The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 153: Library Time

Chapter 153: Library Time

Alright, I just need to somehow read a book that is extremely thick and also in a language I do not know.

You know how a lot of people complain about machine translation? Right now I would love to have access to something that amazing. Okay, I have 3 options in front of me.

First, I don't read it at all and try to weasel my way out of it. Seeing how stern my teacher looks I'd say he would probably stop teaching me should I do that. This one wouldn't work.

Second, I can try to learn to read. This would take a long time and potentially only work for this one language. Who knows how many there are out there. If I ever change area would that skill still be useful? After all, I am not sure that I want to establish myself in the diplomatic city just yet.

Third, I could find someone to read it for me and pay them. Only issue is that I am broke. Maybe I should figure out how much such a service would cost?

Alright, let's try and see how much the third option would cost me. Time to head to either a bookstore or a library, I guess. Is there even such a thing in this town?

Time to use my special skill: ask passersby!

[Hey there stranger is there someplace one can go to read?]

And turns out there is! I get told some general directions.

A few hours later I finally manage to find my destination! Why a few hours? Well, this city is actually rather big and confusing. It seems to me as if no one actually planned its construction. It probably just happened. Then they put a big ass wall around it and called it a day. Probably to get some entry tax.

Wait a second, didn't I leave the city and come back already? Why did I only pay the entry tax once? Is this some plot hole? Naw, those things don't happen in real life since there isn't any plot. Is it possible we only have to pay it once? How do they know who paid or not? They didn't give me anything to identify me.

This is both impressive and questionable. If they have the technology to differentiate between people that easily why do they need to clear the sewers manually?

Eh, whatever I'll ask my lumberjack friends later on.

In front of me is a relatively medium-sized building. I was expecting the usual fantasy-style giant library. You know the one where you can learn spells, history, warfare, everything in fact.

The history I do know about this world tells me that this world has little interest in the topic itself. Well, there is probably a sect out there that are scribes or something. Wonder how that would play out on the battlefield however haha.

At the entrance are a few guards. Still, they are lazily looking around. They don't seem to be too worried about an attack or intrusion.

[Hey guys I am looking for someone to read something for me. Do you know anyone I could ask?]

He nonchalantly looks at me.

"I have no clue about that, but if you wish to enter you'll have to pay the entrance fee."

Damn of course.

[Funny story the city owes me some money from clearing out the sewers. You know the slimes and all. Before they actually pay me, I am penniless.]

"Then you'll have to wait to enter."

This is bullshit. They take a while to issue a payment but are really quick to ask for funds. Then again it's probably not the same departments.

What am I supposed to do now?

"It's you!"

I could

"Hey, you are that donkey tamer, aren't you?!

Wait, what? I look up there is a scholarly-looking young man that seems excited about something.

"I heard about your fight. How your donkey managed to completely destroy that rank 2 creature. I've never heard of anything crazier than this. You could imagine my surprise when I saw the bite wounds later on. This is epic!"

Oh wow, another donkey fan. If this keeps up they will start a fan club. As if haha.

"Anyway, what brings you here?"

[I am looking for someone to read this for me *shows heavy book*.]

"What? You don't know how to read?!"

[Not this language at least.]

"Hum how about you head inside, and I slowly read it to you?"

[That would be awesome! Actually, I can't head in since I am broke at the moment, I am waiting to be paid for]

"Not a problem! *turns to the guards* He's with me! Alright, let's go in!"

There is no way they willyes, they did. They moved out of the way. They do point at Wolfie and the unicorn however signaling them to stay outside.

Oh well, can't be helped.

[Wow, are you some kind of big shot?!]

"Haha, I wish. No, but I am the librarian. The head librarian is my father too. Let's just say that I might be powerless everywhere but here."

[Oh! So you grew up reading books? Same!]

"Haha, usually people don't get impressed by that. At all."

[I mean, what's the point of warring all the time when you could be chilling at home reading? How boring are these guys!]

"Haha, this is what you consider boring? Let's just say everyone in this city would disagree with you my father included."

[Wasn't he the head librarian why would he hate books?]

"He loves them. He just wishes for a better future for me. This occupation is far from prestigious. That's why I joined the tamer's guild. It was a way for me to transform my reading craving into actual power."

[This is epic! Pretty much turning your hobby into a full-time job.]

"It is, but to be honest sometimes I just wish I could head my own library. A huge one that would contain all the knowledge one can find. Of course, this is nothing but a pipe dream of mine."

[I believe if you keep working hard you might just as well succeed.]

"I see kinda like that donkey of yours am I right haha."

He points to the unicorn nearby.

Waitwe look at each other confusedly.

When did both Wolfie and the unicorn enter?!

What happened to the guards?!

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