The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 224: Gates of Eaglevein

Chapter 224: Gates of Eaglevein

How would one describe this city? 

Picture a city made of gold. 

Picture tall and intimidating walls. 

Picture a halo of fortune drifting above the city. 

Picture fairies and handsome men going about their business. 

Picture a city where immortals would reside. 

Is the image clear enough? 

Well, Eaglevein isn't anything like that. 

It's a goddamn mess.

The walls look sturdy but were clearly made of different materials. 

The buildings look magnificent, but there is no sense of harmony. 

It gives that metropolis vibe. 

The one where people argue all day long over deals. 

Also, the residents look as normal as can be. 

This is disappointing. 

Where are the catgirl maids to welcome the weary travelers? 

No instead there are a bunch of guards.

They don't even have the same equipment. 

Some are using swords, some scimitars, some spears. 

They don't even have the same uniform. 

These guys are lucky I'm not their superior. 

Do they not know the meaning of a dress code?! 

I guess it's because of the way the city works. 

So many sects in power must cause quite the mess. 

I get the feeling city planning isn't their strong suit. 

There is one thing that is really nice, however. 

There are giant city gates.

All metallic. 

A circle on it? 

The symbol on it is weird but who cares. 

That kinda looks cool. 

You could even fit titans through these. 

There is one issue. 

The gates are closed!

Instead, people pass through side doors on the side. 

Such a shame. 

The flow of people going inside is steady. 

They don't even seem to stop at the gate. 

Is there no checkup on people that enter? 

Even the smallest towns had that feature. 

I doubt this place would be less secure. 

It takes me a while, but I figure it out. 

I would be a good detective! 

Apparently, the whole place is surrounded by a barrier. 

That barrier is controlled by an artifact. 

This artifact is able to differentiate people from one another. 

To gain access you need to register in it.

To do that one needs to wait in a queue on the side. 

Good thing being patient is one of my strong suits. 

As I'm waiting I'm wondering. 

So there is invisible magic covering the walls. 

What would happen if one were to dig under? 

Would it be possible to just illegally enter? 

Does it cover the underside too? 

Would there be a loud alarm ringing? 

So many questions. 

I can picture a panicking soldier calling to his superior. 

Freaking out because they are getting attacked by moles!

My other question is if it could be hacked. 

What if you modify it to let anyone enter?

Worse modify it to keep the residents inside, forever.

Until they run out of food and.

The ultimate siege. 

I see one last way to counter such a thing.

What would happen in case of a chemical attack? 

Would the gas remain stuck inside? 

That could become deadly quickly. 

I wonder how many are doing the same thing as I. 

Thinking of all the possibilities related to this technology. 

I mean I say that, but I don't know a single thing about it. 


Nice, finally my turn. 

I am guided to a small building. 

There are about 5 guards there. 

I guess they aren't too worried about an attack.

Wolfie stays outside.

They gesture me to sit on a small chair. 

One takes something out. 

"Put your hand on that."

There is some sort of glowing sphere. 

It's always a sphere, isn't it? 

It's warm to the touch. 



How am I supposed to answer that? 


Already stuck on the first question. 

I bashfully let out.

[Don'tknowdon'tcare. Can we skip it?] 

I hear a strident sound. 

Coming from a guy in the back with something in his hands.

"He's lying!" 

What?! No way! 

[Wait brother, there must be some kind of mistake!] 

"His name isn't don'tknowdon'tcare."

"Bag him!" 

They all jump on me. 

To fight or not to fight?

These guys are obviously dumb as a brick. 

Actually, no. 

That would be insulting. 

To the latter I mean. 

Bricks have many uses after all. 

Before I know it, I am restrained on a chair. 

Well, restrained is a big word. 

I can obviously escape whenever I want. 

The question is if I should. 

I see them rummage through my possession. 

Tamer emblem, sword, coins, and a cheap necklace. 

Somehow even observing just that takes them time. 

[I want to see your superior.]

Will they comprehend such a saying? 

"Pfff as if you were worthy of that." 

I hate his smug and idiotic face. 

Ah, being a dumbass is fine. 

I used to have many friends that were ones. 

Please just don't go around bothering other people. 

Now the question is who the hell entrusted guard duty to these guys?!


For now, I have a secret weapon. 


I swear It's been working for me recently. 

[You guys are truly bold to assault a friend of the Greberos family!] 

"*Scoff* As if I'd believe that." 

[Oh? What about that thing that supposedly says if I'm lying. That's what it does no?] 

"*Cackling* A nobody like you wants to scare me with a borrowed power?! Dream on! I've done this job for a long time! In front of me, Dragons lie down, and Tigers crouch!"

I see the guy operating the thingy in the back looking serious. 

I make eye contact with him. 

I can see him becoming nervous. 

Humans tend to trust things they fear. 

Well either that or deny reality. 

[Now listen well, and make sure you work that thing. I was personally offered an invitation to become an elder for their family. Now tell me, do you dare?] 

"H-he's saying the truth!!" 

"That's impossible! There is no way such a thing would be possible! He would have told us from the get-go!"

"But he isn't lying!" 

"But he lied earlier!" 

[*Sigh* Listen well, you deaf bastard. I don't know nor do I care for a name. Now are you going to remove these ropes or should I do it myself and slaughter you all!] 

Alright, I'll admit acting as an expert is addictive. 

They are all shaking. 

One is pissing himself. 

They ain't moving at all.

[*Sigh* Never mind you guys are truly useless.] 

I make divine energy course through my body. 

Instantly the rope becomes taut until the strings snap. 

I look at the cocky bastard from earlier. 

[Now, where were we? You said something about dragons and tigers?] 

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