The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 160 - One Hundred And Sixty : LT Police Department

Chapter 160 - One Hundred And Sixty : LT Police Department

Lia purred loudly like a kitten as she stretched herself fully on the bed. She sat up, looked around her room with sleepy eyes, then lay back on her bed, and tugged the bed sheet over her naked body, going straight back to sleep - the morning was still young.

Suddenly, one of her eyes snapped open - naked body?!

"Ahh!! " Lia screamed and scrambled off the bed in a haste, but when she saw herself in her birthday suit, she quickly grabbed the duvet and covered herself with it.

What happened? Why was she naked? The last thing she remembered was Asher tickling her.

"Oh my God " She gasped while her hands flew to her mouth. Had Asher taken advantage of her?.

But that seems impossible, Asher would not do that! He knows her circumstance moreover, her mate was a gentleman. He wouldn't have his way with her without her permission.

Lia swallowed, her hands moving downward just to check.

"Nothing happened, silly " Lia was startled when her wolf suddenly spoke to her.

Hands clasped over her chest, she asked her wolf, " It's strange, I can't remember anything "

She heard it chuckle, "That's because I took over "

"You did what?! " Lia paled at once.

She hasn't tamed her wolf yet which was why they were still battling for dominance.

"You heard me right "

Lia closed her eyes and rein in her anger, this beast inside of her was now an essential part of her, sure, but that doesn't give it the right to infiltrate and disrupt her daily life.

"You know I can hear anything going on in that head of yours " It pointed out making Lia's anger skyrocket.

"You had no right! "

"Oh please "

"Asher is my mate - "

"Our mate " It corrected.

Lia felt her head throb, communicating with her telepathically was always quite a hassle. She rubbed her temple and tried her best to calm down.

"I just woke up on my bed naked with no recollection of what transpired between Asher and me. I have no idea what you did with my body? "

"And I've told you, nothing happened …" It paused, then Lia heard her laughter in her head, " Unless you secretly wanted something to happen "

Lia's eyes widened, her cheeks flushed at once, " Of course not !" she denied it's claim.

"Uh-huh, says someone whose heart is pounding like the thundering hooves of a thousand wild stallions " it continuously teased Lia whose blush deepened. Sometimes her wolf was so naughty, she had no idea what to do with it.

But Lia still refused to accept that truth, " I did not - " She was abruptly interrupted by the memory her wolf sent into her mind.

A memory of Asher lying on the bed while she was sucking on his nipples and touching him down there.

Her soul flew out of her body.

Lia stood rooted to the ground, mouth agape from shock and unable to form a speech.

What did she just see? She of all people, touched Asher down there shamelessly? Lia collapsed against the wall, her legs suddenly felt weak.

How was she going to face Asher later?

Her wolf rolled its eyes," What's this? Why are you behaving like a timid virgin? "

"I'm a virgin "

"Oh right! " It remembered, but its eyes suddenly shone with excitement, " Gives us more reason to break it! Like seriously? Come-on, how long are you going to resist our mate, I can't take it any longer "

"W-wait a minute, break what? " Lia was flabbergasted, why was this stubborn wolf taking such a sensitive issue so casual

"I get that you're a horny creature who is ridiculously open with showing off her affection but can you please be a bit reserved, I'm not an animal! " Lia complained.

"You're technically an animal "

Lia countered," Because you're inside of me "

"I am now you Lia, we're one and it's high time you choose a mate. I'm tired of yearning for my other half when he's obviously within reach "

Lia's mood turned sullen," It's complicated, I can't seem to make a choice. I don't want to hurt any of them "

"Humans and their stupid emotions "

Lia scowled," What do you know? You're just interested in mating "

"As simple as that. If you don't make a decision soon, I'll just make the decision myself "

Lia's expression shifted and her eyes narrowed, " Is that a threat? "

"No, a wake-up warning. I can just have my way with the pale one " it made her choice.

