The Third-Gen Chaebol Becomes a Genius Actor

Chapter 39:

Chapter 39:

After spending the Lunar New Year, Yoo Yeon Seo returned home and tried to synchronize his memories.


He recalled a memory about his grandmother.

From the perspective of looking at Park Geumju, he seemed to be around elementary school age. His eyelids were heavy and his vision was blurry, as if he had cried a lot.

“…You’re becoming more and more like her.”

Park Geumju looked coldly at her grandson who reached out his hands, then turned her back and went into her room, closing the door.

“Don’t bother me, I’m busy.”

Yoo Yeon Seo was left alone, staring blankly at the closed door. He felt an indescribable emotion, but he knew very well that he was very sad.

<Random memory synchronization completed, synchronization rate 20.18%>

Yoo Yeon Seo, who was holding the sink and vomiting blood, turned on the cold water and washed his face.

‘All the memories about grandma are like this.’

She was always harsh and never hugged him warmly. Even if she was like that because of her bad personality when he grew up, shouldn’t she have treated him better when he was young? He was still her grandson.

She wasn’t cold but cared a lot about me…

‘Now I know she was sorry for me.’

He felt a bit bitter.


After spending the Lunar New Year like that, he entered the new semester in March.

‘What will college life be like?’

He thought of the countless videos he had seen in 2207. There were scenes where he played with his classmates on a campus full of cherry blossoms, or where conflicts started because of a senior who caused a scene at a department drinking party.

Dramas are just dramas, not reality, but he was a little excited.

(Lim Seunghyun) Your Highness

(Lim Seunghyun) Are you sure I don’t have to go?

Actually, Lim Seunghyun made his schedule for him. He didn’t want to rely on him so much, but to be honest, it was convenient. He was one of the few people who knew about his memory loss besides his close family, so sometimes he treated Yoo Yeon Seo like a baby who was left by the river.

(Me) It’s okay

Yoo Yeon Seo replied with a snicker. He looked a bit like Yoo Eunho. Weren’t they the same age?

He learned how to drive as soon as he drove once in automatic mode. Maybe it was because of the sensation from Kang Jinho’s time, but he learned quickly with his body.

“It’s too flashy…”

The only problem was that the cars he had were too flashy. Wasn’t it too noisy to go to school?

He pondered for a while and chose the most modest-looking black foreign car among them.

“What is that?”


But his worry was useless.

It attracted attention because it was a rare car, but what if the person who got out of it was Yoo Yeon Seo? The person was more noticeable than the car.

Yoo Yeon Seo didn’t care about the eyes that celebrities usually experienced and stopped a passing student.

“Where is the business administration building?”

“…Over there.”

“Thank you.”

Yoo Yeon Seo bowed briefly and walked away with long strides. The media’s spring sunshine and cherry blossoms were all lies. It was still chilly.


The student who was left behind stared blankly at Yoo Yeon Seo’s back for a while, then entered the university community and quickly tapped the screen.

-Yoo Yeon Seo just passed by

He asked me where the business administration building was and left


└How is he in real life?

└(Writer) He’s really handsome

Yoo Yeon Seo was a 12th grader, and he went to college briefly when the university community was not as common as it is now.

Some of the stories that were passed down by word of mouth from some seniors were legends like, if you look for the most shining person in the classroom, that’s Yoo Yeon Seo, or when Yoo Yeon Seo passes by, the road opens like Moses’ miracle, or don’t bother him by talking to him for no reason, like in a comic.

-Yoo Yeon Seo is looking for a classroom


└Did he say he was coming back to school?

└There was an article about it

└Wow, I can’t believe I’m going to the same school as Yoo Yeon Seoㅋㅋㅋ

└His legs are so long ㅅㅂ Life is unfair

└└Do you think the only difference is the length of his legs?


‘Is this it…’

No matter what was going on behind him, Yoo Yeon Seo entered the classroom and sat in the very back seat. The students who came in after him stopped when they saw Yoo Yeon Seo, then moved away quietly.


Yoo Yeon Seo reflexively turned his head at the sound of the shutter that came from somewhere.


The student who met his eyes swallowed his breath. Yoo Yeon Seo looked at him for a few seconds, then silently told him to take a good picture and waved his hand.

Click. Click.

He gave him a chance and now he was taking pictures openly. Yoo Yeon Seo leaned back comfortably on the backrest and crossed his legs.

‘Why did I worry about the car.’

I stand out more than the car. Yoo Yeon Seo sighed softly. He couldn’t even dream of having someone else attend for him.

-I saw Yoo Yeon Seo passing by

I asked him for a photo and he took it!

└But why aren’t you in the photo?

└(Writer) I didn’t want to compare myself to him, so I asked him to take a selfie with my phoneㅎ

└└He did that? Wow, I should ask him too

Yoo Yeon Seo, who returned to school after a long time, heated up the university community

Yoo Yeon Seo, who returned to Korea University, “He’s so handsome it makes me swear” Real-life sightings abound

When Yoo Yeon Seo heated up not only the university community but also the entire internet community, his cousin Park Seonwoo was also out of school.

“Hey, Park Seonwoo. What are you doing after this?”

“I have to meet someone, so I can’t today.”

He waved his hand casually and refused his classmates’ invitations.

“Who are you meeting on the first day of school?”


Park Seonwoo trailed off. His classmates noticed his hesitation and surrounded him.

“Just who?”

