The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 192: Fools Deserving of Death

Chapter 192: Fools Deserving of Death

I am holding them by the face.

Dangling above a pit of slimes.

They ain't able to speak either.

Explains the weird noises they were making.

Do I put one down to try and change my grip on him?

Perhaps he would try to run.

Right now they aren't going anywhere but better not let my guard down.

Ah, I could ask my companion to break their kneecaps.

Then they won't escape no matter what.

She still looks shaken.

Why is it that she seems more traumatized by the fact that I can protect myself?

The attempted **** and murder not phasing her at all.

This is weird.

You know what, this is too complicated.

Let's just drop some load.



*Sound of slimes devouring one shady dude. *

[Alright now that's better. I can use both hands.]

I use my free hand to hold him by the collar.

Then I release his face only to hear a barrage of supplications.

"Please don't kill me! I'll tell you everything! I won't do it ever again!..."

It actually goes on.

He seems very talkative now.

It seems the slimes below are really freaking him out.

Meh, these little things are kinda cute, to be honest.

Well, they do tend to eat all your clothes when you swim in there.

But I gotta say this is the easiest interrogation I have ever done.

He just keeps the info going.

Where their base is.

The number of members they have.

How to recognize them.

Something about a specific tattoo to look for.

Their main businesses.

Let's just say it goes from shady to plain horrible.

The more I hear about it the angrier I get.

Let's just say human rights are not a part of their vocabulary.

He also tells me about the strongest in their midst.

I even learn what he looks like.

Apparently, their chief is only a rank 3 warrior.

How does that even happen?

That is at the level of my first elder.

So much for calling themselves a power.

Compared to the tamer guild they are legit nothing.

Just a stupid bunch with inflated egos.

I make sure my companion has memorized all the info.

He is begging me to let him go.

Promising to behave.

I am not some righteous guy at all.

Who knows if he truly will turn over a new leaf.

Chances are he is only saying this because of the fear of death.

Which to be honest is understandable.

But well, the easiest solution is simply this one.

I release my grip.

He flails his arms around trying to grab something, but he fails.

Before long he disappears never to be seen again.

Oh well.

Thus ends the story of the bad guys we found in the sewer.

Or does it?

There are many left on the surface.

What kind of option should I choose?

I could try to find the unicorn for backup.

Actually, what has she been up to these days?

I can also just charge ahead alone.

Normally I wouldn't for sure, but I may as well.

One, they are weak according to that guy's information.

Two, worst case my horny friend will save my ass haha.

Hell, I could even go beg Eternal Ice for help.

Haven't seen him since he helped little Bai.

I wonder how long it will take before he wakes up.

Apparently, it can be a very lengthy process.

Plus no one really knows cause it's a slime.

Why am I convinced he'll be able to complete the process successfully?

Eh, I have seen both of them eat together.

Perfect fucking sync.

Yep, I'm not especially worried.

[Alright, let's go up and clean the trash.]

This honestly feels great.

I'm on a quest for justice! Not

Why am I even bothering to go hunt these guys?

After all, the two that saw me are dead already.

For all I know, no one is the wiser.

It is not my job either to take care of it.

Honestly, I just want to feed the slimes haha.

See how much I can artificially increase their numbers by feeding them.

Hopefully get it back to the initial numbers before the cleanup.

No way will I let someone profit off my back.

That is how resentful I can be.

I do know it is petty but still.

I ask Kim to guide me toward their base.

She complies.

At first, she isn't too sure about the plan.

But then I tell her about the research opportunity.

Suddenly she is on board.

The next step is to find a sewer entrance near their base.

It takes us a while, but we do manage it.

After that, I tell her to hide for now.

I strut toward my target.

It seems to be a medium-size house with a courtyard.

Is it fine to be that brazen?

There are goons at the entrance guarding it.

I politely go to them.

[Hello, is this the black corpses' headquarter?]

"Yeah, what the hell do you want?!"


I don't say a word.

I just grab 2 of them.

Then I retreat toward the sewers.

Carrying my luggage.

They try to free themselves, but I hold them tight.

At first, they scream invectives at me.

Then they switch to threats.

The final step is begging.

Oh, and the turning a new leaf part.

I wonder if they are taught that stuff as an initiation?

Oh well, I throw them in.

With a plop, they disappear.

I have pursuers on my heels.

Just in time.

More food haha.

Starts a game of cat and mouse.

Very quickly I corner most of them.

The few that escape are just too fast.

A few minutes later they are gone as if that was a magic trick.

I return to the surface.

Now they may be preparing for my attack.

But according to the info I got from the dead thugs, everything should be fine.

The city won't do a thing as these guys are getting killed.

They can't openly support such an organization after all.

As for any allies

Doubt anyone would really care if they disappeared.

This is going to be fun.

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