The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 898 Day 2 Of The 3rd Trial (2)

Barely a few moments had happened when Hunter Snow Black had appeared, Heng Wujian had charged forward with his heaven-step divine sword. "Hunter or huntress, it doesn't matter to me. Because I'll still slaughter you!

With that he had raised his powerful profound aura like a flaring flash of light as he flew to engage Hunter Snow Black.

Hunter Snow Black swung her black spear and a brilliant burst of profound death ray expanded from it, instantly tossing Heng Wujian back against the massive wall with a thunderous crash! 

Heng Wujian could not believe that with his great saint cultivation realm, he was unable to even resist her black spear attack and it was only one stroke!

Two dark raptors were immediately upon Heng Wujian to rip him apart but Ji Yuan was upon them immediately; he quickly sent the two dark raptors to roll off immediately while he grabbed the injured the Heng Wujian who had not recovered from his terrifying profound attack of his attacker. 

As he grabbed Heng Wujian, a burst of death ray exploded outward from the Hunter Snow Black against him, sending Ji Yuan to fly off with Heng Wujian.

This had the effect of triggering his sword aura even though Ji Yuan had already raised his Xiang Li to defend himself with his ultra sword spirit. 

Ji Yuan was sent flying off more than twenty steps with Heng Wujian and his divine sword was hot with the undissipated profound energies of the death ray profound attack. 

As for Sun Dashu and Zhao Gao, they had already fled to one of the passages. 

"What the heck?!"

Ji Yuan was astonished that the 'righteous sounding' Sun Dashu and Zhao Gao that were so adamant in fighting earlier were actually fleeing even they had even fought.

No fleeing?! 

Impressing their divine consorts with their heroics?

It is all craps! 

Even Heng Wujian had turned around to escape but not before saying to Ji Yuan, "This Hunter Snow Black is too powerful! We need to flee as quickly as possible…"

And he had run to the other passage way. 

Ji Yuan actually did not intend to fight anyway as the aim of this trial is to survive as long as possible for 4 days. Moreover, this Hunter Snow Black was unkillable. 

So Ji Yuan ran into the passage where Heng Wujian had headed to as well. 

This shocked Heng Wujian, "Why are you following me?"

Ji Yuan grinned weakly, "Haha. By dividing ourselves into two passages, maybe this Hunter Snow Black won't hunt us down and instead go into the other passage way."

Heng Wujian shook his head with a soft sigh, "The two of us have just made an enemy with this Hunter Snow Black. Don't you know the hunter's mentality? A hunter will never give up his pursue. If you go to the other passage way, we may have a 50 / 50 chance of survival."

Ji Yuan chuckled as he ran, "Well, I didn't know you are quite acknowledgeable about this…"

Just as he had said that, the Hunter Snow Black and the 7 dark raptors were all running in the same passage as them and were chasing them from behind them!

Heng Wujian sighed heavily, "Now we are screwed. If we can survive to find the next passage, we shall split to divert their attention. In this way, one of us may survive."

Despites Heng Wujian's injuries, his running speed did not slow down and he was surprised that Ji Yuan could even catch up with him.

Ji Yuan had suddenly turned around to slow down his pursuers with several powerful sword bursts before he returned his attention to say to Heng Wujian, "Actually… your logic won't work…"

Heng Wujian: ???

Ji Yuan took a mouthful of breath before resuming to explain, "I have actually entered the same passage way as you because I know that no matter which passage way I choose, this Hunter Snow Black will surely follow me."

"What do you mean?"

"That Hunter Snow White's killing intention seems to be locked onto me. I can sense it." Ji Yuan chuckled softly.

"Then what the heck are you following me for?!" Heng Wujian was in disbelief as he ran, almost missing a step.

Ji Yuan grinned, "Do you think that the other 2 cultivators will be able to survive the pursue instead?"

Then he added without waiting for Heng Wujian to answer him back, "So I've placed my bet on you instead."I think you should take a look at

Heng Wujian: …

It was true that Ji Yuan did this on purpose.

All of a sudden Ji Yuan had slowed down his running speed and allowed Heng Wujian to run ahead when they had ran into a smaller passage way that had steps upward. 

With a powerful swing of his sword, he had unleashed the Super Heaven Light of the Coiling Light in the midst of the steps.

It was because he knew that Hunter Snow Black was also about to attack him from the back.

Indeed, he was right for Hunter Snow Black had already unleashed a powerful death ray with her long black spear. 

The profound energies speed of this Hunter Snow Black was insanely fast and matched even Ji Yuan's charging speed in his profound energies as well.

That was why Ji Yuan could not rely on his divine sense and he could only rely on his inherent instincts to predict his opponent's moves.

The two powerful waves of profound energies instantly collided against each other and 2 unfortunate dark raptors were caught in the attacking paths, resulting in instant deaths.

Their deaths had also caused them to instantly exploded over the Hunter Snow Black as she raised her black spear to defend herself.

But one of the dark raptors was killed by the death explosions and it had exploded again.

Now there were 4 dark raptors that had remained.

At the same time Hunter Snow Black and the 4 dark raptors were flung back to the beginning of the steps.

When the explosive profound energies had cleared and Hunter Snow Black had regained her balance, Ji Yuan had already disappeared. 

Hunter Snow Black looked extremely angry because it was as though this Ji Yuan knows exactly when she would attack and had timed it to be so in this small passage. 

Even when he was fleeing and chatting with his companion, this Ji Yuan was still able to react with such extraordinary reflexes.

She was very sure that this Ji Yuan must be an experienced hunter himself. 

Indeed, she was not wrong about this.

Ji Yuan was in fact so good in playing the role of the hunted and the hunter that he could switch between these two roles so well with his pure audacity. 

When Ji Yuan had ended his cultivation retreat and returned to his Orthodox Sword Sect, he had learnt that someone had been bullying his sect and Fairy Ye Chengxi.

Ji Yuan did something so audacious that no other cultivator in their right minds would dare to do; he had killed the bullies and even deliver himself to the Emperor Hall Sect to face off the hunters directly. 

His audacity shocked Fairy Ye Chengxi because she had never known that her old master would be so thick skinned to go to the Emperor Hall Sect to claim for a reward for 'helping' the Emperor Hall Sect to bring the corpses of their two fallen bullies. 

Not to mention that Ji Yuan had even tried to storm the Celestial Orthodox twice over to look for Xue Qianxue, never mind that he would soon be sent packing.

This was not the end of his audacity.

The first time that he was captured by the Celestial Orthodox Sect, he had even allowed himself to be whipped by Qin Shuang for 3 weeks to lure out his shadow followers. 

He could actually break out with his profound strength but he had pretended to be a lower cultivation realm cultivator as he pondered things over. (See Chapter 39)

Even for his death duel with the Hundred Flower Divine Palace, 

But one thing was for sure.

Ji Yuan had no sense of fear even when he was being hunted; he would not hesitate to run when necessary or to turn around to fight at the right opportunity. 


Author Note:

1. I'd really appreciate it if the readers can contribute power stones to this story as a show of support even if you are reading from other websites. Your spirit stones are crucial for motivations and releases. Also, it means alot me/ story, Many love and thanks! ლ(⌒▽⌒ლ)

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