The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 198: Alarming News

Chapter 198: Alarming News

He says he will make me account for my crimes.

Now what?

"Follow us back to the garrison or we will apprehend you!"

I take a combat stance, or at least what I believe to be one.

[Bring it on!]

"Soldiers! Capture this miscreant!"

They all look resolute.

Then they swarm over.

All 20 of them.

Finally, they reach their leader.

Shouting war cries .and they start beating him up.

Wow, they really weren't kidding before.

Aren't they worried about getting charged with insubordination?

Apparently not at all!

Then again if they all do it at once they might as well all claim he fell or something.

Some are kicking.

Some are punching.

Some are slapping.

Is one guy spitting? Damn, that's harsh!

[Hey guys, don't you think you are being too mean right now?]

That awkward moment when your enemy is suffering enough you start feeling pity for them.

One of them calmly starts explaining their reasoning.

I am strong enough to go against a whole cartel by myself.

I am still alive.

Thus them fighting me is a death sentence.

Not only will they die pointlessly, but they will leave behind their families.

This order of his not only compromises these people but also the city itself.

All to defend a group of scumbags.

Trashy guys that didn't deserve living in the first place.

It all really makes sense.

Still, since I am a benevolent guy and a philanthropist at heart.

[Guys make me some room; I want to get a few kicks in!]

There, all good now!

This is abuse?

No this is some physical education.

Before every stupid decision in the future, he will remember this day.

Potentially saving countless lives by doing so.

*Sigh* Aren't I a great role model?

At some point, everyone gets tired of it.

Their leader is left growling on the ground.

"T-this is insubordination I'll."

Never mind.

Some of them jump back in.

Round 2 begins.

This time as it ends, he remains silent.

I was expecting him to be angry, but he surprisingly takes it well.

Although he doesn't seem to be that hurt either.

Wait, was that all a show?

Ah, no. I can see some blood at the corner of his mouth.

One of the soldiers addresses me.

"With this, we will be on our way. Please remember to pay the entrance fee next time. Have a great day!"

The mad chase ended up with them being so tired they had to take a break.

Then they started a mutiny.

Now they are leaving as if nothing unusual happened.

What the hell?

Meanwhile, my companions behind me are all cheering.

There is still that one guy asking if we should let them leave alive

Oh my gosh!

I think they haven't been cutting as many trees since I did most of the job.

Is all this pent-up energy getting to his head?

Will he go to town at night and become infamous as Jack the human-cutter?!

For anyone that hasn't noticed it's a really bad wordplay from Jack the ripper and woodcutter.

Points for effort perhaps?

That's when arrives someone new.

"Hey there! I have some urgent information!"

Who is that supposed to be?

[So who are you exactly?]

He chokes a little.

"It's me! Me! You know!"

No, I do not.

I just keep looking at him

I'm not famous enough to have fans yet I think.

"The guy that led the slime cleaning expedition!"

[Ah! It's you! I didn't recognize you without your guard outfit!]

"*Sigh* Sadly I don't have a job anymore."

[Yep, I heard about that. Truly a bunch of assholes!]

"Yeah, but that's why I'm here today!"

This will probably be a long talk.

I guide him inside the camp where we both get water before sitting down.

He takes on a serious expression.

"I have some concerning news."

[Go on]

"I fear there may be a power out there trying to overthrow the current regime."

[How does that concern me?]

"You should probably try to steer clear from the city at all cost. Chances are it will become a battlefield soon."

[What makes you believe that?]

He leans in and whispers.

"I found evidence of something alarming. I think some people are hatching a plan to create a disturbance in town."

[Why exactly would they want to do that and why are we whispering?]

"They will use probably use the opportunity to launch their attack while the soldiers are occupied."

[Makes sense. What are they planning exactly?]

"This will sound wild but I think people are voluntarily breeding slimes in the sewers."


I can't help but spit my drink.

He slowly wipes his face while remaining stern.

What exactly does he know?

Also, why is he telling me the culprit about it?

[W-Why do you say that?]

"Of course this is surprising but listen to this. I heard rumors about a shady masked individual that was asking around about slimes. When I went to check I found a dead body wrapped in some sort of cloth. I believe it was to be fed to the slimes."

Wait a dead body?

Ah, what the two guys in killed in there were carrying!

I forgot about that.

Okay, so Kim is just researching slimes.

About the Corpses guys, I'm pretty sure they just wanted to dispose of evidence.

I'm pretty sure it was all just a coincidence.

It just so turns out that I committed that very crime he is talking about.

Except the purpose is nothing as grand as that.

What lying in ambush?

What try to change the ruling party?

I'm just salty they didn't pay me.

At worst it will become a short-lived slime infestation and that will teach them a lesson.

If some slimes tiny slimes can destroy a city it tells a lot about it.

[Look I'm pretty sure you are overthinking this don't worry.]

Actually, I know it for a fact.

"Still stay away from the city for a while. In case there is trouble."

[Alright, what will you do about it?]

"Nothing. I tried sounding the alarm, but they didn't believe me. They even threatened to kill me. At this point, it's not my problem."

Nice seems everything will be fine.

I think at least.

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