“Are you leaving or not?”

“Is it your girlfriend?!”

They cheered and teased him. Park Seonwoo was annoyed and told them to get out of his way. But his classmates were serious about teasing Park Seonwoo.

“Park Seonwoo.”

Suddenly, a low voice was heard and Park Seonwoo’s classmates turned their heads.


“Yoo, Yoo Yeon Seo?”

Park Seonwoo’s shoulder twitched. He approached Yoo Yeon Seo and whispered in his ear.

“Uh… Hyung, didn’t you see my message?”

“I didn’t. Friend?”

“Uh, uh… Classmate.”

Park Seonwoo hesitated noticeably. Was it awkward because it was the first time they met at school? Yoo Yeon Seo thought so and greeted his cousin’s classmates first.


“Huh, hello!”

“I’m a fan, sir!”

They were friendly at first sight. Yoo Yeon Seo chuckled.

“But what’s your relationship with Seonwoo…”

Park Seonwoo quickly grabbed Yoo Yeon Seo’s shoulder, but unfortunately, Yoo Yeon Seo was faster.



“Huh! Then Park Seonwoo, you…”

“Juseong? Chaebol?!”

Park Seonwoo scratched his head. He wanted to meet him quietly in a secluded place, but he ran into him sooner than he expected.

“What, was it a secret?”

“Not really… a secret, but…”

“Then why are you like that?”

Yoo Yeon Seo observed his classmates who were making a fuss with interest. They searched for Juseong family on the search engine and said things like, ‘Wow, Park Seonwoo’s name is really there?!’ ‘My college classmate who lived with me in the PC room turned out to be a chaebol?!’

“Let’s go first.”

Park Seonwoo bowed his head in embarrassment and pulled Yoo Yeon Seo.

“I wasn’t born with attention like you, and my face wasn’t known either, so I can’t just say, hey, I’m the third generation of Juseong.”

“You’re so timid, how can you do YouTube.”

“Actually, I’m trying to fix that timidness…”

Park Seonwoo smiled awkwardly.

“Even so, your face will be exposed anyway because you’re with me.”

“Wow… that’s no joke.”

Yoo Yeon Seo grinned and Park Seonwoo looked around. They didn’t take pictures openly, but everyone was looking at Yoo Yeon Seo.

“You must be tired, hyung.”

Yoo Yeon Seo shrugged. To be honest, it was a bit awkward when he first entered this body…

‘I got used to it.’

He was the only soldier who wasn’t ‘disposed of’, and his achievement was used not only for training new soldiers but also for propaganda, so he wasn’t unfamiliar with these eyes.

Yoo Yeon Seo headed to the store that Park Seonwoo guided him to. There were quite a lot of people, but there were partitions that blocked some of the eyes.

“Hey, Seonwoo.”


“Before, I was…”

Yoo Yeon Seo leaned forward and stuck to Park Seonwoo across the table. Park Seonwoo also leaned his head forward.

“This is a secret…”

Park Seonwoo swallowed his saliva.

“Actually, my memory is a bit… weird after the accident last year.”


“I can’t remember well and stuff.”

“Really? Is it like memory loss that comes out in dramas, something like that?”


Park Seonwoo thought of his mother, Yoo Seonyoung, who made a fuss about his son even though he wasn’t her child. He heard that he was unconscious and would not escape being a vegetable even if he improved, but he felt strange that he recovered so quickly.

“So it’s a miracle that you’re alive, hyung?”

“Anyway, it’s a secret. There’s nothing good about it being known.”

He said he was the only one who knew among his cousins and Park Seonwoo’s expression brightened.

“I see… So that’s why you became normal, hyung.”

“Did I do something to you?”

“No, not that.”

Yoo Yeon Seo waited until Park Seonwoo opened his mouth. How long should he wait until his memory synchronization reaches 100%? It wouldn’t hurt to know in advance.

But seeing Park Seonwoo get closer, he must have toned down his temper in front of his relatives.

“How was I with grandma?”

“Grandma? Not very good. But we weren’t that close either. Eunho hyung was well taken care of because he was the eldest grandson, though.”


“Yeah, she often went abroad, so we didn’t see her face much.”

“Did you know why she went abroad?”

Park Seonwoo frowned and tried to remember.

“I heard it was for work and for treatment…”

Treatment, huh… Yoo Yeon Seo folded his palm and thought.


‘It’s a mess.’

Yoo Yeon Seo watched the various human scenes unfolding in front of him.

[Hey, senior… Will you come to the opening meeting?]


They said he was a fossil if he was a little older, but wasn’t it too much for him to join?

He tried to refuse politely, but he had homework from Park Hyunjung to observe people, and he was curious, so he decided to participate.

[Are you going to keep going to school now? How’s your grandfather?]

[The future of Korea University!]

But there was a barricade of professors around Yoo Yeon Seo. They said they would see him often and offered him a glass, but Yoo Yeon Seo drank moderately and watched the people.

The place that was awkward at first became noisy as soon as the alcohol went in. There were people who did things they would regret the next day.

‘Maybe I should go home.’

I didn’t know, but I don’t like this atmosphere very much.

Just then, his phone rang.

(Writer Jung Dahee) Yeon Seo-ssi!

(Writer Jung Dahee) I wrote the script for episodes 1 and 2!

He had seen enough people, so he decided to read the script at home. Yoo Yeon Seo politely refused the people who held him back and headed outside.

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