The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 158: Good Unicorn Gone Wild

Chapter 158: Good Unicorn Gone Wild


This is annoying. The whole plan to only let him see my true form was to prove my dedication.

I get the feeling I am still treated the exact same way as before. He does seem to trust me, but I have not managed to get as close to him as Wolfie.

For instance, she managed to get a personal nickname! I am nothing but a unicorn to him. I'm so jealous! This is unfair. I am the more powerful one!

Actually, I still am not sure how strong exactly my master is. I heard some story about him dealing with a king slime. While such a creature is way weaker than I am he didn't seem that flustered when he came back from the sewers. This can only mean that he should at the very least be rank 5.

This would make sense since he easily became the king. To this day I have never seen him go all out. This is my greatest regret. Not following him in the death domain to witness all of his actions myself. Also not following him in the sewers to see his fight.

I guess I am truly unlucky. Every time something interesting happens I miss it for some reason or another. *Sigh*

I need to act more like a normal donkey if I am to keep my disguise. I also need this disguise to show my loyalty. After all, showing one's true appearance is sacred. These two points are at odds. I need a better plan.

The issue is that I am uncertain of the best way to proceed. As I am lost in thoughts walking, I see the city walls. On it seems to be a snail overlooking all of it. Haha, no way. That would be ridiculous. As if a snail would have the wisdom to observe and be conscious of its surroundings.

Wait, this is what I need! I need wisdom. I have been going about this whole thing wrongly! I need to understand more about human culture. Only then will I be able to make an accurate judgment!

I know just the place for that. I bypass the guards at the door easily. If they think they can stop me to pay their worthless entry tax they are sorely mistaken.

I am a unicorn on a mission!

Not long after I reach my destination. The city's library appears before me. In there should be the knowledge I am after.

There are some weak humans standing in my way I'll just shove them aside. Should they stand against me I can simply kill them all.

Ah, wait. I did promise him to refrain from violence. I guess I'll just do some casual intimidation again.

"Halt! Stop right there!"

"Why is there a donkey?!"

"Who cares let's just ."

"WAIT! .*Heavy breathing*"

Comes running another one. Four of them, they won't stand a chance in a fight. It would be doubtful if their whole garrison could.

"Stop. *he turns towards me* please go ahead and have fun browsing the library!"

Oh? Ah, it seems this is one of the humans from my visit yesterday. It seems he remembers me. I did say that the next time he stopped me I would reduce this town to ashes and paint it in red with his entrails. Or maybe he remembered the parts that were even more graphic? I'm not sure.

Still, it is good for them that there is a smart one in the lot. His colleagues seem to want to complain but he shuts them up extremely quickly. Maybe I should praise him a bit.

"Good human you may keep your life."

Thus I trot inside to his relief.

There it is again the smell of paper and ink. Usually, I would dislike such a smell, but I can't help but remember how I read for him here. This makes this small boring place turn for the better.

Let me see. Now I just need to find that librarian. There he is! Copying some book again apparently. This seems like a bothersome and thankless job. I truly wonder why he does it. Then again, I do need his assistance this one time so I am in no position to judge.

"Hey there human. You shall help me."

He looks up.


He's now rubbing his eyes. Then he looks around looking for my master.

"I am alone today. I will need your cooperation with an important matter."

"A-AH, sure! Did he send you? How can I help?"

"No. I need to learn everything there is about human customs. All of it. Also, my master is not from this place. I would need information on other places' culture too."

"This is impossible to"

"I don't want to hear excuses just do it."

"No seriously. Knowing about everything on such a vast subject is impossible except for a god perhaps. Then there are some cultures that are contradictory. For one people might be required to eat with their left hand and for another, they should use their right one. Without knowing specifically what you are looking for I won't be able to help you."

"Hum, then find me everything about how a unicorn should go about getting closer to a human."

"There is no way that such a thing would have been written and...holy shit! Holy fucking shit! Don't tell me! Y-you are no donkey, you areare."

I glare at him and release the heaviest killing intent I can muster.


He falls to the ground. On the floor, there is a growing puddle of urine growing. How DISGUSTING.

"If you tell me once again that you cannot help me, I swear this will be the last day of your brief librarian career. You will be remembered as the only dumbass getting killed by a donkey. Is that understood?"

He looks as if he has seen a ghost. He remains speechless.

"If you talk about my matters to anyone and I truly mean anyone your end will be so horrible that you will find yourself wishing for death. Is that understood?"


"I said is that understood?"


"Great, now get changed and do your job already."

I may not look like it but I am actually great at communicating with humans. Sometimes I feel like my master underestimates me too much. I am not only able to be violent.

After all, I am really good with threats too!

This should suffice, right?

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