The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 987 Ji Yuan's Slave Plan

In the Red Algae Sea of the Dark Abyssal Realm.

At the beach that were full of dead debris of the sea shells and large skeletons of the fishes where the red ocean waves could be seen smashing furiously onto the dirty beach. 

A pathetic abyssal was being pushed violently on the dirty ground of the beach by three fierce and larger looking abyssals.

This abyssal was called Gong Muk and he was only at the third cultivation realm; he was considered as a trash by the other abyssals since most young abyssals were able to reach the third cultivation realm when they reached adulthood.

"Trash!" The leader of the group of the 3 abyssals shouted at him as he gave him a hard kick. "So what if we take your blood crystals? Remember that I am the son of the village head here. Your job is to please me and you shall pay your due tribute to me! How dare you rebel against me! How dare you meddle in my business!"

Gong Muk whimpered, "I dare not! Great Master Lou Kamburg! I am just taking pity on the human wench. She is in so much pain so I…"

Lou Kamburg raised his legs and violently kicked Gong Muk on the head so hard that he shattered one of his head horns. 

"You dare to take pity on a human wrench. Just because I give you the special privilege to bring her food that you have dared to become friend with my living cauldron. How dare you!"

Gong Muk sobbed as he continued to receive kicks from Lou Kamburg and his two henchmen, "Please spare me. I dare not do it again…"

Lou Kamburg laughed wickedly, "Of course you won't dare to do it again. That is because this human wench is now dead!"

Gong Muk was shocked, "You… killed her? What has she done… even if she is a slave…"

Lou Kamburg raised his fist to punch Gong Muk furiously to the ground as he smirked coldly, "You dare to take pity on a human animal. Are you even an abyssal? Today I shall kill you with my fists and extract your blood core for my cultivation!"

Gong Muk groaned with terrible pain as he was being completely suppressed by Lou Kamburg; his attacker was a powerful 5th upper cultivation realm abyssal while his two other sidekicks were upper 4th cultivation realm abyssals.

He was completely helpless against this Lou Kamburg or against the other two. After all, he had a lowly status in the abyssal village and his job was to find food for the abyssals at the Red Algae Sea.

He could only use his last breath to bellow with great regret, "30 years of loss, 30 years later I shall reclaim everything be a hero…"

Lou Kamburg kicked him violently as he interrupted him, "You are still talking crap! 30 years later, you will still be a pathetic slave while I will still be a high and mighty abyssal lord!"

All of a sudden a voice gently floated over to them, "I will suggest that you let him off immediately or I shall let you taste what is meant by 30 years later."

Lou Kamburg and the two abyssals turned around them to check for the source of this gentle voice and saw that it had come from a male human.

This male human was naturally Ji Yuan and he was being accompanied by Tang Manni and Little Jie'Er.

It had been 2 days since they had left the Delphi Palace and had continued on their way. 

When Lou Kamburg saw how astonishing beautiful Tang Manni and Little Jie'Er were, he was aroused immediately and he was immediately smiling as he entertained the thoughts of turning them into his living cauldrons and his playthings. 

His henchmen on the left roared with laughter, "This is only a human and he dares to speak in such a manner to us. He must be courting death!"

Lou Kamburg smirked coldly and he was already drooling, "I don't know whose slaves you belong to but this is my territory here. None of you shall escape from this place…"

He did not have the time to finish his sentence because he was suddenly beheaded by Ji Yuan's emperor-step divine sword.

As for the other two abyssals, Ji Yuan had literally hacked them to the death with only a display of his divine sword and they did not even have the chance to say anything.

All these happened too fast!

But it was also because these three abyssals were too low level for Ji Yuan.

Ji Yuan saw that he had gained 43 points and he was thinking: Yuck! They are really so low level…

Gong Muk was shocked that these 3 abyssals had died in such a quick manner that he knows that he had encountered a powerful celestial cultivator today.

He immediately stammered pitifully, "Please. Do not kill me..."

Ji Yuan had actually overheard some of their conversations earlier and he knows that this abyssal was not entirely a bad abyssal. So he said, "I can spare you but you have to answer my questions and do something for me."

Gong Muk weakly said while still prostrating on the ground, "I'll answer your questions and do your bidding. Just don't kill me please."

Ji Yuan laughed softly, "Good!"

Then he turned around and shouted to Tang Manni and Little Jie'Er, "Come over here! It is safe now!"

Tang Manni smiled alluringly, "My lord, we shall stay where we are instead. We can hear very clearly from where we are standing."

Little Jie'Er and Tang Manni are both cultivators and they have exceptional sharp hearing. So they really could hear Ji Yuan where they were standing.

Little Jie'Er shook her head to protest as well, "The fishy smell and stench on the beach is too strong. We prefer to stay here instead."

Ji Yuan frowned to himself: I thought that they say that they will listen to whatever I ask them to do because I am their lord?

Anyang said to him in his soul sea: Now that they have obtained you, you have lost the initiative for your bargains. Good luck in controlling your harem.

