The Trash Wants to Live

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

PR: Naa_chi

Do you have any thoughts about exchanging techniques? SNT and Sungwoon are in a cooperative relationship, so it would be nice to share such knowledge with each other.

I just smiled. If I asked Jae Hyuk to teach him, he would do it; however I didnt want to. Instead, I hinted to Chuck, Why dont you come to Sungwoon to learn? 

Chuck turned around and laughed awkwardly.

I must be asking too much. Forget it.

Well we can teach you if Chuck really came to Sungwoon.

I really meant to teach him if he became one of my people. When I said that, Chuck laughed and shook his head.

Unfortunately. I have no intention of leaving America.

You can come as an American if you want?

Didnt you hear about that? About my background?

Chuck kept talking when I shook my head, since I hadnt heard anything about him.

I was a soldier before I came to SNT. I was stationed in the Middle East. When I became a soldier, I decided to serve my country. I transferred over to SNT, but I still think of myself as an American soldier.

Chuck chuckled. Thats why he couldnt go to Sungwoon. It was said that Americans were very patriotic, and I really thought so when I saw Chuck.

Ill get going. See you next time then.

He got up, dusted off the bottom of his pants, and walked away. The more I got to know him, the more I liked Chuck.

Speaking of which, what happened to him?

Chuck was said to be the strongest among the current SNT hunters in the US, but as far as I know

I think Isabella Dunner is the strongest

In fact, Isabella was strong, but that didnt make her number two. Isabella as a rookie was impressive, but there was still a gap between her and Chuck in terms of rankings. Even if Chuck suddenly retired, Isabella couldnt immediately become the strongest person

Whats going on?

Whats that?


I was startled by the sudden voice and looked behind me to see Kwon Jae Hyuk crouching behind me. I wondered when he had gotten there. He stood up with a smile, then came beside me and sat down on the ground.

Cookie glanced at Kwon Jae Hyuk who was sitting next to me, then walked over to sit between my legs. It seemed that he had finished eating his beef jerky.

[Im full.]

Kwon Jae Hyuk questioned me as I petted Cookies back, who yawned because he was full.

What are you curious about?


I looked around. There was no one there, and it was just the two of usthree people, including Cookie. There were also very few people who could speak Korean, so I spoke to him with ease.

The that In the future, Isabella will become Americas strongest hunter, right?

Thats right.

Then What about Chuck?

Then where did Chuck go? Was it because he retired? I asked that, but deep down I knew the answer.

When Jang Eui Yeol was 22 years old, Isabella was called the strongest hunter in the United States in the original story.  Currently, I was 17 years old What about five years later?

Chuck looked over 30, but I didnt know his real age since I hadnt heard how old he was. Nevertheless, I knew he wasnt old enough to retire within the next five years. Since he was so patriotic and willing to sacrifice his life for the prosperity of his country, there was no way he would suddenly lose his patriotism and retire within five years.


I knew it. I had hoped that he would have just been badly injured and retired. As I thought, his death had made Isabella the strongest hunter in America


However, when I thought about it, it was weird. Was he saying that another strong person had appeared in the rankings between the time when Chuck and Isabella were at the top? I looked at Kwon Jae Hyuk, but he didnt say anything, so I had no choice but to ask him.

By any chance, other?

No way, right? I looked at him, and Kwon Jae Hyuk calmly replied, He died. I feel a little dizzy. There were incidents where many gifted people died in a short period of time, but there was no mention of these events in the original work. I wasnt really familiar with the original work, but I was sure I knew the bigger picture Just what had happened?

How come such a major incident was never mentioned?

Not a single line was mentioned, as if it had been skipped over. Kwon Jae Hyuk thought for a moment as I looked at him in confusion, then he asked, How far along do you know?

Hmm? That Isabella is the most powerful hunter in America, and that her personality is very different from her current one?

Then you pretty much dont know anything.

