The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 151: First Lesson!

Chapter 151: First Lesson!

And I totally feel like drinking something right now. I usually don't talk so much in a chapter.

Oh well, stuff like that is a nice change of pace. Still, I wonder how long he will believe me. Chances are not that long. He could easily ask anyone I have met, and they will all agree I am obviously some random lost normal guy.

I mean I keep asking random questions about this place. I definitively do not give off any kind of mysterious vibe at all.

I can't believe he initially bought it haha. Either that or he pretended to be tricked like some genius mastermind. For what purpose I wouldn't know at all.

It kinda reminds me of that story with two geniuses pitted against one another. One wanting to cleanse the world of all evil in it by killing all the bad guys. The other being something along the lines of killing is bad m'kay. Of course, he sounded smarter. The more the story goes on the more mind games there are.

Sometimes I would just picture putting these two brainiacs one against one another in a wrestling cage match and calling it a day. BAM! How to end it in style in the dumbest way possible. Could you imagine all the people loving the carefully prepared plans only for it to end all in flames?

Anyway, I digress. Now I shouldn't be thinking about flames. I should be thinking about how to find that ice guy instead.

I ask some bystanders.

[Hello, have you seen some guy called Eternal Ice? He wears silver glasses.]

Most are shaking their heads in denial. Some are looking at me like I am retarded.

I mean for anyone actually knowing the guy that much info should be plenty. I doubt there are many dudes going by that grand nickname here. Especially if the prerequisite conditions are as harsh as they sounded like.

Could you imagine others getting the same pet? Would we call that second guy Eternal Ice the Second? After that, it would be Eternal Ice the Third? That would be hilarious.

I run around randomly. He doesn't seem to be anywhere here. Where should I

"I hear you have been looking for me."

This cool voice! I could recognize it anywhere! Actually no. Just here. I kinda identified the voice easily because of where we are. You know how the brain stores information. By association. I have my tamer guild folder inside of here and the only voice that matches is my teacher.

[Teacher finally I have found you!]

"What do you mean finally? Also, why did you run away earlier on your own?"

[I did not want to be in trouble!]

He frowns.

[I did not want you to be in trouble!]

He frowns some more.

[I did not want that committee guy to be in trouble?]

"*Sigh* Whatever. I guess now is a good time for your first class. Follow me."

I guess I could also have kept silent too. Oh well. I follow behind him. The crowd is looking my way and being impressed. If only.

They are all looking at my teacher. Some even show disdain toward me for some reason. Some jealousy. One is even making a sign showing that he'll slice my neck what?! Oh never mind he's just scratching his neck.

We eventually reach a small room. Is this the kitchen? It seems especially cold. This seems like a small room that actually leads to some freezer of some kind. I can feel the cold prickling my skin already. Do you know what this means?!

Yes, they have a serious isolation problem. Can you imagine how much energy they are wasting like that?! I get it if it's an air conditioner since the goal is to make the room cooler. But a freezer that leaves some air pass through is really bad.

He brings two chairs and sits on one.

"Alright what do you know about beast taming?"

[Only what I did read about it in works of fiction. I basically know nothing of how it really works.]

"Alright, let us start by the basics then. What makes a tamer strong?"

This is a quiz now? What happened to the basics?

[The ability to tame beasts!]

" Sure. That one is obvious. The answer I was looking for being knowledge. The knowledge to know how to tame any beast. The knowledge to know the fights one can win. The knowledge required to learn new techniques."

I'm not sure I like where this is going. It sounds like a lot of cramming in sight. I was convinced I was done with that. I remember school days in another life. It was fun while it lasted, you know the partying, not actually going to class and all. But I don't miss the anguish of knowing there is an upcoming exam.

Wait, will there be some tests to do? I hope not.

"This knowledge can be found in books. You will have to read about every beast there is. The more you read the more apt you will be to know how to attract each one to serve you. The more you will be able to stay alive in dangerous environments. The farther you will progress in this domain."

Oh no! I used to love reading. I used to devour novels like there was no tomorrow. But here it's weird. I have seen some writing. I have seriously no clue how to deal with this unknown language. The absolute worst is that I heard that there is not one unified one but instead many depending on the gods.

Quite like the many dialects back home. The only issue is there is no translation software here. No internet to ask for help either or learn anything relatively easily.

Only lots of effort and tears.

[Is there .any another alternative?]

The look he gives me says otherwise. He reaches out inside a desk and brings out a book. One so thick it would put an anime milf to shame.

"Here, start by reading this one. Come back only when you are done."

And then he pushes me outside.

What am I supposed to do now?!

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