The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 184: A Good Life

Chapter 184: A Good Life


That's when I feel my soul get yanked away.

It seems this is the end of this trip down memory lane.

The remainder of my life is all recent events anyway.

To this day I still have no clue who this friend of mine is.

I was told that he is extremely powerful by that one guy.

Even now I still ignore if it was the truth or a joke.

Nonetheless, he did accomplish a miracle for me.

He helped me tame a creature.

Seeing him with his pets gave me the will to try.

Ah, before I notice I am already back in the dark space.

The one with my memories floating all around.

I get the feeling that I will disappear after seeing all of them.

There are a few thought bubbles floating around.

It takes me seconds to integrate them.

I keep going forward.

Somehow without a body.

There is one last memory awaiting me.

Somehow it feels strange.

I don't have the same sense of familiarity with it.

How can I have no recollection at all of it?

Still, this seems to be part of the process.

I touch it.


A dark environment.

I am in a river.

I can feel the flow of water caressing my body.

Still, there is something weird.

I feel like I am floating.

A state between being in a body and just being a soul.

I am way too light.

Is this how it all ends?

I can somehow see my surroundings.

It is very dark.

I am in a small waterway.

Ah, I can see all around me.

I don't think I have eyes either.

This is an odd feeling.

I can feel something bumping into me.


Ever so gently.

That's when I notice it.

This thing is a slime.

Actually, I am a slime.

Just floating amidst a sea of my brethren.

All calmly staying here.

From time to time the water brings food.

This seems to be my favorite thing about this place.

The food.

There is plenty.

No need to even move.

You just wait.

Eventually, some trash will drift your way.

This is somewhat peaceful.

Is this what they call reincarnation?

This might not be bad.

Spending a life here.

Calmly eating.

Thinking about what has been.

Thinking about what could have been.

Spending time with these new companions.

They don't seem to know how to communicate.

Not trying to assess their surroundings either.

I guess I am an oddity once again.

Keeping memories of my past life.

That's when I feel myself being grabbed.

Then in front of me appear 2 humans.

Ah, I understand.

This isn't my memory at all.

I see myself as a towering giant.

A slightly chubby one.

Then happens the contract.

I can somehow feel the promises of delicious food.

This body is happy.

This body is dreaming about the upcoming bright future.

Sadly it is bound to be disappointed.

Then comes the meal at the noodles shop.

Then comes bliss.

This simple experience enough to make the current me happy.

Then I understand everything.

My dream used to be freedom and revenge.

This slime ever only wanted freedom and happiness.

And happiness comes from eating in good company to it.

This is so sweet.

That is why when it sees me on the ground and dying it decides to stay beside me.

Even if it means death.

I can feel the love.

So pure.

So simple.

For the first time in forever, I am happy.

Even after having remembered all these dark memories of mine.

It doesn't do much to dampen the bliss I am feeling.

Even after all these obstacles and hard times.

Even after it all.

I feel lucky.

So what if I died a boring and stupid death.

It wasn't worthless at all.

I found something invaluable.

Something I have been searching for since the day I was born.

Since my loveless childhood.

Since my dark years.

Since the time I spent in melancholy.

I feel great.

I feel contentment.

My mind is at peace.

And so is my soul.

In such a state I feel myself going back to the darkness again.

It seems this memory is now over.

The very last one.

At some point, a pedestal appeared.

One that oddly looks like the statue used for testing tamers.

The one to assess potential.

Except that at the top resides a small bowl.

In it some dark water.

It is still, yet it feels alive.

I know.

I'm not sure how, but I know.

This is the last step.

Once I drink that I will forget.

I will return to nothingness.

All my worries gone.

All the hassle of living gone too.

I slowly approach my hands and scoop some.

It feels cold to the touch.

Heavier than water should be.

Of course, there is a lot of baggage it needs to cleanse.

As I bring it to my mouth, I can see a shadow nearby.

I guess there was still something.

The shadow of a dog.

"It's been a long-time old friend."

One that somehow can talk.

This is not that surprising.

This is death after all.

"We have been through a lot haven't we?"

That we did, we sure did.

"You have been through a lot."

Yes, I was alone for far too long.

"But you still lived, you fulfilled your promise."

At first, I am confused.

After all, this is death.

Not a good proof of my success.

But then I get his meaning.

All these years I have been surviving.

Running away from the pain.

Running away from my past.

Running away from myself.

Finding comfort in the fact that I was still alive.

But that's the thing.

I wasn't truly living.

For living is more than simply remaining alive.

It is not that at all.

It is only when my end came that I truly lived.

For real.

I felt love.

I felt glad.

I felt glee.

"Take care old friend. I have been gone for a long time already."

That he has been.

This is probably a remnant stuck in my consciousness.

"You have another to take care of now."

Yet I failed that too.

"Be happy, be free. I will see you on the other side old friend."

He disappears in a puff of smoke.

Then I drink the water.

It is time for me to go.

I truly lived a good life.

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