I felt so embarrassed; even though from the way Kwon Jae Hyuk spoke and acted, it was clear he wasnt blaming me for not knowing anything. He smiled faintly at my flushed face and slowly opened his mouth.

Two years No, about a year and a half left? The first gate opened in Europe.

What came out of Kwon Jae Hyuks mouth was a story that shouldve been a part of the original work. Cookie, whose head was resting on my leg, raised his head and looked at Kwon Jae Hyuk. Cookie looked at Kwon Jae Hyuk as if he was wondering what he was talking about. Kwon Jae Hyuk also felt Cookies gaze on him and glanced at him, but immediately averted his eyes.  He immediately summoned a short dagger and scraped the ground with the tip of his blade, as if drawing on the ground.

A few months before the first gate appeared. It hasnt been revealed anywhere, but America found a gate in the desert.


And then they went inside that gate. Of course, they werent this well prepared at the time. I heard it was a little sloppy.

Who did you hear that from?

A survivor.

He smiled. I got goosebumps and rubbed my arm unconsciously. A gate that had appeared before the first recorded gate. The location was in the desert. An undisclosed operation I thought, no way.

Perhaps that gate is this place?

Thats right.


I jumped. It was a problem that I could easily infer. We were talking about the people who had died so far, then came the question of how Isabella became the strongest person in the United States, and then about this gate.

Did they all die here?

Kwon Jae Hyuk nodded. I mean, was this such a dangerous place? Were you saying that Kwon Jae Hyuk dragged us into this dangerous place?

He raised his hands as I stared at him with a look of betrayal.

Actually, I didnt know that the gate was this place until I came in here.

You didnt know?

Ive only heard about it. I heard that it was located in a desert, but I hadnt heard of which desert. As you know, there isnt only one desert in America right?

Well. I had nothing to say about that. Since America was so vast, there were many deserts I sat down again. Cookie rubbed his body to comfort me when he saw my ugly expression. As I stroked Cookies back, Kwon Jae Hyuk continued to speak.

Itd been a long time since the accident happened, and I didnt hear about it properly because the survivors mental state was unstable. When he saw Isabella on TV, he said, That little lady is growing up well.

Kwon Jae Hyuk said the following: There was a commander named Chuck, a former soldier, and under him were Isabella and several other gifted people. When a hideous gate appeared on their land, the government wanted to know what was inside. So they sent drones and search robots. When they couldnt get any results, they had no choice but to send in people. There were 50 gifted people and 100 soldiers. As soon as those people entered the gate 

Did they all die?

No way. As you can see, this place is only a level two.

What did he mean by that again? My eyes were wide open. This place was a level two? But how did he know that? The dungeon-level measuring device currently didnt have a set standard, and I didnt know what its exact level was. Kwon Jae Hyuk smiled and explained as if my thoughts were fully expressed on my face.

If you enter the gates a lot, you can feel it to some extent. Ive gone through most of the dungeon levels.


Thats why I thought this wasnt the place at first. Even if it was their first experience, it would be impossible for that many people to be killed in the level two gate. In the second level, firearms still worked. This isnt a place that would cause 50 hunters and 100 soldiers to die.

However, you should observe the vegetation and monsters when attacking. Thats what you have to do. Everything had fit according to what the survivor had told him.

Then if this is the right place, why did they all die?

According to him, a disaster appeared.

A disaster?

Yes. But, he didnt tell me anything else.

What did this disaster look like? How did it appear? How and why did it kill these people? The survivor said he was terrified just by thinking about it.

His words were later close to a murmur. There was only Chuck Jones and a few other gifted people remaining. We could only leave it up to themleave it up to those non-combatant hunters who were than us. We could hear the explosions, shouts, and screams coming from behind us. But it didnt last long. We ran away. Run, run, run. The monster was chasing us. A calamity. To kill those of us who entered its territory he said. I couldnt hear the rest properly because of his crying.

T/N: Sorry a bit late, just done proofing since my PR was a bit busy these days. I might change the releases to sporadic schedule for now. Thank you.

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