The Third-Gen Chaebol Becomes a Genius Actor

Chapter 108: Why are you doing this to me?

Chapter 108: Why are you doing this to me?

Chapter 108 < Why are you doing this to me? >

“What a mess.”

How long did our mama’s boy Yoo Yeon Seo look for his mother?

He tried to make light of the situation, but his body didn’t cooperate. His limbs trembled and he felt chills. He had been annoyed by his ears lately. He didn’t know this was the cause. He forced himself to think of something else and hoped this would pass.

[Yeon Seo.]


He shouted at the hallucination that came again. The spacious house echoed slightly. And of course, there was no answer. Something hot surged up from his chest. Was it because he didn’t vomit enough blood, or was it his emotions boiling over? He started to get confused.

‘Why are they doing this to me…’

Yoo Yeon Seo collapsed on the floor and covered his ears tightly. Soon, he banged his head on the floor and curled up. He didn’t intend to do that, but it was natural, like a habit. He wondered if it was something the original did often.

[Why did you do that.]

“…What do you mean.”

Why are you doing this to me? You’ve been tormenting me all this time.

[It’s your fault.]

What do you mean, what’s my fault?

Even though he crouched and plugged his ears, the voice whispered in his ear as if it was close. He took a deep breath. He said deep breath, but he gasped and soon his breath stopped. He felt like he would be swept away by the original’s emotions.

“What the hell…”

After a few minutes, the ringing in his head that felt like it would pierce his brain disappeared, and the thing hanging from the chandelier was gone. He looked around the house with his strength drained.


And he passed out.

In the end, Yoo Yeon Seo, who had lost consciousness on the living room floor, greeted the morning in that state.

“You look bad.”

“Oh, I’m just a bit tired.”

He got in the car of his brother who came to pick him up as usual and pressed his temples. As the memory synchronization progressed, he saw the illusion more often, but he was fine if he endured that time. But now he had a new problem that he didn’t expect, and he had a headache.

‘I have to go to that house again…’

He realized that this unknown trembling would get worse when he was with his family. He was sure that the original Yoo Yeon Seo was always on edge when he met his family, and that was why he didn’t participate much in family gatherings.

‘But it wasn’t this bad…’

No matter how much he hated his family knowing things, he would have gone to the hospital if it was this serious.

<As I told you before, I think it’s because of the collision between the owner and the real Yeon Seo that causes the reaction in the body.>

So these symptoms like syncope are because of the collision between the soul and the body, right…

‘Ah, I chose the wrong body.’

It wasn’t like I had a choice anyway… He sighed and looked out the window. Yoo Eunho glanced at his brother and casually started a conversation.

“You went to the hospital, right?”

“How did you know?”

“…I heard it when I was getting a checkup.”

He actually had his secretary investigate, but Yoo Eunho lied without changing his expression. Yoo Yeon Seo didn’t doubt it. Well, office workers had health checkups every year.

[If it’s you, sir… There was no problem. You had anemia, but it wasn’t serious.]

[But the person who looked like an agent had a bad expression. Are you okay now?]

Nothing came up in the test, but what was there for Lim Seung-hyun to worry about so much… Yoo Eun-ho frowned.

“It was nothing.”


Yoo Eun-ho sighed softly as he parked the car at his grandfather’s house. He stared at his brother before getting out of the car.

“What is it?”


“Anything else to say?”

Yoo Yeon Seo opened his mouth first, feeling guilty. When Yoo Eun-ho, who was staring at his brother’s face, seemed to make up his mind,


He couldn’t finish his sentence properly. Because Park Seon-woo, who knocked on the passenger seat from outside, was smiling brightly.


“Hey, wait a minute.”

They’re trying to have an important conversation right now, but he’s so clueless. Yoo Yeon Seo, who felt his brother’s expression was not good, waved his hand at Park Seon-woo to shut up.

“Why don’t you get off, bro! It’s been a while!”

“Ah, that’s really…”

Wasn’t it because of his personality that the original body kept his distance from Park Seon-woo? Yoo Yeon Seo scowled. Yoo Eun-ho chuckled as if he couldn’t stop him.

“Never mind. Let’s talk later.”

What, it’s not that important? Yoo Yeon Seo got out of the car for now. As the two brothers got out of the car, Park Seon-woo’s phone rang loudly with a shutter sound.

“Why our picture?”

“I’ll post it on my account.”

“What about our permission?”

“You guys are celebrities too, so you can sell your faces. Look, it came out well.”

The two brothers who got out of the luxury car looked like a scene from a drama. Oh, this is good. Yoo Yeon Seo nodded.

“You’re really an influencer now.”

“It’s basic.”

Park Seon-woo quickly typed a post to upload to his personal SNS with his fingers. He still spoke with his eyes on his phone.

“But why is Yeon Seo bro’s face like that? What’s wrong?”

If Park Seon-woo could notice, wouldn’t almost all the family know? Yoo Yeon Seo rubbed his chin.

He didn’t want to go inside. He tried to avoid looking at the annex and walked quickly to the main house entrance.

“I haven’t been sleeping well lately.”

“Really? Is work busy… Your aunt isn’t the type to push you around, right? If it were you, she would say ‘Do whatever you want!’”

