The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 138: New Job! Lucky!

Chapter 138: New Job! Lucky!

This is bad, isn't it? A disciplinary committee member?

"Who here fought between these walls! You guys should know that this is strictly forbidden! Come forward now and I just might be lenient with your sentence!"

*Trots forward*

"What? Why is there a donkey here? Who is the dumbass that decided to bring a normal animal to this place seriously? It will definitely get frightened as soon as it encounters any kind of predatory beast. Then it will run all over the place and will be annoying. Get that thing out of my face!"

I see she is about to get angry, but then again, he did just tell us to go away might as well do it Haha. We actually have a good excuse to escape now.

[Let's leave. It can't be helped!]

I pat her back and we start walking away. I make sure to have a higher walking pace than usual.

I hear him mumbling about how dumb people are these days. She wants to head back and beat him but I'd rather just avoid the trouble for now.

After you beat one the others will show up like magic. That's how committees work usually. Also, that one is definitely the weakest one. Who knows if any of the members of that thing actually are well-connected to some bigshot.

He keeps going.

"Now who is the one that fought?"

I can somehow hear the awkwardness in the few bystanders that did spectate the earlier events. They seem not sure whether to tell him he just chased the culprit away himself.

Welp, time to bounce! Later! I'm sure he'll totally figure it out but I'll be long gone haha.

"Why is no one saying anything?"

"Well it was that donkey. It started devouring some guy giant serpent."

Screw that guy, yeah better run!

And I'm gone! I can somehow hear a scream of sheer astonishment in the background.

Haha. This is going to become a legend around here, isn't it?

For now, let me evacuate the premises. I'll be back once things have cooled down.


Now, where should we go? I am already broke from paying my tuition. I need a source of income for sure. Time to go job hunting!

Let me see I need to somehow find something for the short term. Can't make any promise because as soon as I get my taming license I am out.

I wonder if someone would hire me as a cook? Not sure how well that would go for the short term. It is one of these jobs where customers expect quality, and it might take a while before the owner trusts you with his recipes.

What else could I do? How about being a porter? I could move stuff around for people. With divine enhancement, it should go well enough. Let me see, perhaps there is something like Hello work in this world?

I wonder. Time to use my special ability: ask a random bystander! I see a group of burly men that are all standing together.

[Hey guys! How are you all? I am looking for a job could you point me in the right direction?]

They turn toward me.

"You are at the right place then!"

"Yep, just wait we will leave soon."

"Aren't we all haha?"

Wow. What are the chances?

Some random group I ask randomly turns out to be waiting to do some kind of job. Then again why else would men gather like so mostly in silence? I guess they are not familiar with each other yet thus why they are not interacting much.

Either that or they want to seem professional. Many times in my old life I would have bosses that just hated the workers talking. I never really understood that in cases where it doesn't negatively impact work efficiency. Then again, some people are simply unable to do many things at once.

Still, I am getting excited. I am waiting for something unknown. Who knows what kind of exciting adventure this will be?

"Hey there all, I thank you for coming!"

Oh? There is some guy wearing the city guard outfit. Is this a job for the city itself? Government work usually pays very well. Nice!

"We will proceed right now and hopefully be done after the day. Follow me, everyone!"

We all start walking. At some point, we are heading into an inner region of the city. I never really bothered to think about it but I guess this city is divided into social classes? I wonder where they draw the line? Is it wealth, or power, or perhaps even whoever has noble blood?

The more I see of this world the more I realize how ignorant I am of the basic stuff. Then again the more one lives the more one learns. I just gotta keep living and stacking these experiences.

We stop in front of a manor so big it might as well be a castle. I wonder what kind of job this will be? Maybe I will see some aristocrats or something.

"Are you boys ready to get wet?"

People are grumbling a bit but replay by the affirmative.

What is up with that? Are we going to be swimming? I'm a bad swimmer! Then again I can probably use divine energy and just stay at the bottom for a while.

We head towards the main door. Not even the side door? Wow. Plot twist we are getting hired as some extra manpower for some pool party full of young ladies. That would be epic.

Our leader suddenly turns. Guess we are going for the side door after all. We reach a corner of the courtyard.

There he goes down and opens a pretty big iron trap door. There is a ladder. Wolfie and the unicorn stay outside. We slowly go inside one at a time. There is a small room filled with all kinds of weapons. He hands every one of us one.

I don't like where this is going. Wait he did say something about getting wet right?

Don't tell me I just joined some underground fighting ring! What if this is some kind of humans versus sharks game!

Oh god no! Should I run?!

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