The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 213: Just Deal With It

Chapter 213: Just Deal With It


"My Lord there is a situation!"

What the hell is it now?!

Why are these guys always intruding on my private time?!

Can't they get a fucking clue?!

I give a kiss to the beauties surrounding me and slowly get up.

"What is it now. If you disturbed me for no reason, I'll have your head."

"My lord, there is something big happening at the library. There is a hostage situation and"

"Just send guards to take care of it! How useless can you be?!"

"T-that my lord, the hostage is from the upper-strata of Eaglevein."

Are you fucking kidding me?!

First, it's a dumb worthless guard that I have to tolerate.

With all that slime bullshit.

Now it's another scion getting in trouble.

Why the fuck am I the only one that needs to clean up after their shit.

This is irking.

Just let me live in fucking peace already.

These guys can all die for all I care.

Why can't they just stay home?

It's always the idiots that go to explore the world too.

The wise ones take on responsibilities in their respective families.

"*Sigh* Fine, what's the situation?"

"We have the place surrounded already. It turned out that there were many off-duty guards near the scene. The tamer's guild also has many members in the area."

"Nice! We can leave this to the guild then! Let's just let them handle it. Ah, but do make a show out of it. Send many soldiers to support them. Do let them go first in case something goes wrong."

"Understood my Lord!"

He leaves.

This should be fine.

I guess I got lucky on that one.

With soldiers there the worst that can happen is the hostage dying.

Good things the tamers are there to take the blame.

This is all a political game.

If I play my cards well I can even use the incident to strip some of their powers.

I can use the argument of wanting to increase the collaboration between us.

To prevent another tragedy from happening.

Well, that is how I would sell it.

So what if a dumb young second-generation gets killed.

They can all die for all I care.

I get back to the delicate bodies of my concubines until

"My Lord! Report!"

Goddamnit! Can't they just take care of it themselves?

Ah, *Sigh* fine. Guess I'll get dressed.

Sometimes I hate this job.

"What is it now?"

"T-that there are updates. The tamer guild is not getting involved at all. Apparently, only some of the younger tamers are on the place out of curiosity. The core of their forces is staying out of it. They are apparently looking for one of theirs."

"Well that's easy, just sprinkle rumors that the one they are looking for is in the library. That should get them going."

"I tried that my Lord, but they said the one they are looking for wouldn't get caught in such a trifling matter like a dumbass."

"So they are busy looking for someone strong enough to deal with the entire hostage situation by himself. Just lie and say some of their younger members are inside the library! That should get them going!"

"My lord that's the strange part. The hostage is one of theirs. They still do not care."

What the hell?!

Are we talking about the proud tamer's guild here?!

The one that won't give an inch of ground in negotiations.

The one that is always independent.

Is it really that one?

Yet now they are not caring one bit about a loss of face.

There is something weird going on.

"M-my lord, there is more."

"What is it?"

"They sent a list of demands. Some of the points there are extremely outrageous."

"What? Are they asking for lots of gold? Are they asking for a carriage to get away from the city?"

"T-that, there was the request for you to sing and dance buck naked in the town square my lord."

What the hell?!

Who is the fucker doing this!

Is this some sort of elaborate plan to make me lose power?

Is the guild actually behind this?

Are they trying to use the argument that life should be more precious than my dignity?

This is bad.

It is a really stupid move on their part.

Still, one that could screw me over.

If only the hostage was any random citizen.

We could just enter and kill them all.

Captor and hostage included.

That is why I hate nobles.

Always gotta walk on eggshells around them.

"Who exactly is the one doing the deed?"

Maybe I can get a clue on the exact situation by knowing exactly who their puppet is.

"We don't know my lord."

"What do you mean you don't know? Didn't they say their demands?!"

"T-that, there used to be two guards at the door of the library. They both saw everyone that entered it. However, only one of them saw the situation inside directly."

"Just interrogate that guy then! Do I have to tell you how to do your job?!"

"My lord, he won't cooperate. There is one thing he kept repeating over and over, however."

"What would that be?"

"He said that the guy inside said that he would only negotiate with that him my lord. He also"

"That is understandable, if that guy is obedient of course he would. Let's fire that guard afterward. You were saying?"

"My lord he also said something worrying. He said that no matter what we should not anger the one inside. Otherwise, it would potentially lead to the destruction of the whole city."

"What?! Preposterous! The destruction of MY city! How retarded can you be to believe him! He is obviously an accomplice!"

How fucking useless! I taught these guards of mine to be careful.

Still, the way they are acting now is simply stupidity.

As if anyone would have the power to single-handedly destroy this place.

I kind of want to kill this dumbass right here and now

But I really can't appear right now.

"Go back out there. Stop being stupid. Just send a rescue squad already. Make sure the tamer's guild cooperates too. Force them if you have to. Now go and don't come back before all this mess is cleaned up!"

Hopefully, these dumbasses will resolve it quickly.

As long as I don't personally appear Everything should be fine.

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