“That’s the problem.”

Choi Yoo-jin called or visited him whenever she had time. She asked him if he needed anything else, or if she should add more people. She was frustrated that she couldn’t give him anything more. At JSENM, there was a rumor that ‘the vice president often visits the director’s office, and he cares so much about Yeon Seo that he might give him the whole company soon.’

‘I understand, but…’

Yoo Yeon Seo knew that she was showing off her good relationship and irritating Choi Sang-jin’s side. His mother had a childish side too.

“You came early.”

As soon as he opened the door, Chairman Yoo greeted his three grandsons. His expression had improved a lot since the problem with his second grandson, who had been a headache, was solved.

“Where is Grandma?”

“…She took another flight.”


Yoo Yeon Seo whispered in Chairman Yoo’s ear as he welcomed his aunt’s family who entered the house after him.

“Are you not avoiding her?”

Yoo Yeon Seo sighed softly as he saw Chairman Yoo’s facial muscles twitch slightly.

“…Don’t resent her too much.”

“I don’t resent her.”

You need to have affection to resent someone, don’t you? When he synchronized his memories with Grandma, he felt betrayal, resentment, and so on, but now he was resigned. He had no intention of restoring the relationship.

“Grandma must have her reasons.”

Still, seeing that she avoided meeting him like this, he must have paid off his debt. He would have to ask for Park Geumju’s help if something really urgent came up.

“That’s right. You’ve finally grown up.”

“I’m 29 years old now, it would be strange if I didn’t grow up.”

Chairman Yoo smiled proudly, not knowing his grandson’s speed.

“You’re doing great for your age. Look at the other company’s grandsons. Those bastards with drugs and drunk driving… Tsk.”

Didn’t you tell me to behave properly? 

It was totally different from the attitude he had when he first came to this body. What’s wrong? He felt a little disappointed.

“Happy New Year.”

Chairman Yoo looked at the back of his second grandson who was greeting his relatives and remembered something he had forgotten. But that guy, is his memory coming back?

Chairman Yoo scrutinized Yoo Yeon Seo’s appearance. Come to think of it, his face had lost a lot of weight. He wouldn’t be going back to his old self, would he?

‘He’s so well-behaved, could it be…’

He thought it wouldn’t be the case and ignored the problem for now. He didn’t want the peace between the family to break, after all.

The whole family gathered and ate rice cake soup. Other chaebol families valued ancestral rites and met dozens of times a year, but Juseong reduced the rites after Lee Heeseo’s accident. Even if they had any, they only went to Seonsan where their ancestors were buried and gave a brief greeting and came back.

“Congratulations on your promotion to executive director, Eunho.”

“Thank you.”

They briefly exchanged news. Yu Eunho’s promotion news made Yu Geonmin’s body twitch and he looked eager to brag. But he returned to being a stern vice chairman under Chairman Yoo’s sharp gaze.

“Yeon Seo, you’ve taken on a big job, haven’t you? You must be busy.”

“What can I do, I have someone who does everything for me.”

“But you’ve been working hard at the company lately, right? That’s why your face is half gone.”

They all knew that his complexion was not good. Yoo Yeon Seo brushed it off with a casual lie.

“Well, yeah. I guess it’s because of the work’s influence.”

“Oh, right. I saw somewhere that actors have a hard time getting out of immersion, right?”

“Yes, that’s it.”

Yeah, he had immersed himself in the original’s emotions. So that he couldn’t get out of it. He put his trembling hand under the table again.

“Then are you only doing company work? I liked your acting, Yeon Seo.”

“Well, I’m looking for a work, but… I can’t find anything I like.”

Yoo Yeon Seo glanced at Chairman Yoo. Seeing that he had no reaction, he probably wouldn’t mind if he continued acting. Choi Yujin thought for a while and asked Yoo Yeon Seo casually.

“Can’t you find a synopsis you like?”


“Then we should have an event.”

“An event?”

“Yeah, it’s called ‘Night of Film’.”

As they heard some interesting news from a different field than what they were doing, the family members also forgot what they were talking about and focused on Choi Yoojin’s words.

“At the Busan International Film Festival, there’s something called ‘Night of the Filmmakers’ that only industry insiders can enter. We made ours based on that.”

“What do they do there?”

“It’s a networking and business event for the industry people. They pitch what they’re planning to do and get investment funding…”

Park Sunwoo’s voice was heard muttering, “I want to go too…”

‘Night of Film’, hosted by JSENM, sends a few invitations per production company and doesn’t let anyone in. The actors who participate are not just anyone, but either those who are close to the investors or high-level actors, or those who get invitations through their agencies.

“It’ll be a lot of fun. It’s been two years since we did it last time, right?”

“I didn’t know there was such an event…”

“You were invited every year.”


And Yoo Yeon Seo was in a position where she could enter even without an invitation.

“You hated crowded places. But just in case, I reserved a seat for you. We have to make it bigger than before. I’ll also brag about our son.”

“Haha, more than here?”


At this rate, he would be more notorious than his father for showing off… Anyway, it was good news. He turned his head back to the front with a happy smile, but he stiffened when he saw the figure in front of him.

“What’s wrong?”

“…Excuse me for a moment.”

He jumped up and ran out of the restaurant.

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