"You're not touching Asher! " Lia stood her ground. It seems she had to get help from Daniel, her wolf was getting out of hand.

"I like our wolf-mate but I'm an adventurous wolf, the vampire wouldn't be so bad, have you seen his - "

"I am so not having this discussion with it and also, I won't let you use my body the way you intend," Lia rebuked her firmly.She's the host and her master, so her wolf must obey her!

"You are not having sex with - !"

"Who did you have sex with? " The door snapped open and Jenny walked in with a bewildered expression.

Lia was stunned, did she say that one out loud?

"Uh-huh, mama's here. You've been a naughty girl lately! " Her wolf goaded her, withdrawing right away and left her to face the consequences all alone.

Anger surged through her veins, she had been so distracted she didn't notice when her mom walked in - she bet her wolf provoked her right at that moment on purpose.

"Mom?! " Lia laughed nervously, wrapping the duvet tightly around her chest.

"Who did you have sex with? " Her mom repeated her question and began to step towards her.

"It's not what you think mom " She tried to explain to her mother who had already conjured the scenes in her head.

"Did Daniel come back to the hospital room after we left and you both did it there? " Jenny queried.

Lia went red in the face.

Jenny gasped in disbelief, " You both had bed breaking sex? " She questioned, this time pointing to one of the crooked footboards.

Bedbreaking sex? Lia was mortified, what dirty thoughts was her mom making up?? Even she had no idea what happened to the footboard, her wolf wouldn't let her in on the details.

"Mom, stop it for Christ freaking sake!!" Lia snapped at her and that worked.

"Daniel didn't come back here after you left, I didn't have sex with anybody, you just misunderstood everything! "

"You can't exactly blame me for misunderstanding. I heard you talking about sex, the footboard was broken, you're wrapped in your duvet - for God knows why - and I just discovered that my daughter who just turned eighteen yesterday has a boyfriend. So tell me what exactly do you expect me to think? "

There was a short silence before Lia raised her head and rendered an apology to her mom.

"I'm sorry " She added at once, "And I'm not just sorry for creating a misunderstanding or yelling at you, but for a lot of other things, I'm truly sorry "

Jenny gave the look, "What's she talking about? "

Lia opened her mouth to say something when a knock sounded on the door.

"Dress up," She told Lia who hurried into the bathroom.

Jenny opened the door with a smile on her face, expecting to see her daughter's friends or her kids but was surprised when she saw two grown men standing at the door - the both of them weren't familiar at all. .

She frowned, " Good morning, how may I help you gentleman? "

"Good morning, are you Jenny Houston? " One of them inquired, causing her to strengthen up . Jenny suddenly had a feeling these people weren't ordinary.

"Yes, I am. Why do you ask? "

He flashed his badge at Jenny "Detective Julie Howard, LT police department. Can we have a minute with your daughter, Lia Darlington? "

Confusion and panic swept over Jenny, "What do you want from my daughter?" Her voice was tensed and guarded.

"We just want to talk to your daughter, " The other detective told her, showing her his badge.

"Ask her some questions "

Jenny used her body to block the entrance," About what? "

"About the disappearance of Alexa Sean "

"What has that got to do with my daughter? " Jenny attacked.

"We've questioned other students at the party that night, your daughter Lia is the only one left " he explained calmly.

"Mom, who is on the door? " She heard her daughter's voice from behind, then reluctantly let them in.

Lia was surprised when two strange men walked into her room. One was taller than the other and had this long straight hair with a goatee and her nose picked up a cigarette smell from him.

"Detective Julie. Relax, we just need to ask you some questions "

But Lia couldn't relax, there was something strange about that second detective. He had dark hair and eyes, but those eyes were secretly regarding her slowly.

How could she not know, she was a supernatural creature after all.

"Chris merde " The second detective introduced himself, her gaze resting on her more than usual.

"So, what do you want to know? " Lia asked as soon as she broke the handshake.

"Where were you on the night of the attack at Garcia's home during the party ? "

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