The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 164 - One Hundred And Sixty-four : Roses And Williams

Chapter 164 - One Hundred And Sixty-four : Roses And Williams

"What's going on here? "

Daniel felt his heart jump in his chest when he heard Trevor's voice resonate from behind. He cursed mentally, his mate's brother was like an annoying fly that refused to go away despite the swatting.

"Lia, you have to change back now," He said to her, his voice low enough just for the both of them to hear.

"What the hell is going on?" Trevor repeated his question, this time taking slow and calculated steps towards them.

Daniel at once lifted her up, carrying her in his arms just as Trevor approached them.

"What are you doing to my sister? " Trevor still questioned him persistently with anger in his eyes.

Daniel turned around as lia buried her face into his chest and he answered, "Your sister encountered a dizzy spell, I'm taking her up to her room "

There was a suspicious look on the boy's face but he had no evidence to charge him of doing anything wrong to his sister, so he had no choice than to let go of them.

Daniel probably adjusted his mate in his arms and was preparing to leave when his dear brother in law stopped him again.

"Wait! " he commanded.

Daniel turned around to stare at him with an exasperated expression,

"What now? "

"I need to check something, " Trevor said, his eyes focused on the girl in his arms, and began to walk towards them.

Daniel unconsciously took a step back while Lia buried her face further into his chest with her hands digging into his skin painfully, he wouldn't be surprised if she drew blood.

Just as Trevor was about to touch his sister, Jenny's voice came from the side, " What's going on here? "

Trevor withdrew his hand abruptly.

"Your daughter feels dizzy, I was just taking her upstairs when Trevor stopped me " Daniel heaped all the blame on the boy who looked up at him in disbelief, then scowled at him.

There was a guilty look on Jenny's face even though her son was the one at fault, she wasn't left out either. If she hadn't been exchanging saliva with Raphael, she would have been focused enough to notice something was wrong with her daughter.

"How's she? " Jenny asked with concern.

"Mom, I'm fine. I just need a rest, let's go Daniel " came Lia's slightly muffled words. She tugged on Daniel's polo shirt, urging him to take her away.

"You can take care of the guest, I'll take good care of your daughter " Daniel assured Jenny who was reluctant to part with her daughter - she's now concerned about her daughter? Seems Raphael's charm has expired.

Then he tried to leave for her room but Trevor moved with them.

"You too Trevor, I need some space," Lia told him, this time she didn't hide her face on Daniel's body.

" But - "

"No, but! " She decided firmly, "Let's go Daniel" and her mate obeyed by taking her away.

Trevor's brows knitted together in confusion, what he just saw, was it a trick of the eyes? He swore he had seen his sister's normally short nails become a long blackish talon!

But when he blinked his eyes, it wasn't there any longer. Yes, that must be it, a product of his imagination. There was no way on earth his human sister could have those weird creepy talons he thought he saw.

Lia jumped down from Daniel's arms the moment they stepped into her room. She began to take deep, slow breaths, trying to calm her racing heartbeat which was as loud as a beating drum in her ears.

"You're hiding something from - " Lia at once hushed Daniel from speaking further.

"My brother is at the door " She revealed to him in a whisper, gesturing to the door.

Daniel made use of his enhanced hearing and indeed made out a beating heart aside from his mate's. It seems he has to be ultra-careful around this Trevor, the boy seems smart and was always overly suspicious of his motive.

An idea came into his mind, Daniel quickly slipped his phone out of his pocket "How do we get rid of him? " He typed, then held it up to his Lia's face.

He watched his mate purse her lips thoughtfully until a mischievous grin stretched her mouth to the side.

Daniel's gaze was intent on her the whole time she orchestrated her silly plan.

Lia walked towards the door and placed her phone beside it just as a woman's lustful moan and a man's suggestive groan began to play from her phone.

A burst of laughter escaped Daniel's mouth unintentionally and he cupped it. It was just so funny, who knew his mate would come up with such a trick.

