The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 196: Persistent Bastards

Chapter 196: Persistent Bastards

Somehow this stop to get food was really nice.

I feel like getting a bite somehow makes one think about life.

When you are peacefully eating.

When you are peacefully shiting.

When you are peacefully vomiting.

The first one makes you ponder about the future.

The second makes you ponder on the present.

Especially if you forgot to bring something to read.

I used to bring that one web novel with me to the toilet.

You know, to keep me busy.

It was kinda funny and had many fourth wall breaks.

At some I would laugh so much I would shit myself.


The last one makes you ponder about your past.

I say that because you are either trying to forget it or remember it.

In such a manner I renewed my goal.

To have fun, but no matter what to keep learning.

To keep training.

I am at peace in body and mind.

No one even tried to go after me while I was eating.

This is perfect.

With a skip in my step, I go through the city gate and head toward the camp.

I'm truly at peace and .


I forgot my sword at the food stall.

To be honest I kinda lost the habit to carry one.

You know ever since the one I had got destroyed by a bone dragon.

This is a warning to everyone out there.

If you ever face one make sure you take on the attacks with your body.

Not your possessions.

Actually, could be a bad plan for most.

Anyway, now I need to backtrack.

I go through the gate again and as I'm in the middle

A guard points at me!

"You there! Catch this man!"

Ah fuck.

They are hunting me now?

They weren't a few minutes ago.

Time for plan D!

Run away!

I'm almost hoping for them to give up.

Nope, they are diligent.

Bruh, I legit burned a criminal organization.

Can't you guys act like you haven't seen me?

Pretty please?

Apparently not.

I keep running.

They keep chasing.

Let me see there are about 20 of them.

I feel like I could easily dispatch them all.

Won't they send reinforcement, however?

Would it end up with me having to fight the whole city?

My chances would be pretty low.

As they say, many ants can ..tickle?

Wait, no. I know!

Many ants can take down an elephant!

Except I'm not fat and there are powerful guys probably in there.

I'm sure the city has a few strong aces they keep in reserve.

The type to laze around all day and still get paid.

God that sounds amazing.

Could you imagine me at a job interview for such a position?

The guy would be like, what is your specialty?

I'd be like divine energy.

He would either think me a madman or try to get a hold of that power too.

Is what I'm guessing.

"Stop running! You are only making things worse!"

They are persistent.

[Stop chasing me! You are only wasting both our time!]

Ah, I see the lumberjack camp in front.

Will I bring them trouble if I go there?

I kinda want to ask for advice.

To fight or not to fight?

That is the question.

Or a question in any case.

"Hey welcome back we were wondering when..Why are there guards chasing you?!"

[Beat up and killed some bad people now they are after me.]

"Corrupt guards? I see. Explains it. Run a circle we'll get the weapons."

Then he just dashes away.

[Brother just tell me if I should fight or not? I don't need any help!]

I see they are about to catch up.

*Sigh* Whatever let's do a few laps.

I'm running in circles, big ones.

These guys still coming after me.

Actually, I guess I can just keep doing that.

Infinite stamina in your face bitches!


I run and I rush, and I sprint.

Until finally they can't keep up anymore.

Mission accomplished! Hell yeah.

As they are panting, I can see my companions approaching.

They are all holding axes.

"Let's kill them all!"

[Wow, wait a second!]

How are they so bloodthirsty?

There are proper steps to take.

I holler at them.

[Hey guys. Looking awfully tired there!]

"*pant* *pant* Captain why did we even have to chase so far, we should have just let him leave."

"No *pant pant* exception!"

So apparently the soldiers didn't want to chase.

Only their leader pushed them to come.

"Can we kill them now?"


[Dude go chop a tree or something. I got this.]

Now back to interrogation.

[Alright, while I do respect people doing their jobs truly fucked up this time. Give me one reason not to slaughter you all.]

I can see them starting to shake.

Some guy just vomited in the back.


Must be the combo of physical exhaustion and the sun, I guess.

"I don't want to die."

"This is what I get for following the orders of a fool."

"No, I'm still a virgin!"

"Bro, want me to help you with that? Just bend over and No need to glare at me."

"Shut all your mouths it is our duty to defend the city and "

[Hypocrite! Motherfucking hypocrite.!]

He seems stunned for a second.

[Yes, I killed them. Yes, I burned their headquarter. Yes, I stole their belongings.]

They all seem stunned.

[But you know what? They fucking deserved it.]

They are speechless still.

[These guys are the lowest of the low. They tried to kill me! They would have succeeded too if I wasn't able to defend myself!]


[So you know what? Screw your fake sense of justice. You can all rot in hell for going to the rescue of these black corpse guys!]


[Speechless aren't you? I saw all through your little games. Now it's time for punishment for]

"Hum, brotherwhat are you even talking about?"

Why does he seem confused?


"We only stopped you for not paying the entrance feeall that other stuff it's not our department at all."

[Ah, but I have that robe that says I'm a laborer that has free passage and.Ah. I did take that off!]

Did I almost kill them all over a misunderstanding?

How do I salvage this?

I kinda confessed to a lot of things

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