The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 218: An Expert

Chapter 218: An Expert

It's a good thing I used my scouting ability!

Why didn't I use it even sooner?

Well you know, shit happens.

It's human to forget stuff.

Especially when in a stressful situation.

Well, now I think I may have found a way out of this.

It is an insane plan, but one that might just work.

All because of that scouting I was doing.

I saw a mage of theirs go invisible right in front of my eyes.

I was looking at the right place at the right time.

Thus giving me a card to play.

The expert one!

I do have one thing going for me.

I am overall pretty weak.

This means that no magic can reveal my power.

Except if they can somehow detect divine energy.

Now, this has two possible outcomes.

One they think I'm weak and underestimate me.

Two they think I am hiding my power and overestimate me.

So I went for the most awesome bluff possible.

I waited for the mage to come inside.

Him being invisible.

Then I started describing him playfully.

Implying that I knew everything about him.

I never even looked at him.

As if he wasn't worth my glance.

In fact, I truly had no idea where he was.

I was just guessing that he truly entered the premises.

My bet paid off.

He revealed himself and surrendered.

Even going as far as kneeling.

Not gonna lie, I almost had a heart attack when he appeared.

This shit is scary as fuck.

Well, the good thing is I was somehow expecting it.

I managed to remain calm.

At least on the surface.

Then came a problem.

I didn't know a single thing about hostage negotiation.

I've seen it happen in movies, but still.

I wasn't sure how to go about it.

So I simply kept acting like an aloof expert.

Told him to play with me.

The I spy game.

Taught him how.

He learned fast.

Well, his example was a bit too easy, but he did participate.

Nothing screams badass like having fun in an otherwise tense situation.

With everyone losing their shit, yourself just chilling.

At least that's what I went for.

I'm also very proud of how I handled that.

We let him leave and gave him a new list of demands.

Now all that was left was to wait.

In every list, we did include leaving the city safely as a request.

Hoping they would understand the message.

That we weren't trying to fight them.

Not because of our weakness but as a warning.

Well all that being a huge bluff.

Then people started coming, bringing snacks with them.

At first, I was bewildered.

Then I was told it was one of the demands my hostage had written.

I was wary of foul play.

Either poison or them simply trying to lower our guards.

It turned out to be fine.

The food was almost as good as back at the Moon Keep.

I wasn't expecting that level of culinary development in such a small city.

Food was good, but really all I desired was to leave safely.

Thus as the seconds passed, I became more and more jittery.

For this could all be a diversion tactic.

For all I knew, they were getting a super expert to come and deal with me.

But I had no choice.

That was the role I had taken.

An expert wouldn't hurry for such a silly reason.


That's when I was told people were heading this way.

Three to be exact.

I quickly used my scouting ability.

That's when I realized that everything may just be alright.

After all two of them turned out to be people I knew.

That's when all my stress disappeared.

They would somehow help me I believe.

There is no way we can't trick one guy with all of us working together.

This was gonna be great.


[Someone, open the door wide for our guests!]

"What if they try and storm the place?"

[Don't worry everything will be fine.]

After all the people coming are mostly allies.

They look at me impressed.

All except that librarian.

Why is he acting like all this is to be expected?

Maybe just his personality.

My acquaintances enter.

They are curiously looking around.

Meanwhile, the third guy has his eyes fixed on me.

Shaking like a leaf.

I can see him sweating.


I mean not the fact that he's dripping.

I'm talking about how stressed he seems.

This means my bluff is working!

My ex-guard friend thinks I'm strong because of the slime incident.

In fact, I was just the creature's ultimate counter.

Then the disciplinary member.

He is still waiting for me to get him an autograph from Eternal Ice.

Then again, the guild seems to be hunting me.

I just hope he won't take their side.

[Welcome, what brings you guys here.]

I mean I kinda know it.

The guard I do not know comes forward stuttering.

"I-I want to apologize in the city's name! Please do not hold it against the normal soldiers they were only trying to protect the peace!"

More like why is he apologizing?

All the soldiers did was encircle the library.

I guess there is that one invisible guy that came scouting too, but that turned out to play in my favor.

Not only did he not do anything bad, he even played a few rounds with us.

[Sure, whatever.]

"Thank you, Sir! Thank you! We will forever be grateful!"

Now that's just exaggerated.

I need to subtly change the subject to what's happening with the guild.

This is the part I am the most confused about.

But how does one even ask something like that while keeping the image of an expert?

This is hard, what should I

The committee guy comes forward.

"Oh, right I'm glad to have finally found you. The guild has been looking all over for you."

Never mind guess he is about to tell me.

This will probably end up as some kind of ultimatum.

He doesn't seem to be overly aggressive.

I guess they will give me a way out.

The only question is if that solution will be acceptable to me.

Here it comes...

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