The Undying Mecha Emperor

Chapter 172 Strongest Attack

"That is exactly what I wanted to avoid! Platinum Grade explosion!! Now the whole world knows what we are capable of! And I will probably have to deal with that irritating Wang girl-"

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Damn it! She's already calling!" The Ancestor cursed.

"The Wyrm King isn't dead, by the way." Bruce Pang said mildly as he pointed at the massive explosion.

True enough, a massive serpent like creature was still wriggling its way towards us.

"Kill it before I finish this phone call, or else..." The Ancestor glared at me angrily before answering the call.

"ANCESTOR! HAS YOUR DAMNED ANCESTRAL BRAIN FINALLY EXPLODED? WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING THERE!!" A shrill shout could be heard from whatever earpiece the Ancestor was wearing.

"Ahahahaha! Little Wang girl!! How are you??" The Ancestor's angry face suddenly transformed into a genial old man's as he started to try and placate Secretary Wang.


"Well, I am extremely angry at what happened too! You wouldn't believe this, but I was testing a new rifle I just made, and somehow it exceeded all expectations and completely shot past the Gold Grade boundary!" The Ancestor lied smoothly through his teeth.

But Secretary Wang would have none of it.


"Mommy??" I mouthed to Bruce Pang in surprise.

"I suggest we avoid using that rifle to kill that Wyrm King." Bruce Pang said still in his mild voice and completely ignored my question.

"Yes yes. Let's not use that rifle again. I wouldn't want to deal with that crazy woman." I hurriedly agreed and immediately transformed the rifle into a massive spear.

"Spear is an excellent idea. Now get close to it and show me what you've got. I reckon you have at max, two minutes before the first spies from USAA and the Empire crack our anti-spy dome around this area. Kill it before that happens." Bruce Pang said pleasantly.

"Two minutes. I can go all out?" I asked him.

"Go all out." Bruce Pang agreed. "But don't cause explosions like before."

"No worries! If I can go all out, I don't need the damned rifle." I grinned confidently and immediately shot ahead to charge at the Wyrm King.


A deeper and much more masculine roar sounded through the shroud of sandstorm that was still expanding outwards rapidly due to the earlier explosion.

As before, I unleashed more flying spotlights and included powerful blowers on them to help blow away the sand from the direction which they were shining on.

It didn't really help much due to the strength of the storm that was still raging, but it was better than nothing.

Of course, my flying units were not limited to just spotlights.

With hundreds of Gold Grade designs in my brain, I could easily create automated flying rifles!

With a single thought, I quickly unleashed a hundred Gold Grade Assault Rifles that could fire twelve thousand high powered rounds per minute!

And not just any high powered rounds.

They all fired the Relvaro Mecha Armor Piercing High Explosive rounds that cost almost a thousand dollars EACH to produce.

A hundred rifles firing twelve thousand such rounds per minute meant I was burning through twelve million dollars worth of ammunition per minute!

But thankfully they were all free for me.

I was a walking Gold Grade Ammunitions factory and depot!

"Come you big fat ugly worm." I grinned evilly as I charged into the storm with fearless confidence.

Having finished a fruitful session earlier that day with a weird three armed mecha design, I was quite taken with the uniqueness and the utility that design provided, and I had implemented an upgraded version of that into my mecha.

I was a grotesque, six armed mecha that looked not unlike an ancient god depicted by a certain race of people!

Each arm carried a long and unstoppable Gold Grade Laser Based Sword that I was extremely confident could pierce through anything, including wyrm armor.

"BEHOLD SHIVAM!! THE SIX ARMED GOD OF MECHAS!" I shouted with great fervor and a lot of glee.

Please be reminded that I was ten years old.


I finally pierced through the final thick plume of sand that was between me and the Wyrm King, and for the first time, we came face to face with each other.

"WHAT THE BLEEDING HELL??" Shivam the Six Armed God of Mechas shouted in panic. "What the hell is wrong with this Wyrm? WHY IS IT SO DAMNED DISGUSTING!!! DAMN IT!! DAMN IT ALL!!!"

If I was Shivam The Six Armed God of Mechas, then that Wyrm King was Disgustoro, the Thousand Headed God of Disgusting Wyrms.

It was hands down, legs down, EVERYTHING down the most disgusting monster I had ever laid eyes on or will every lay eyes on both in real life and in my dreams.

It was fat and long and huge, and was had an even more disgusting colour palette and pattern than his already disgusting wife. Purple, Neon Green, Dirty Yellow and Pale Brown.


But the worst thing was, it had THOUSANDS of smaller heads that protruded out from literally EVERYWHERE around him in all directions!


"FIRE! FIRE! SHOOT EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMN LITTLE DISGUSTING MINI HEAD DOWN!!" Shivam the Six Armed God of Mechas shouted as he winced at such painful sight.

Instantly, all hundred flying rifles got to work. Their powerful aiming systems coordinated with each other and avoided shooting at the same target.

And as one, all opened fire and unleashed their super expensive Relvaro rounds at the damned Disgustoro, the Thousand Headed God of Disgusting Wyrms.


Each assault rifle unleashed a grand total of a hundred rounds at their target before moving on to the next.


The Wyrm King roared its defiance at me as each of its thousand little heads suddenly spat out clumps of sticky but extremely strong webs that managed for the most part to block my super expensive Relvaro rounds!

"WHAT?!" I shouted in disbelief. "That damned Wyrm can shoot out spider webs too? That's cheating!!"

"You have one minute. Kill it now." Bruce Pang said to me sternly. "Stop getting shocked over every little thing like a little five year old boy!"

"Damn it. Fine! I'll stop toying with this bastard. Come back to me all of you!" I shouted and reabsorbed all my rifles and all of the bullets I fired at the Wyrm King.

And with all of my strength, I unleashed my strongest attack.

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