Xiang Li on the other hand could not stop laughing when she had heard Anyang.

Ji Yuan: …

He weakly said to Anyang: It is just that the stench in this place is really too strong. They are still my depraved slaves in the bedroom…

But he quickly returned his attention to the abyssal, "First all, what is your name?"

"Gong Muk is my humble name…"

Ji Yuan nodded, "Well, I am Ji Yuan. What are you doing in this place?"

Gong Muk immediately pointed at the giant sea centipedes and other shelled insects in the net, "I'm collecting this as food for the village. Sometimes I can even obtain a blood crystal or two if I can get a really large giant sea centipede."

Ji Yuan rolled his golden eyes sheepishly and he had also noticed the same look of great disgust from Tang Manni and Little Jie'Er.

He took a look at the giant sea centipedes and he immediately felt repulsive, "You mean you actually eat these centipedes here?"

And he pointed at the giant crabs and lobsters, "You also eat these armored spiders and giant sea louses here?"

Gong Muk protested immediately, "These are delicious food. Once you have tasted them, you know how heavenly these foods are."

Ji Yuan rolled his golden eyes as he thought: No thanks. I am not eating any parasite insects no matter how delicious that they are able to whip it as a chef meal. 

In the Celestial Realm and most of the lower realms, this sort of food is served to the pigs or to the dogs. 

Ji Yuan merely said, "Well, we celestials or spiritas don't eat insects, whether they are sea insects, land insects or flying insects."

"Insects?" Gong Muk was trying to understand some of the terms that Ji Yuan was talking about and he guessed that insects referred to the creatures with a hard shell.

Then he took from his bag a large carrion worm and a snake, "Then do you eat these? These are really delicious!"

Ji Yuan was stunned that the abyssals actually considered eating worms a delicacy. But he quickly said weakly, "I am a golden celestial so there is no need for me to eat. You can keep these foods for yourself…"

When he said that, he could see from the corner of his eyes that Tang Manni and Little Jie'Er had a shocked look too. 

He then said, "Anyway, I want you to do something for you. I want you to be my master. Are you able to do that or not?"

Gong Muk was shocked at this ridiculous request, "I am to be your master? But you are so much stronger than me…"

JI Yuan laughed jovially, "This is only a pretense of course. Will you be able to do that?"

Gong Muk sighed with great relief, "Oh… this is only a pretense. Sure, I can but why?"

Ji Yuan grinned, "There is no need to ask why. But how can I be sure that you won't betray me?"

Gong Muk said, "You are my benefactor today. Naturally I won't betray you."

Ji Yuan laughed jovially, "Mere words are useless and I won't be taken my mere words. How many blood crystals can you earn in a year?"

Gong Muk pondered to think, "With some luck, I can earn almost 100 blood crystals."

Ji Yuan nodded, "If you play your part well, I will pay you 1 million blood crystals when our contract is over."

Gong Muk was shocked, "1 million blood crystals… I can be a sect leader or a village head with so much wealth…"

Ji Yuan then took out 10,000 blood crystals as he floated it to him, "Well, Gong Muk. Here is the downpayment first. Once it is all done, I shall pay you the rest."

Gong Muk was truly shocked; 10 000 blood crystals could make him a really wealthy abyssal and he could even buy many slaves. 

In fact, Ji Yuan could just pay him 10 000 blood crystals to just buy his loyalty. 

1 million blood crystals were simply overkill and too much! 

Naturally Ji Yuan knows that this Gong Muk could not even earn 10 000 or 1 million blood crystals in his lifetime.

The reason why he was offering Gong Muk so much was because he wanted to ensure that he would not be betrayed.

Ji Yuan grinned, "Good. From now onward, you shall follow me and be my steward. On the outside, you shall be my 'master' and we shall be your slaves."

Gong Muk asked curiously, "I don't understand why we are doing it?"

Ji Yuan grinned, "That is because we are going to the Royal City of Nefarious, the heart of the Nefarious Blood Kingdom."

Gong Muk was truly shocked and was speechless…

Even Tang Manni and Little Jie'Er were looking shocked; they know that Ji Yuan intends to visit the nearest city but they did not know how Ji Yuan is going to accomplish that.

Ji Yuan's plan was to walk in broad daylight to the Royal City of Nefarious by pretending to be a slave of Gong Muk.

This was too audacious and too crazy! 

Xiang Li weakly said: Big Brother, are you sure that you are not courting your own death in this manner?

Even Anyang was in disbelief: This is… actually my lord's plans?! 

Ji Yuan frowned: Since we are already here in this place, are we going to hide in the Bloody Forest and miss out on the splendid views of the Dark Abyssal?

Anyang weakly answered: You are not here for sightseeing…

Ji Yuan laughed: Don't worry. I don't have a feud with anyone. I didn't exactly kill their nobles or anything. I am a friendly cultivator. Haha…


Author Note:

I. I shifted the bedroom scene to the last chapter as this chapter is a little too long.

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