The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1367 - The Gathering Spot of Earth Elementals

Chapter 1367 - The Gathering Spot of Earth Elementals

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

As soon as Artemis’ words concluded, something glowing with an earthy yellow light appeared in the vicious woman’s hand. At first, it seemed like a miniature model which could be held in one hand, but when Sheyan’s gaze fell upon it, it felt as oppressive as a towering peak. It was surely not a simple object.

Sheyan was certainly not the kind of honest, upright man who must wait for his opponent to be ready before he initiated a fight. He forcefully endured the dazzling light and the dizziness as he rushed at Artemis, looking as hungry and fierce as a person could be. In Sheyan’s plan, the best outcome was to nip the object’s activation in the bud before it could take effect.

But things did not always go according to Sheyan’s will. The price of charging forward so recklessly was to be chopped on the back by Gyan’s axe. The axe actually carried three elements – ice, poison and electricity – and they burst out together!

Although Sheyan was immune to poison, the ice and electricity still worked against him. The attack inflicted on him a frozen status which reduced his movement speed by 30%, as well as a paralysis status which further decreased his movement speed by 20%, so his movement speed was reduced by 50% overall! In addition, the paralysis status also reduced his attack speed and casting speed by 15%!

Because of this, Sheyan’s hand abruptly slowed down. It reached Artemis at least one and a half seconds later than expected.

Sheyan instantly sensed that something was wrong, because unless the woman was already a dead person, she should have immediately dodged when her companion won her 1.5 seconds of extra time.

“Was she scared stiff by my ferocity when I pierced the guy’s throat in one strike?” As soon as the thought appeared in Sheyan’s mind, he immediately denied the possibility. Besides, considering how shrewd this woman was, if the item required a long time to activate, she would never have activated it in his face.

These thoughts that flipped through Sheyan’s mind in a flash made Sheyan smell something fishy, so he instinctively retreated and rolled back. The moment he did that, he immediately heard a hateful sigh of regret.

Sheyan squinted and observed carefully. The “Artemis” he was going to attack a moment before suddenly became blurry, then turned into a sphere of liquid with silver ripples! The Artemis was a fake!

If Sheyan had attacked it without realising this, the mercury bomb would have triggered immediately. Even if Sheyan was immune to its poison, the vapourised mercury would enter his body through his breathing. The outcome of that was bound to be bad, maybe extremely bad.

At this time, the real Artemis was standing in a corner next to the wall. The “model” in her hand had been placed on the ground, and it was growing rapidly by absorbing the surrounding soil. The delicate carvings were expanding quickly, turning very life-like. In the end, it formed a pond of about 50-60 square metres which was filled with extremely thick mud. The mud was continuously bubbling like thick porridge boiling in a pot.

Sheyan had seen his share of rare stuff, so he was able to tell what the thing was. “The earth elemental gathering spot?” he could not help but inhale in shock.

Earth elementals were creatures that could only be found in fantasy worlds. Their body composition could be found everywhere, but the elemental creatures themselves were very rare. There were good reasons for this. Earth elementals would only form when the concentration of earth element in a certain world reached a certain level, but more importantly, the total amount of earth element in the world must be high too, because only then would the element condense into a liquid-like state.

When these two conditions were met, the elemental tides across the world would display liquid-like characteristics, and strong element vortexes would form in certain special areas. The vortexes would not drown anyone, nor were they fatal. In fact, ordinary people could not detect them at all. But for those who practiced the related school of magic, they were simply paradise.

And when an earth element vortex lingered in a certain place for a long time, the element would slowly accumulate, and the vortex would give birth to life. That was the origin of earth elementals. And after the first earth elemental was formed, it would promote the flow rate of the element vortex, so the element vortex would further generate more earth elementals. That was the origin of the gathering spot of earth elementals. If the vortex was left undisturbed for a long time, even an earth elemental altar would form. At that time, the surrounding earth elementals would become rock elementals.

The reason Artemis brought out the object was to build an earth elemental gathering spot on this planet that had no element vortex! The object obviously must be powered by a very precious crystal. Once the energy in the crystal was exhausted, the element vortex would fade away, and the earth elementals would die like fish that had left the water.

