The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Chapter 245 - Admit It

Chapter 245 - Admit It

"Oh!" said Daryn and dug his pockets to bring out more pictures. He gave them to Caleb. "That's Fiora bringing blood in a bottle to our house."

Caleb picked up the photo. He saw Fiora in the midst of night with a black purse in her hand. She was handing the purse to Pia.

Pia gave a side-glance to the pictures. "Those pictures don't say a thing. So what if she gave me a black purse? You are sounding as if she gave me a black deed." She scoffed. "Come on Dawn. Now you are going to accuse me of something that low? Why? Just because your truth came out? You were the one who made me anxious and that's why I had a miscarriage."

Dawn ignored her statement. She knew that Pia was trying to dodge the situation by turning the tables. But Dawn was firm. She had to have the grip of the conversation. So she questioned. "What was Fiora doing in our house in the middle of the night? Handing you a pack of candies? What was it that was so important that couldn't wait till morning?"

Pia's hands trembled, but she kept a mulish appearance. "Fiora is my best friend. She can come to this house anytime she wants. Who are you to say anything about our relationship? You don't even have a single friend who would stand for you."

That was a weakness and Dawn hated it. She truly didn't have a single girl friend who would stand for her. Only her husband, Gayle, Neal and Cole. She choked her emotions in her throat when she remembered Elize, her friend from the University. Though they had started on a shaky foundation, later they became best of the buddies. She missed her at these times. Perhaps she should call her, maybe even invite her… Dawn shook her head to shove those thoughts away from her mind. It was Pia's ploy to put her off the track. Slowly, she walked up to where Pia was sitting and stopped right behind her. She leaned in and whispered in her ear. "That was blood in the black purse. Admit it."

"It wasn't!" Pia retorted.

Dawn raised her back and then said, "Fiora came to give you the blood by that time because any later and the blood would have coagulated. So she brought it at the right time so that you are able to use it for the intended purpose."

"This is a blatant lie!" Pia shouted on the top of her voice.

Dawn chuckled. She walked back to sit next to Daryn while saying, "No Pia. The bed sheet that you had so stupidly left after the act went to the laundry of the house. While I was sitting in my room wondering what it was that I did to upset you, only one thing came to my mind - that I didn't do anything. I hadn't even talked to you. In fact I haven't talked to you ever since I have come to the Silver Mansion since I am so busy with my work." She pulled out her chair and sat down. "So why would you blame me? On a hunch I had gone to your room that day again after Caleb took you to the hospital and saw that your room had been cleaned properly. It looked like it was before. I went to check the laundry only to see the bed sheet. When I smelled, it didn't smell of human blood. And that is where I am puzzled. Why didn't it smell like animal blood when you were sitting on it?"

Dawn looked at Sedora, who was watching her with a fixed stare. "Was the place glamoured? Who was able to create such a powerful illusion that the animal blood's scent was completely concealed?" Dawn tilted her head and narrowed her eyes at Sedora. "This is some very powerful magic, and by all means I loved it!"

She riveted her gaze back to Pia. So she was aware of Sedora's darkness. There was something about her mother-in-law that always ticked her. She could never pinpoint it but after today, she had a direction. Why was Daryn so scared of her? What was her power?

Dawn waved her hand. "We are going to come back at that later. In short, I took a sample of the bed sheet and came back to my room. Unfortunately, I was overthinking so much that I passed out. Now that means that you gave me all the stress."

Pia's face muscles strained and she clenched her jaw. "I am yet to hear a more ridiculous theory. You are doing all this because you are scared that you will get banned from the Silver Clan. Cut the chase and beg me for forgiveness. I won't call the council members."

Dawn laughed until she had tears in her eyes. Daryn scratched his chin trying his best to suppress his laughter, while Caleb was pale as a ghost. As for Gayle – he watched the drama with interest. The servants looked like they were about to clap as an audience.

"Cut the chase?" Dawn laughed a little more. Wiping tears from her eyes, she said, "You took that blood from Fiora and waited for the right time. You smeared the blood on your thighs and then poured a little on the bed sheet just before anyone woke up. As soon as it was time, you shrieked and the fiasco started."

"This is insane. You are insane and you have a corrupt and twisted mind," Pia answered from her place. "How can you think that I can even form such a plan? I was pregnant. We are werewolves and we can all smell pregnancy easily."

"Yes Pia, we are werewolves and we can smell pregnancy so easily and that is why you took advantage of my pregnancy. Since its smell is so strong, you knew that no one could discern amongst us." Dawn slapped the top of the table. "That was evil, but you forgot who you were going against." She smiled. "But it isn't over now. Why? Because I do feel that you are still pregnant and that ploy was to ban me from the council. So I am going to forgive you." She looked at Caleb. "What do you think Caleb? I think your wife is still pregnant. Maybe I will simply overlook all this and not do anything. Because if I want, I can also call the council and get Pia banned from the Silver Clan."

At those words, Pia stilled. Caleb was speechless. Within a span of a few days, life turned one-eight degrees. Not that it was any good earlier, but this was simply unexpected. Caleb Silver was sitting at the table, his face white as chalk. His eyes were wide open and so was his mouth in stunned shock. His brain had stopped working as if its power was switched off. He couldn't think of anything. So he kept staring at Dawn. Words didn't formulate. "Pia… ban…" He gulped.

This was… unexpected.

Dawn nodded. She couldn't help that evil grin on her face. "I have a solution though."

"W— what?" Caleb asked in a barely audible voice. "What solution do you have?"

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