The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 184 - One Hundred And Eighty-four: Unfilial Children

Chapter 184 - One Hundred And Eighty-four: Unfilial Children

"What? Our father wrote about Hunters league? " Trevor was stunned.

"How is that possible? Mom was the one who first picked up those diaries, wouldn't she have known? "

"She probably didn't understand a thing cause dad wrote it in Latin; I had to translate everything from scrape "

"And through that diary, you think I'm endangering Rex's life by letting him into the league? " Trevor asked, mockery in his tone.

"Stop being such an arse, Trevor! Rex is barely ten years old and you're letting him enter an organization you barely know a thing about?!" Lia yelled at him.

"And you know everything about them? "

"Dad never wanted us to have anything to do with Hunters league which was why we never grew up in Little Town in the first place " She explained.

Trevor didn't say anything, just pursed his lips together with his brows narrowed in contemplation.

"If dad never wanted us in the first place as you claimed, why would he state in his will for us to inherit this house? "

Lia felt like punching sense into her brother's head, she couldn't blame him though; Trevor had no idea that they coming to Little Town had to do with the dark witches manipulations.

It was strange, why would their father do everything to stop them from coming to this town yet state in his will for them to head down to the same place he despised.

Something was fishy and Lia had a feeling the Burning Eaglet had something to do with it; she just hoped to God they had nothing to do with their father's death.

But she couldn't tell Trevor about the Burning Eaglet and their interest in her. Lia didn't trust Trevor anymore, especially now he was hanging around with hunters.

Her brother loved her and wouldn't hurt her intentionally but she has no idea who he would spill her secret to and their intention.

Talking about the Dark witches or the Burning eaglet would bring suspicious stares, not to talk of having a connection to them.

Until Trevor proved he was worthy of her trust, he wouldn't know more than she'd told him.

"Stop feeding me with lies sister! The Hunters League and Council is the reason for stability in Little Town and its environs else the world would have descended into chaos a long time again!" Trevor pointed out, he was so resolute in his belief like someone who had been brainwashed.

"Why would dad, who contributed hugely to the development of the Hunters league, be against it? "

"Fine " Lia breathed, " You can carry on with your suicide quest but I would not let you risk my brother's life "

She said decisively and was in front of Trevor before he could blink, took hold of Rex, and tugged him towards her.

"Stay away from him! "

Trevor gripped her on the shoulder but Lia slipped out of his grasp by twisting her body to the side with astonishing speed.

Trevor followed after her with determination in his gaze. He swung a blow in her direction to which she responded by meeting his punch straight on with her open palm.

Her brother cried out in pain when punching her palm backfired on him because an incredible pain shot through his fist; it was like he had punched an iron door.

"Awesome " Rex exclaimed in astonishment when he witnessed the sheer power released when fist met palm.

"Are you alright? " Lia went to Trevor's aid but he pushed her away and instead dragged Rex to his side.

"Stay away from us at the moment! " Trevor glared up at her, he was still moaning from the pain in his hand.

"But sister didn't do anything but defend herself, you were the one who threw a? punch - " Rex shut up when he received his brother's look of warning.

" What's going on here? "

Their mom's voice resonated from behind causing their gazes to lock with one another's before their head? whipped up.

"Trevor hurt his hands " Lia lied before any of them could speak up.

"Is that so?" Jenny asked in concern, approaching them.

Lia and Trevor's eyes met and locked for a long time as if communicating telepathically.

"Yes, it appears so " Trevour concurred but that didn't faze his sister.

Though he would love telling their mom that her daughter has been messing about with a vampire and werewolf, she wouldn't believe him unless there was evidence.

Besides, he stood a risk of exposing himself too- it was not yet time for their mother to know about him.

Yes, he had been quite scared out of his mind when he got to know that supernatural creatures existed and dwelt amongst them.

knowing rules were restraining those devil spawns from causing mayhem and the fact there was a capable organization designed to keep those creatures in check, somehow calmed him down.

But their mom knowing about supernaturals and her children's entangled association with them would be a nightmare personified; their mother would freak out and next minute, find their way out of this town.

So he couldn't just open his mouth and spurt out rubbish no matter how much he wanted to expose his sister.

"Where did you hit your hand?" His mother asked examining his hand and he winced when she touched his fingers.

"I'm going to bed " Lia announced, intending to leave when her mom halted her .

"Why is your clothes torn… is that blood on your chest ? "

"No, tomato ketchup " Lia bothered to answer one question and hurried into her room before she could bombard her with questions.

Jenny might not be smart but she was sensitive and quick to pick up on things especially when it concerns her children.

Lia kept turning and tossing around in bed the entire night, counting sheep till two thousand yet sleep still didn't come until the day broke.

Breakfast that morning was so awkward that one could cut through the tension in the air with a knife.

Her fight with her mom over Raphael was still unresolved not to talk of the one with her siblings; everyone minded their business.

"Raphael broke up with me" Her mom was the one to break the silence that was becoming nerving.

Lia blinked twice, Raphael broke up with her mom? Was that what the annoying vampire had gone to do after her mates beat him black and blue yesterday? The news was so sudden and startling that she didn't know what to say.

"That's err... misfortunate?"


Lia was relieved that she wouldn't get to see Raphael and her mother sucking faces anymore, but her mom's downcast expression made her feel uncomfortable. Was she a bad daughter by feeling happy over her mom's misery?

"I'm sorry for yelling at you yesterday?" She summoned the courage and? apologized

Yes, she had yelled at her mom for a good reason-Raphael was using her - but at the end of the day, she had disrespected her mother.

"It's alright as long as you don't repeat it," Jenny told her before facing her son and asked,

"Do you care to tell me what's the problem between the both of you now? "

Trevor looked up, his hard gaze connecting with Lia's before he dropped his spoon and stood to his feet.

"I'm late for school, have a nice day "

Jenny was flabbergasted, "Late? You still have thirty minutes left beside, won't you wait for your sister to finish up and drive - "

"I'll take the bus " Trevor interrupted her.

Then Lia, who was busy with her meal, said to her mom briskly.

"Why are you so worried over a grown man like that? Apparently, he's old enough to make tough decisions for the family already " She said nonchalantly but her siblings understood the hidden meaning to her words.

Trevor fired back "Sorry but I have to work harder after all I'm not the principal's favorite"

Their gazes clashed and if eyes were bullets, they would have killed each other.

Jenny was confused, she could sense hostility in the air especially between Trevor and Lia- Rex was on neutral ground- they were hiding something from her.

Trevor left with a huff.

"Care to tell me what is going on, Lia? "Jenny decided to try the older one.

The chair squeaked loudly as her daughter stood to her feet, came around her side, and pecked on the cheeks.

"See you when I return, have a nice day "

"Huh? Hey! "? Jenny was stunned how quickly she left. Those kids!

Suddenly her expression brightened when she realized she still had one of them to interrogate.

Jenny faced Rex who stopped eating and looked up once her gaze rested on him. She flashed him a warm smile and asked coyly, "Any luck I'll get something from your side?"

"When are you taking me to school or should I walk myself?" Rex asked back with a straight face.

Aish, these annoying kids! How could they dare to hide something from their mom? Didn't they know about being filial?

Trevor stomped out of the house, until that sister of his became reasonable and saw reasons with him, he wouldn't talk to her.

Lia entered her car grumpily, until that fool learned how to weigh the pros and cons before making an absurd decision, there would be no talking to him.

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