Meanwhile outside Lia's room….

Trevor inched his ear closer to the door trying to get more of their discussion, sadly he came up with nothing. He contemplated leaving but decided against it, especially now that werewolf was alone with his only sister.

His mom and sister were ignorant of the devil in sheep's clothing they invited into their home. Daniel wasn't human, a freaking werewolf - half-human, half-wolf - a creature bound to hurt his sister sooner or later.

But he wouldn't let that happen, not when his father had left so many responsibilities for him; he had to make Renard proud.

Truth be told, all these years he resented his father, always wondering why he hardly had time for them, why he abandoned them? But the truth finally has dawned on him, why Renard never settled with them.

His father was busy protecting his family and the world at large in secret, trying to make the world a better place to live.He was busy making the place safer against creatures who wandered at night, lying in wait for unsuspecting victims to devour.

But Trevor still hated him. He had set his work above his family and even took this dark secret to the grave.

He couldn't help but envy Williams: his father was one of the top hunters and made sure to support his son with everything he had, but his own father did everything to keep his family away from this life.

There was a saying in the Hunter's League, "Once a hunter, always a hunter"; no matter how much his father tried to hide it, he still found his way there.

Trevor was startled when he began to hear loud ecstatic moans, his eyes grew wide as he went red in the face. Though he hasn't done it yet, that doesn't mean he was ignorant of the activities between a man and woman behind closed doors.

Was that stinky werewolf doing it with his sister?

"Bastard" Trevor spoke through gritted teeth and clenched his fist. If anything happens to Lia, he would skin that dog alive. But he couldn't stay around any longer, any more of those erotic noises and he would throw up.

He fled away and in the process almost collided with Rex who was probably searching for his dear sister.

"Whoah, there you are " Rex stopped right in time from bumping into him, "Where have you been? "

He was surprised.

"Just here and there " Trevor answered nonchalantly, hands on his chest as he did his best to calm his beating heart.

"Is anything the matter? "

"Williams is here "

"He's here -? " The excitement on his face died off, eagerly replaced by a frown. Why was he excited that Williams was here?.

Trevor wrapped his arms around his chest, adopting a relaxed and uninterested demeanor, he asked his brother, "So? Why are you telling me? "

Rex gave him a dirty look, "Fine, I'll tell him you don't want to see him "

"Oi! " He grabbed the little imp on the collar right on time before he left,

"Did you hear me say anything? " he chided him playfully.

"Of course, I'm going " He flashed his little brother a smile, then descended the stairs quickly.

Rex rolled his eyes and shook his head exasperatedly, "Moron "

Trevor strutted into the living room which was used to organize the party and couldn't help but frown when he saw that vampire called Raphael whisper something into his mother's ear that made her throw her head back in laughter.

"Don't mess with that one " Trevour nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a familiar voice whisper into his ears.

Trevor slowly turned around and was breathless, his throat instantly dried up. When did Williams become this breathtakingly handsome?

His sandy brown hair was sleek and coiffed to the side while his grey eyes looked clearer, holding him spellbound.

"T-Trevor? "

"Huh? "

He awoke from his reverie and cleared his throat, "You were saying?"

"You can pester your sister's boyfriend but not Raphael, even the council deals with him delicately " Williams warned him.

Trevor fixed his gaze on Raphael but coincidentally, the vampire chose that moment to glance up making their eyes meet .He shivered when the vampire smiled and lifted a glass to him.

"My mother and sister are making me age faster from stress. It irritates me further that they don't know what I'm protecting them from, instead, making me the bad guy here when all I'm trying to do is keep them - "

"Happy recovery " Williams presented to him a bouquet of roses shutting him up immediately.

"Oh, roses?" he took it from him with an odd expression on his face.

Williams scratched the back of his head awkwardly, "I didn't know what type of flowers you preferred so I just decided on roses. Do you like it? "

" I… "

The rest of Trevor's words were cut off by a scream.

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