But before the energy was exhausted, the earth elementals that appear in the earth elemental gathering spot… was naturally under the command of the user!

Sheyan launched another attack with a grave expression. However, his vision was greatly impaired, and there was an MT near him who was desperately impeding his path without regard for his own safety, so even someone as absurdly powerful as Sheyan could do nothing to harm Artemis!

Therefore, when the first mud-drenched earth elemental crawled out of the pond, Sheyan could only step back and place his back against the wall. This way, he only needed to fend off attacks coming from an angle of 180 degrees in front of him.

The newly formed earth elemental easily sucked rocks from the surroundings to cover the surface of its body. The elemental creature’s upper body was rather similar to a human’s, except that its arms were extremely long and thick. Contrary to its arms, its legs were short and stocky, so its posture appeared very stable.

As soon as it started moving, the ground started vibrating as if it was a heavy, rolling cube. In addition, its innate power was a ‘Slow’ spell. When it raised its arm, a yellow light instantly engulfed Sheyan. His movement speed and attack speed immediately decreased by 30%.

Then, the earth elemental ran over to Sheyan with heavy steps and smashed down with its heavy arms! Sheyan muffled a groan as he took the hit. At the same time, he stabbed out. His sword pierced into the earth elemental’s chest, and the ‘Extinction’ ability was activated!

A dull sound came from the chest of the earth elemental, as if something had been broken, and its whole body froze. A large number of cracks started appearing on its body surface, like the cracks in a rice field that had completely dried up. Finally, it collapsed to the ground into a heap of mud and dust!

But at the same time, Sheyan grabbed his abdomen and gave a choked cry. It turned out that Artemis, who came and went like a ghost, had seized this opportunity to attack Sheyan, giving him another slash!

Artemis did not follow up with another attack after the successful hit; she immediately retreated instead. She seemed determined to gnaw away at Sheyan’s HP until Sheyan dropped dead.

As the summoner of the earth elemental, Artemis knew very well how strong it was. However, Sheyan had actually insta-killed an earth elemental with one casual strike. Such terrifying power was truly fearsome and almost shocked her speechless!

But an even bigger part of Artemis’ mind was filled with greed. She highly coveted the legendary weapon Sheyan was wielding. The glow surrounding the pair of weapons in her hands gradually faded away as if they had been sucked into the weapons themselves. Only after that could Sheyan tell that they were actually two strange iron hooks.

They were actually products from the Pirates of the Caribbean world. Although Sheyan had spent quite a bit of time there, he had never looted any high end stuff like these before, let alone a pair of them.

Sheyan was forced into a corner. He knew that the situation was unfavourable for him right now. It seemed like he could easily hit the core of the earth elemental to kill it in one strike, but the ‘Extinction’ ability was not a low-class product that could be used for free! Be it the loss of vitality or the loss of achievement points, Sheyan could not bear the cost of its excessive use!

Sheyan did not plan to use ‘Withering Impact’ this time as it would cause quite a heavy damage to the surrounding environment. The beginning phase of the ability alone might make the cave collapse, burying him and the enemies alive together.

The most awkward thing about Sheyan’s predicament was that his sight had been greatly affected. His vision was filled with a fuzzy whiteness. Even if he could vaguely see the outline of something, he would see doubles or even triples, so ‘Hornrage’ could not be used at all. Although the opponents were displaying various flaws due to being infected with the SARS virus, he had no way to make use of the openings to attack them in time! Furthermore, among the opponents was an MT who was sticking to him like glue!

Theoretically speaking, the dark gold leech would work wonders in a situation like this. However, considering Ronnie’s lack of survival abilities and the bonus that the dark gold leech provided to the bleeding status, Sheyan had given Ronnie the dark gold leech. Therefore, at the moment, Sheyan suddenly found himself running short of ideas. Fortunately, the opponents were infected with SARS, and its continuous damage was quite considerable when it stacked up. Sheyan still had a chance.

“Ugh… . the key to breaking out of this predicament is not to kill one of them, nor to destroy the damn summoning pool!” Such an idea flashed in Sheyan’s mind, “It’s to remove myself from the mechanism inside this cave. As long as I recover my vision, I can easily deal with them!”

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