The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 189: Bad City Officials

Chapter 189: Bad City Officials

What is up with these guys?

Did something happen?

"You are finally back!"

"Is the tamer guild still standing?"


There hasn't been any kind of earthquake or war

[Why wouldn't it be? The buildings look pretty sturdy.]

"Weren't you going to wage war on them?"

"Did you challenge their star tamer to a life-or-death duel yet?"


[What are you guys even talking about? What war? What duel?]

"What's with all the blood then?"

"Who did you kill?"

Do I look like someone bloodthirsty?

Also, why the hell would I try to attack the tamer guild?!

[Calm down you guys! I didn't kill or hurt anyone. I helped move an injured guy.]

"Ah? What happened to getting revenge?"

"Weren't you angry at him?"

[One thing at a time. Why don't you guys slowly explain what happened?]

"That we thought you were getting revenge."

"Yes, what"

[Wait! Who would I be getting revenge against and why?]

"The star tamer of the guild."

[The guy with the big fire-lizard?]


[Why exactly would I want to fight him?]

"Because of what he did to you."

"Because of him, you won't receive any payment for the job earlier."

[Are you guys talking about the sewer cleaning?]

They both nod.

[WaitI'm not getting paid for that?! Why?!]

"You didn't know?"

[Of course not! No one told me! What happened?]

"Well, that guy told them that there was no king slime and that you tried to embezzle funds."

[I'm not sure why he would say that, but they just believed him?]

"Yes, they also wanted to put you in jail, but."

[What happened?]

"Remember the guard that was leading us? Well, he lost his job to defend you. Actually, he would have been killed if he didn't have many years of loyal service."

[That's bullshit! We help clean the city and that is how they thank us?! Not even having the decency to pay us our just due?!]

"Are you going to get revenge then?"

[Of course!]

"I'll tell the others so we can watch your deathmatch!"

[Wait a damn second! I'm not fighting to the death with anyone!]


[No but! Screw that! Never ever challenge someone to a death-match is my personal rule!]

"In order not to take a life? "

"Because they don't deserve your time? Are you just going to execute him?"

Seriously what is wrong with these guys?

No, the reason I won't fight is that you never know when an opponent could be hiding his power.

That and I'm not sure where the unicorn went or even her exact power level.

Otherwise, she could definitely help.

Still, I'm not gonna risk her life for something so dumb.

But what could I

Ah, I know!

I just had a truly great idea!

Oh, this is going to be fun.

If it works anyway.

To be fair that new plan of mine is a bit evil.

But it also makes perfect sense.

When you don't get paid you don't do the job.

If you did the job already and the client still refuses to pay

Well, there is only one answer.

You try your best to put everything back how it was.

Goes to the doctor to fix bullet wounds.

Card gets declined.

Doctor takes his gun out and shoots you a few times.

You probably already heard that joke.

Well, this is exactly what I am gonna do.

[What about the money from selling the trees?]

"Ah, that it came in!"

He jogs away and comes back with a small money pouch.

"Here you go!"

*Funds acquired! Ta-da-da*

That is what it would look like.

[Alright guys there is somewhere I need to be, talk to you guys later!]

As I leave, I can hear them talk about the massacre I am about to commit.

Wow, just wow. What kind of man do they think I am?

Also, didn't I just defeat some slimes?

Why do they think I even have the power to accomplish that?

Who knows.

Anyway, I start my master plan.

I navigate the city until I reach the market.

Yes, I asked someone.

Then I find a bakery.

And then I .

Buy bread.

Tons of bread.

That I wrap into a blanket to carry it.

I buy that too.

Then I'm broke.


But now I have a ton of food.

With this, I will be able to eat for a long time.

Nope, it ain't for me you see.

Did I just blow up all my cash on a petty plan?

Yes, indeed.

I make my way toward the sewers.

Then I go inside. Somehow, it's not guarded.

Are they not worried at all?

I look at the sea of slimes.

Well, more the small river of slimes.

Still seems to be reproducing fast.

Still, we gotta pump those numbers up!

Time for the bread to shine!

I try to input a tiny bit of divine energy into it.

I want to see if I can trigger a mutation.

Eat little slimes! Become big and strong!

Then show them how wrong they were to say the king slime was a lie!

I'll show them who's lying!



Eh, there is someone here?!

"How are you doing?!"

Ah, it's the slime researcher Kim!

[Hey, nothing much just feeding slimes.]

I can see her eyes shine through the mask.

"Can I join you?! Can I?!"


Thus we start to peacefully feed the slimes.

This is nice.

It reminds me of the time I used to feed the ducks when I was young.

Oh yeah, apparently you aren't supposed to feed them bread.

Well, I heard that it's more that there are way better alternatives.

Not that it will poison them or anything.

I just hope it will work on slimes.

Eat and grow.

This is a very relaxing activity.

Especially considering my goal of screwing these city officials.

Oh, don't get me wrong.

I don't want any civilian to be affected.

But hey, we are talking about slimes here.

What's the worst that could happen?

These things are so slow haha.

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