The Tanaka Family Reincarnates

Chapter 255

A (Sloppy) Report [Part 3]

“Then why was such a powerful country so troubled to the point they needed to seek the Kingdom’s help?”

The Prime Minister put his doubt into words.

“Eh? Uhh… that’s…”

Melsa’s eyes began darting around.

“T-That is just how much of a threat the monsters are! I believe Your Majesty has heard about the dangers of Over from Mr. Wolfgang.”

Seeing Melsa begin to lose her vigor, William took over the conversation.

“Indeed. That’s because I didn’t know what kind of monster it was when Oliver told me it was Over. I heard that it was something like a terribly hard plant-type monster that could shoot out bomb-like seeds.”

“Yes. To put it bluntly, our country will be ended if Over propagates here.”

William nodded deeply at the King’s words.

“How dangerous! How did they defeat such a destructive Over, William-kun?”

“Uhh… Tail…… les… l-less…”

George immediately blocked William’s mouth before ‘the tailless whip scorpions’ was spilled.

“I-It was just something of a… that, that thing… right, Emma?”

George tried to continue from where his younger brother left off, but it was impossible for him after all.

The hate-studying, honest eldest son was not cut out for the art of deception.

“Eh? R-Right, that’s… that, uh-huh.”

“And that is…?”

The perceptive prime minister turned to look at Emma.

“…Imperial Japan, you see, attaches importance to utilizing magic stones for the practical side of life. To preserve ingredients, the people there use magic stones to chill food or make iron-processed containers to seal contact with the air…”

“That is indeed convenient… but magic stones were originally used like that for things other than the barrier.”

“Is that so?”

Emma was born in the era of the Kingdom without magic stones and magicians, so she was clueless about that. Minato, who only knew of fireballs and the like when it came to magic, was also surprised.

“What a waste…”


“Ah! …That’s why I said it was such a waste when I was in Imperial Japan. I proposed, ‘Won’t we be able to defeat Over if we combine the magic in magic stones with the trained samurais’…”

Emma answered according to her disordered thoughts. Though she said all this herself, she also personally felt that her words were super dubious.

“WHA—! You used magic stones to attack?!”

“W-What a revelatory idea!”


Both the King and the Prime Minister exclaimed in shock.

“True, I have heard that many monsters hate fire…”

“Your Majesty, it is not only limited to fire. I once heard that water works against monsters that clad themselves in fire. Perhaps there are other beneficial ways to utilize magic stones… How could I not think of such a simple thing before…”


Emma glanced at her parents with her mouth agape upon receiving these unexpected reactions.

“I-It must be a g-generation gap.”

After meeting Emma’s gaze, Melsa regained her vigor, and far from feigning calmness, she began explaining with a smug face.

“ “G-Generation gap?” ”

“In my and Leonard’s generation, magic stones were close to our lives in our childhood. However, when it comes to our children’s generation, many are even incognizant of the magic stone itself. Truthfully, our children didn’t know about it until recently. And when the children, who grew up in Palace and were exposed to the danger of monsters from a young age, learned about magic stones, this was the idea they came up with.”

“In brief, it was hard for us to come up with this idea, but the children’s flexible thinking saved Imperial Japan. Is that how it is?”

Hmph… the Prime Minister grunted.

“If our House Stuart had been of assistance to Imperial Japan other than the matter of food aid, it must have been because of these children’s ideas.”

Melsa finished her explanation by stating that upon hearing the idea, Imperial Japan handled everything themselves splendidly.

The report turned out to be somewhat different from the conclusion they had reached in the family meeting, but Melsa thought that whatever worked as long as they could dupe the Prime Minister and the King.

“Sure enough, Emma-chan is a Holy Maiden… Thank you for your hard work. Hmm, I should bestow the House of Count Stuart with some kind of reward…”

“ “ “ “ “We do not need any rewards!!!” ” ” ” ” denied the whole family in sync.


Author’s words: The first thing decided at the family meeting was that the bad liar, Leonard, mustn’t talk, and Leonard adhered to this decision faithfully.

I thought of throwing in “Ge, GE, GEH” once when they mentioned “G-Generation gap,” but I managed to hold back.

[T/N: Ge, GE, GEH is a dialect of the Kosode District, Iwate; used when someone is exaggeratedly taken aback. Apparently, they even have a kaomoji for it:

\( ‘ jjjj ’ )/]

Translator’s comment:

King : Such a revelatory idea! This is a revolution! Bestow a reward to House Stuart!

Stuarts : WHAT \( ‘ jjjj ’ )/

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