. 

I'm kidding but also not.

I'm just wondering how bad the ones outside are. 

Is this a situation where the city is actually a nice place? 

Perhaps they could just be hiding the poor away too. 

[Since you guys have nice slums, I guess you don't even have beggars eh, must be nice!]

"Ah, no. We have lots of beggars. There are so many sects and temples. Many give away all their savings before they know it."

What the hell? 

What kind of messed-up logic is that? 

Who would donate till they are broke? 

It makes no sense. 

"Well, with the automatic system in place to detect the worst crimes."

There is a catch, right?

"There are not that many guards to drive the beggars away."

[Aren't there many opportunities with the number of temples? Won't most have programs to help the poor and helpless?] 

"Naw, what kind of sect does that? It is all about amassing power, wealth, and finding talents."


"There are magical artifacts existing that test one's potential. If it is high you can expect to be welcomed in an organization.] 

[What about you guys?]

"Oh, we are thieves." 

So he says proudly. 

So much for the system making crime impossible eh. 

This. how am I supposed to react to that? 

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